国立情報学研究所 - ディジタル・シルクロード・プロジェクト

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The Thousand Buddhas : vol.1
千仏 : vol.1

キャプション 目次

0086 [Photo] I 薬師東方浄瑠璃浄土図The Paradise of Bhais(原文はsの下にピリオド)ajyaguru
0087 [Photo] II 薬師東方浄瑠璃浄土図The Paradise of Bhais(原文はsの下にピリオド)ajyaguru
0088 [Photo] III 浄土の聖衆A celestial assemblage
0089 [Photo] IV 文珠菩薩と普賢菩薩による行列Processions of Mañjuśrī and Samantabhadra
0090 [Photo] V 文珠菩薩と普賢菩薩による行列Processions of Mañjuśrī and Samantabhadra
0091 [Photo] VI 浄土図絵の細部Detail from a painting of a Buddhist Heaven
0092 [Photo] VII 釈迦牟尼の浄土図(霊山浄土図)The Paradise of Śākyamuni
0093 [Photo] VIII 阿弥陀極楽浄土図Amitānha's Paradise
0094 [Photo] IX~@tl 弥勒浄土の説話画Legendary scenes from a paiting of Maitreya's Paradise
0094 [Photo] IX~@tr 弥勒浄土の説話画Legendary scenes from a paiting of Maitreya's Paradise
0094 [Photo] IX~@b 弥勒浄土の説話画Legendary scenes from a paiting of Maitreya's Paradise
0095 [Photo] X 阿弥陀と脇侍Amitābha with attendants
0096 [Photo] XI 阿弥陀極楽浄土図A Paradise of Amitābha
0097 [Photo] XII~@l ゴーダマ・ブッダの生涯を基に描いた説話画Scenes from Gautama Buddha's Life
0097 [Photo] XII~@c ゴーダマ・ブッダの生涯を基に描いた説話画Scenes from Gautama Buddha's Life
0097 [Photo] XII~@b ゴーダマ・ブッダの生涯を基に描いた説話画Scenes from Gautama Buddha's Life
0098 [Photo] XIII~@l 仏陀の説話画Scenes from the Buddha legend
0098 [Photo] XIII~@r 仏陀の説話画Scenes from the Buddha legend
0099 [Photo] XIV 如来像と菩薩像Images of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
0100 [Photo] XV 二観音像Two forms of Avalokiteśvara
0101 [Photo] XVI 四観音像Four forms of Avalokiteśvara
0102 [Photo] XVII 光輪に包まれる観音の図Avalokiteśvara in Glory
0103 [Photo] XVIII 楊楊観音立像Avalokiteśvara standing, with willow spray
0104 [Photo] XIX~@l 楊柳観音像2種Two Avalokiteśvaras with the willow
0104 [Photo] XIX~@r 楊柳観音像2種Two Avalokiteśvaras with the willow
0105 [Photo] XX 燃え立つような光輪をたたえた観音像Avalokiteśvara with flame-wreathed halo
0106 [Photo] XXI 観音立像Avalokiteśvara standing
0107 [Photo] XXII~@t 観音とダーナの絵図2種Two Avalokiteśvara paintings with donors
0107 [Photo] XXII~@b 観音とダーナの絵図2種Two Avalokiteśvara paintings with donors
0108 [Photo] XXIII 菩薩を伴った六手観音図Six-armed Avalokiteśvara with attendant Bodhisattvas
0109 [Photo] XXIV~@l 観音像の紙画2種Two paper paintings of Avalokiteśvara
0109 [Photo] XXIV~@r 観音像の紙画2種Two paper paintings of Avalokiteśvara
0110 [Photo] XXV~@t 地蔵菩薩像2種Two paintings Ks(原文はsの下にピリオド)itigarbha
0110 [Photo] XXV~@b 地蔵菩薩像2種Two paintings Ks(原文はsの下にピリオド)itigarbha
0111 [Photo] XXVI 前進する毘沙門天の図Vaiśravan(原文はnの下にピリオド)a Progress
0112 [Photo] XXVII~@l 広目天像と文珠菩薩像Virūpāks(原文はsの下にピリオド)a and Mañjuśrī
0112 [Photo] XXVII~@r 広目天像と文珠菩薩像Virūpāks(原文はsの下にピリオド)a and Mañjuśrī
0113 [Photo] XXVIII ロカパーラの半身像Bust of a Lokapāla
0114 [Photo] XXIX~@l ダルマパーラ(護法神)2体と菩薩像Two Dharmapālas and a Bodhisattva
0114 [Photo] XXIX~@c ダルマパーラ(護法神)2体と菩薩像Two Dharmapālas and a Bodhisattva
0114 [Photo] XXIX~@r ダルマパーラ(護法神)2体と菩薩像Two Dharmapālas and a Bodhisattva
0115 [Photo] XXX~@l 極楽浄土図の端の部分と細部Side-scenes and details from a Buddhist Paradise painting
0115 [Photo] XXX~@tr 極楽浄土図の端の部分と細部Side-scenes and details from a Buddhist Paradise painting
0115 [Photo] XXX~@br 極楽浄土図の端の部分と細部Side-scenes and details from a Buddhist Paradise painting
0116 [Photo] XXXI チベット画の多羅菩薩像A Tibetan painting of Tārā
0117 [Photo] XXXII~@t 紙本の菩薩像、聖人、僧の像Paper pictures of a Bodhisattva, saint, and monk
0117 [Photo] XXXII~@c 紙本の菩薩像、聖人、僧の像Paper pictures of a Bodhisattva, saint, and monk
0117 [Photo] XXXII~@b 紙本の菩薩像、聖人、僧の像Paper pictures of a Bodhisattva, saint, and monk
0118 [Photo] XXXIII~@t 竜馬と遁世人を描いた紙画Paper pictures of hermit and horse-dragon
0118 [Photo] XXXIII~@b 竜馬と遁世人を描いた紙画Paper pictures of hermit and horse-dragon
0120 [Photo] XXXIV 霊鷲山の釈迦牟尼の刺繍画(刺繍釈迦牟尼説法図)Embroidery picture of Śākyamuni on the Vulture Peak
0121 [Photo] XXXV 霊鷲山の釈迦牟尼の刺繍画(刺繍釈迦牟尼説法図)Embroidery picture of Śākyamuni on the Vulture Peak
0122 [Photo] XXXVI 薬師東方浄瑠璃浄土図Bhais(原文はsの下にピリオド)ajyaguru's Paradise
0123 [Photo] XXXVII~@l 仏陀の伝説を描いた幟Banners with scenes from the Buddha legend
0123 [Photo] XXXVII~@c 仏陀の伝説を描いた幟Banners with scenes from the Buddha legend
0123 [Photo] XXXVII~@r 仏陀の伝説を描いた幟Banners with scenes from the Buddha legend
0124 [Photo] XXXVIII~@t 後光さす仏陀と魂を導く観音の絵図Buddha Tejah(原文はhの下にピリオド)prabha and Avalokiteśvara as guide of souls
0124 [Photo] XXXVIII~@b 後光さす仏陀と魂を導く観音の絵図Buddha Tejah(原文はhの下にピリオド)prabha and Avalokiteśvara as guide of souls
0125 [Photo] XXXIX 地蔵菩薩と地獄の裁き人の絵図Ks(原文はsの下にピリオド)itigarbha with the Infernal Judges
0126 [Photo] XL 地蔵菩薩と地獄の裁き人の絵図Ks(原文はsの下にピリオド)itigarbha as Patron of Travellers
0127 [Photo] XLI~@l 観音像と菩薩像2種Avalokiteśvara and two other Bodhisattvas
0127 [Photo] XLI~@c 観音像と菩薩像2種Avalokiteśvara and two other Bodhisattvas
0127 [Photo] XLI~@r 観音像と菩薩像2種Avalokiteśvara and two other Bodhisattvas
0128 [Photo] XLII 千手観音と聖衆の絵図Avalokiteśvara, thousand-armed, with attendant divinities
0129 [Photo] XLIII ロカパーラを伴った観音像Avalokiteśvara with Lokapāla attendants
0130 [Photo] XLIV 観音立像の断片Fragment of standing Avalokiteśvara
0131 [Photo] XLV 大海を渡る毘沙門天の図Vaiśravan(原文はnの下にピリオド)a crossing the ocean
0132 [Photo] XLVI 悪鬼の手に捕らえれた稚児の絵図の断片Fragment with child on demon's hand
0133 [Photo] XLVII~@l ロカパーラの幟3種Three Lokapāla banners
0133 [Photo] XLVII~@c ロカパーラの幟3種Three Lokapāla banners
0133 [Photo] XLVII~@r ロカパーラの幟3種Three Lokapāla banners
0134 [Photo] XLVIII 悪鬼の武者像の断片Fragment with figure of demonic warrior.