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Digital Archive of Toyo Bunko Rare Books

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New!Citation Information

doi: 10.20676/00000184
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

Collection Information

Title Den Vandrande Sjön
English Title The Wandering Lake
Description An expedition and travel journal describing Hedin’s journey to Lop Nor between April and June 1934, which was part of his fifth and final expedition to Central Asia. The ‘Wandering Lake’ is a name Hedin himself gave to Lake Lop Nor, the largest lake in Tarim basin. The name is based on the theory that the lake's location moved according to changes in the courses of the rivers feeding it. This volume records Hedin’s journey to Lop Nor, a journey which proved the theory. Hedin canoed down the Tarim River which had returned to one of its old watercourses and found Lake Lop Nor which had returned to its previous location. Hedin also surveyed the surrounding area and excavated Kroraina (Loulan) tombs. Over the course of his life, Hedin Road nearly 50 books, but this volume, which describes his last journey, is the most widely known and has been translated into 30 languages.
Year of Publication 1937
Location of Publication Sweden / Stockholm
Volume Information 1 Volume
ISO639-1 Swedish
ISO639-3 sve
English Translation Version "The wandering lake"London, 1940

Volume Information

Title Den Vandrande Sjön
English Title The Wandering Lake
Volume vol.1
Author Hedin
Description An expedition and travel journal describing Hedin’s journey to Lop Nor between April and June 1934, which was part of his fifth and final expedition to Central Asia. The “Wandering Lake” is a name Hedin himself gave to Lake Lop Nor, the largest lake in Tarim basin. The name is based on the theory that the lake's location moved according to changes in the courses of the rivers that feed it. This volume records Hedin’s journey to Lop Nor, a journey which proved the theory. Hedin canoed down the Tarim River which had returned to one of its old watercourses and found Lake Lop Nor which had returned to its previous location. Hedin also surveyed the surrounding area and excavated Kroraina (Loulan) tombs. Over the course of his life, Hedin Road nearly 50 books, but this volume, which describes his last journey is the most widely known, and has been translated into 30 languages.
Year of Publication 1937
Measurements (cm) 24x17