National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
| |||||
Tibet and Turkestan | |
a journey through old lands and a study of new conditions | |
1905 | |
U.S. / New York | |
1 Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
Antiquities of Indian Tibet | |
Archæological survey of India | |
1914 | |
India / Calcutta | |
2 Volumes | |
English | |
eng | |
Cathay and the Way Thither | |
Being a Collection of Medieval Notices of China | |
A large collection of research papers on the history of East-West contacts in the Middle Ages. This famous work contains many original texts annnoted in fine detail, covers the theories of various scholars, and describes major trends in the development of East-West communications. The word ‘Cathay’ is a name for China, derived from Khitai, which was used in Western Europe from the latter half of the 13th century. The first volume is a summary essay of the history of East-West contacts in the Middle Ages. The second volume contains various travel logs and reports. The author Sir Henry Yule was awarded a gold medal by the Royal Geographical Society for producing this work. | |
1866 | |
England / London | |
2 Volumes | |
English | |
eng | |
Plan of Peking | |
Woodblock print map of Peking originally published in China. With alphabetic names added later. The original document from which this plan was lithographed, was brought from Peking by an Italian missionery and purchased by Sir Woodbine Parish, at Naples in 1842, by whom it was brought to Britain. | |
1843 | |
England / London | |
1 Volume | |
EnglishChinese | |
eng/zho | |
Explorations in Turkestan : Expedition of 1904 | |
Prehistoric Civilizations of Anau : Origins, Growth, and Influence of Environment | |
Report on Pumpelly’s 1904 expedition to Turkistan. Consists of excavations at the ancient Anau and Merv settlements, topographical studies on Central Asia, and reports on bones of people and animals excavated from Anau. | |
1908 | |
US / Washington D.C. | |
2 Volumes | |
English | |
eng | |
In Tibet and Chinese Turkestan | |
being the record of three years' exploration | |
1901 | |
England / London | |
1 Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
Scientific Results of a Journey in Central Asia, 1899-1902 | |
Hedin’s expedition report for his second expedition into Central Asia (1899-1904). It was on this expedition that Hedin discovered the ruins of the ancient garrison city of Loulan. The first 4 volumes of the work record his travels along the Tarim River, around Lop Nur and into western Tibet. Volumes 5 and 6 were compiled by specialists based on the detailed descriptions of meteorological, astronomical, and zoological conditions he wrote down in his expedition diary. Volumes 7 and 8 contain all of the detailed maps and charts of the Tarim River and Lop Nur written about in volumes 1 and 2. | |
1904-1907 | |
Sweden / Stockholm | |
4 Volumes | |
English | |
eng | |
Explorations in Turkestan : Expedition of 1903 | |
With and Account of the Basin of Eastern Persia and Sistan | |
Report on Pumpelly’s 1903 expedition to Turkistan. In addition to archaeological surveys of the ruins of ancient cities including Merv and Peikent in Bukhara, the report also includes the results of topographical studies. The survey covers West Turkistan from Bukhara to the Pamir Mountains, Samarkand the Tian Shan Mountains, Sir Darya, Issik Kul and also eastern Iran. | |
1905 | |
US / Washington D.C. | |
1Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
Southern Tibet | |
Discoveries in former times compared with my own researches in 1906-1908 | |
1915-1922 | |
Sweden / Stockholm | |
12 Volumes | |
English | |
eng | |
Results of a Scientific Mission to India and High Asia | |
Undertaken Between the Years MDCCCLIV and MDCCCLVIII | |
The report of the expedition to India and the Highlands of Asia conducted by Hermann, Adolf and Roberts, three of the five Schlagintweit Brothers from Germany. In 1854, at the recommendation of Alexander von Humboldt, the three brothers were invited by the British East India Company to conduct a survey of the Deccan Plateau and the Himalayas. In 1857, they travelled towards the Karakoram and the Kunlun Mountains. In the same year, Hermann and Robert returned to Germany, but Adolf remained in Central Asia and continued exploring. Tragically, he was killed by the Amir of Kashgar on August 26 of the same year. Therefore, this volume was completed by Hermann and Robert. This work is considered rare and valuable. In particular, the sketches of people living in the mountains are considered exceptionally noteworthy. | |
1861 | |
Germany / Leipzig ; England / London | |
Volume 3 and 5, 6 of 6 Volume Sets | |
English | |
eng | |
Views and Custom of North China | |
北清大観 | |
Album of photographs published by Yamamoto Syozo House. Contains photographs of historic and scenic spots in Tianjin, Peking and its suburbs. Short and clear commentaries are added to each photo. Important visual record of China in the end of Qing period. | |
1909 | |
Japan / Tokyo | |
1 Volume | |
JapaneseEnglish | |
jpn/eng | |
Sketches of Chinese Life & Character | |
Sketches of lives and customs in Canton in the time of the Qing Dyansty. It combines three volumes together; Part I -Part III. I: Caravan, Scene of Hair Cutting, Civil Force and etc. II: Costermongers, Funeral Procession (Coffin, Musicians, Flag-bearer, Undertaker), Game of Shuttlecock, Scene of Dinner and etc. III: On the City Wall of Canton, Coolies, Mandarin, and so on. | |
1860? | |
unknown | |
1 Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
Innermost Asia | |
Detailed Report of Explorations in Central Asia, Kan-su and Eastern Īrān | |
Report on the results of Stein’s third expedition to Central Asia (1913-1916). Consists of two main texts, one book of pictures, and one book of maps. The aim of Stein’s third expedition was to find traces of ancient communication routes between East and West. The survey covered a wide area from the Tarim Basin to the west Kangsu, and also to eastern Iran. This volume also contains valuable records are on the study of burial mounds clusters found at Kharakhoto (Heishuicheng) and Astana. | |
1928 | |
England / Oxford | |
4 Volumes | |
English | |
eng | |
Baukunst und Landschaft in China | |
Architectural Arts and Landscapes in China | |
Eine Reise Durch Zwӧlf Provinzen | |
A Travel Through Twelve Provinces | |
The author, Ernst Boerschmann, carried out research on Chinese old architectures in twelve provinces in China from 1906 until 1909. This book is one of the late publications based upon these reseach. Contains full of rare photographs of old buildings in various regions in China. | |
1926 | |
Germany / Berlin | |
1 Volume | |
GermanEnglishFrench | |
deu/eng/fra | |
Views of China | |
A valuable collection of photographs taken in China between the end of the 19th and start of the 20th century. The photographs vividly capture the Chinese people and society of the day, and are accompanied by Morrison’s handwritten explanations. | |
unknown | |
unknown | |
2 Volumes | |
English | |
eng | |
Memoir on Maps of Chinese Turkistan and Kansu | |
from the Surveys made during sir Aurel Stein's Explorations 1900-1, 1906-8, 1913-5 | |
Stein’s memoirs about the large scale maps which were included in his expedition report, Innermost Asia, for his third expedition into Central Asia. The maps from this third expedition were a huge achievement, and this memoir provides information on the numerical values and surveying methods used to compile the maps, as well as useful data and cartographic issues for each particular map. | |
1923 | |
India / Dehra Dūn | |
Volume 1 of 2 Volume Sets | |
English | |
eng | |
Sino-Iranica | |
Chinese Contributions to the History of Civilization in Ancient Iran | |
1919 | |
U.S. / Chicago | |
1 Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
The Book of Ser Marco Polo | |
the Venetian, concerning the Kingdoms and marvels of the East | |
1903 | |
England / London | |
2 Volumes | |
English | |
eng | |
Marco Polo | |
The description of the world | |
1938 | |
England / London | |
2 Volumes | |
EnglishLatin | |
eng/lat | |
Ancient Khotan | |
Detailed Report of Archaeological Explorations in Chinese Turkestan | |
Report on the results of Stein’s first expedition to Central Asia (1900-1901). Consists of the main text and plates for each volume. Stein’s expeditions are considered the most orthodox. He collected a vast volume of artifacts and documents and produced accurate records and detailed maps. Stein wrote three volumes of reports in 11 separate books. His records are indispensable for the study of the western region. This report is the first volume. The main study area is the region around Khotan. The report includes the results of excavations at the ruins of ancient temples in Dandang-Uliq and Khadalik, Kharosti documents found in the ruins at Niya, and pictures of numerous paintings, sculptures and ancient documents. | |
1907 | |
England / Oxford | |
2 Volumes | |
English | |
eng | |
The Heart of a Continent | |
a narrative of travels in Manchuria, across the Gobi Desert, through the Himalayas, the Pamirs, and Chitral, 1884-1894 | |
1896 | |
England / London | |
1 Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
Album of Hongkong Canton Macao Amoy Foochow | |
Photographs of Hongkong, Canton, Macao, Amoy and Foochow (Fuzhou) taken by Morrison. Consists of 115 photos in all. Pictures of Amoy were taken in 1868, while the rest were in 1870. Contains a short handwritten commentary by Morrison at the beginning. | |
taken about 1870? | |
unknown | |
1 Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
India | |
Photographs and drawings of historical buildings. 100 plates reproduced by W. Griggs. From the collection in the late office of curator of ancient monuments in India. | |
1896 | |
England / London | |
1 Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
Archaeological researches in Sinkiang | |
Especially the Lop-nor Region | |
One of the reports by a joint Chinese-Swedish exploration team (Sino-Swedish Northwest China Scientific Inspection Team) led by Sven Hedin, published as 7 (archaeology)-1. Records details of archaeological items collected by the Swedish and expedition participants in the Lop Nor region during a 1928-31 expedition to Xinjiang. | |
1939 | |
Sweden / Stockholm | |
1 Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
Notes on Marco Polo | |
ouvrage posthum, publié sous les auspices de l'Académie des Inscriptions e Belles-Lettres e avec le Concours du Centre national de la Recherche scientifique | |
1959-1973 | |
France / Paris | |
3 Volumes | |
English | |
eng | |
Sino-Siberian Art | |
in the collection of C. T. Loo | |
1933 | |
France / Paris | |
1 Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
Souvenir of Nanking | |
金陵勝観 | |
Guidebook of Naking compiled by Fusazo Sugi'e at the end of the Qing Period. Sugi'e was an owner of a bookshop named Nihondo in Shanghai. This guidebook shows routes to Nanking in those days, and introduces tourist spots with photographs like the ruin of Ming Palace in Nanking. Short commentaries are attached to each photo. It contains some photos of ruins which has now been lost. | |
1910 | |
China / Shanghai | |
1 Volume | |
JapaneseEnglish | |
jpn/eng | |
Peking to Lhasa | |
the narrative of journeys in the Chinese Empire made by the late Brigadier-General George Pereira | |
1926 | |
U. S. / Boston | |
1 Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
Sand-Buried Ruins of Khotan | |
personal narrative of a journey of archaeological and geographical exploration in Chinese Turkestan | |
1903 | |
England / London | |
1 Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
History of the expedition in Asia, 1927-1935 | |
Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin : the Sino-Swedish Expedition | |
Publication 23 to 25 out of the voluminous series, the Sino-Swedish Expedition (1927-1935). An introduction of the whole series: a survey of the course, organization of the expedition and a description of the circumstances of each work. The expedition was lead by Dr. Sven Hedin in the North-Western region of China. The various scientifc results represented in the series were classified in eleven groups: I. Geography, II. Geodesy, III. Geology, IV. Palaeobotany, V. Invertebrate Palaeontology, VI. Vertebrate Palaeontology, VII. Archaeology, VIII. Ethnography, IX. Meteorology, X. Zoology, XI. Botany. Significant academic results were gained through these expeditions. Especially, the most remarkable exploits were the investigation of Lop-nor moved back to the previous location, and the excavation of ruins and wooden strips in Han Dynasty at Edsen-gol (Etsin-gol, Juyan, 居延). | |
1943-44 | |
Sweden / Stockholm | |
3 Volumes | |
English | |
eng | |
Overland to India | |
with 308 Illustrations from Photographs, Watercolour Sketches, and Drawings by the Author and 2 Maps | |
Hedin’s travel record about his travels across the Persian desert from October 1905 to June 1906. Hedin was on his way from Stockholm to begin his explorations of Tibet, but rather than take the direct ocean route, he elected to travel overland instead, cutting across the Persian desert. Traveling east of Tehran through the great salt Desert (the Kavir), Hedin recorded many details of the landscape and the people of the region. | |
1910 | |
Sweden / Stockholm | |
2 Volumes | |
English | |
eng | |
Across Asia | |
from West to East in 1906-1908 | |
Mannerheim’s expedition report on his solo journey (1906-1908) on behalf of the Russian army. Departing Saint Petersburg by train in 1906, he journeyed to Kashgar by way of Tashkent and Andizhan. From there, he continued on to explore Yarkand and Khotan. He also visited Urumqi and Turfan, before heading on to Hami, Barkul, Dunhuang, and then on to Suzhou in Gansu Province and Taiyuan/Wutai Mountain before arriving in Beijing in 1908. It was a solo journey covering some 14,000 kilometers. Acquiring 1200 relics, 2000 old manuscripts and other fragments, as well as taking 1370 photographs, his expedition was valued highly by scholars. His account was first published by the Finno-Ugrian Society in 1940, and this edition is a reprint of that manuscript. The book was published in two volumes, one on the account of his travels and the other on the artifacts he brought back. The Toyo Bunko archives only contain the first volume travel account. | |
1969 | |
Netherlands / Oosterhout | |
1 Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
Among the Celestials | |
a narrative of travels in Manchuria, across the Gobi desert, through the Himalayas to India | |
1898 | |
England / London | |
1 Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
The Pulse of Asia | |
a journey in Central Asia illustrating the geographic basis of history | |
1907 | |
England / London | |
1 Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
On Ancient Central-Asian Tracks | |
Brief Narrative of Three Expeditions in Innermost Asia and North-Western China | |
Stein’s travel record of all three of his expeditions into Central Asia (1900-01, 1906-08, and 1913-15). Written for the general reader, the account is based on a lecture series Stein delivered at Harvard University’s Lowell Institute in Boston and describes many of his personal recollections of his expeditions into Central Asia. | |
1933 | |
England / London | |
1 Volumes | |
English | |
eng | |
Album of Photographic Views in China | |
Album of photographs taken in the time when British and French forces invaded China during the Second Opium War. Cosists of 21 sheets of original print photographs. Contains of photographs of Peking and Taku (大沽) Forts just after the battle. That fort was one of the main battlefields which located in the mouth of Peihe River (白河) in Peitang (北塘, now Tianjin) . In addition, this album includes photos of Hongkong, Canton and its surrounding areas where the photographer Beato visited on the way from India to the battlefield in the Northern China. Each photograph is pasted on fabric mounts. Five of all are panoramic views consisting of several sheets of photographs. | |
unknown | |
unknown | |
1 Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
Ser Marco Polo | |
notes and addenda to sir Henry Yule's edition, containing the results of recent research and discovery | |
1920 | |
England / London | |
1 Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
Photographic Views of Canton | |
Album of photographs taken by Morrison in Canton. Date unknown. Morrison wrote a commentary by hand at the bottom right of each page. | |
unknown | |
unknown | |
1 Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
Ruins of Desert Cathay | |
Personal Narrative of Explorations in Central Asia and Westernmost China | |
Stein’s travel record of his second expedition into Central Asia (1906-08). The book was published in two volumes for the general reader. A detailed scholarly report of the expedition was published in his 5 volume work, Serindia. | |
1907 | |
England / London | |
2 Volumes | |
English | |
eng | |
Wall Paintings from Ancient Shrines in Central Asia | |
Recovered by Sir Aurel Stein | |
1948 | |
England / London | |
2 Volumes | |
English | |
eng | |
Report of a Mission to Yarkund in 1873 | |
Under Command of Sir T.D. Forsyth, K.C.S.I., C.B., Bengal Civil Service, with Historical and Geographical Information Regarding the Possessions of the Ameer of Yarkund | |
Report on Sir T. D. Forsyth's travel to Yarkund, where he made researches on Turkistan and Yakub Beg in 1873. Forsyth had a great interest in history and archaeology in this region, evoked by a report by a British surveyor, William Johnson, who had surveyed Taklamakan Desert in 1860's and had reported the existence of ancient cities near Khotan. This report contains numerous buried ancient ruins and relics (e.g., image of Buddha, ca. 10th century) along with plenty of photographs of those days. | |
1875 | |
India / Calcutta | |
1 Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
Archaeological Reconnaissances in North-Western India and South-Eastern Iran | |
Report on archaeological studies carried out by Stein between 1931 and 1936 in northwest India and Southeast Iran. Prior to these studies, from 1926 ot 1927 and from 1927 to 1928, Stein had surveyed the previous history of archeological sites in a wide area covering British Baluchistan, Makran and neighboring southern Iran. This archaeological study followed on from those surveys. The report comprises topographical studies related to the Indian expeditions of Alexander the Great, and studies of ruins recorded in Xuan Zang’s ‘The Salt Range’. Includes an appendix relating to pottery fragments excavated from southern Iran and Northern Punjab. | |
1937 | |
England / London | |
1 Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
Serindia | |
Detailed Report of Explorations in Central Asia and Westernmost China | |
Report on the results of Stein’s second expedition to Central Asia (1906-1908). Consists of three books of main text, one book of pictures, and one book of maps. Stein’s expeditions are considered the most orthodox. He collected a vast volume of artifacts and documents, produced accurate records and detailed maps. Stein wrote three volumes of reports in 11 separate books. His records are indispensable for the study of the western region. This report is the second volume. The study covers both the northern and southern routes in the western region, as far as Kangsu. During the second expedition, Stein discovered a statue of a winged angel at Miran. In 1900, he purchased a huge volume of documents and Buddhist paintings recently discovered at the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang. His other notable achievements included excavations of the ruined wall defenses from the Han Dynasty in the region north of Dunhuang. | |
1921 | |
England / Oxford | |
5 Volumes | |
English | |
eng | |
The Thousand Buddhas | |
Ancient Buddhist Paintings from the Cave-Temples of Tung-huang on the Western Frontier of China | |
A large-color printed book showing Buddhist paintings from the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang. Stein collected these paintings during his second expedition to Central Asia (1906-08). Includes L.Binyon’s essay ‘Dunhuang paintings and their place amongst Buddhist art’, together with Stein’s descriptions of 48 Buddhist paintings. | |
1921 | |
England / London | |
1 Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
Peking | |
北京名勝 | |
Album of photographs edited and published by Sanshichiro Yamamoto, who owned a photo studio named Yamamoto Syozo House. It contains photos of Peking and its suburbs in the end of Qing period; historic places like Summer Palace, Lama Temple, Ming Tombs, along with photos of people at that time. | |
1906 | |
China / Peking | |
1 Volume | |
JapaneseEnglish | |
jpn/eng | |
India and Tibet | |
A history of the relations which have subsisted between the two countries from the time of Warren Hastings to 1910 | |
1910 | |
England / London | |
1 Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
Central Asia Atlas | |
Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin : the Sino-Swedish Expedition | |
Hedin’s expedition report on his 1927-35 Sino-Swedish Expedition. His 47th expedition report, the Central Asian Atlas was compiled from the large quantity of astro-fix and radio-longitude data taken by the Sino-Swedish Expedition team. When work on the atlas compilation was started in 1938 it was planned to have the work published in Germany, but Germany’s defeat in WWII put the project on hold. In 1945, the Army Map Service in Washington DC took up the project. After amending various territory names, the atlas was published in 1950 as part of their AMS-1301 series. In 1966, the atlas was re-published as a Sino-Swedish Expedition publication. This latter publication had additional detailed data on local vegetation and bodies of water. Out of the countless maps created by Hedin, this particular atlas is the most well known and it, along with the maps created by Aurel Stein, remain essential reference material for those involved in Silk Road research. | |
1966 | |
Sweden / Stockholm | |
1 Volume | |
English | |
eng | |
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