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0220 Archaeological Researches in Sinkiang : vol.1
Archaeological Researches in Sinkiang : vol.1 / Page 220 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)


[Figure] 41 Grave at Yukken-gol, Quruq-tagh. Drawing from a photo by Dr. E. Norin.

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doi: 10.20676/00000195
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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Fig. 41. Grave at Yukken-gol, Quruq-tagh. Drawing from a photo by Dr. E. Norin.

strongly decayed remains of a human skeleton with the head eastwards, and at its feet some fragments of a sheep's skull. The iron objects marked in the list below were recovered from here. They are all very much decayed and broken. There was a horse's bit with a joint at the centre and a ring at each end, an oval ring with a projecting hook i. e. probably a buckle of the nomad style, and some indeterminable fragments.

It is impossible to date these fragments with any certainty. It seems likely, however, that they belong to the first millenium A. D.


Another grave found by NoRIN is shown in Fig. 41. It is situated at Yukken-gol boo m. due east of his camp 29 (cf. NoRIN's map Sheet Shindi). It consists of a rectangle, about 4 x 6 m., of slabs placed edgewise, and reminds one of certain stone graves in Inner Mongolia.

It is still too early to ascribe the Quruq-tagh graves to definite periods. They have probably been constructed in various ages and also by different peoples. Those coming inte the question are Huns, Avars, Turks, and Mongols. At all events these tombs must be anterior to the time when Islam asserted itself among the Turks and before Lamaism came to govern the minds and customs of the Mongols.


Shindi. From a ruined "cash öi."   K. 13438 : 5-6. Various small bones, teeth, coal etc.

K. 13438: 1. Potsherd from the projecting rim of Söget-bulaq.

a fairly large jar. Reddish-brown, K. 13440 : I. Bronze pendant ? with two circular

hard-burnt ware. Diam. of mouth has been 22.5   loops (one broken off) at one end.

cm.   The whole object is possibly a stylized animal re-

K. 13438: 2-4. Three potsherds from fairly large presentation. L. 55 mm. Pl. 15 3

vessels. About the same ware as K. 13440 : 2-3. Two potsherds of coarse red-brown

—:I but with yellow surface.   ware. Found inside the fortress.