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西域考古図譜 : vol.2

キャプション 目次

0017 [Photo] (1)  西晋元康六年写諸仏要集経巻下(吐峪)溝Manuscript of the Zhufo yaoji jing (Buddhasaṃgīti sūtra), second part, dated year 6 of Yuankang 元康 era (296 CE) of the Western Jin dynasty (Toyuq)
0019 [Photo] (2)  西晋写道行般若経巻九(吐峪溝)Manuscript of the Daoxing Bore jing (Mahāprajñāpāramitā sūtra translated by Lokakṣema), 9th juan, Western Jin period (Toyuq)
0021 [Photo] (3)~(1) 西晋写道行般若経巻九(吐峪溝)Manuscript of the Daoxing Bore jing (Mahāprajñāpāramitā sūtra translated by Lokakṣema), 9th juan, Western Jin period (Toyuq)
0021 [Photo] (3)~(2) 六朝写仏典断片(喀喇和卓)Buddhist manuscript fragment, Six Dynasties period (Karakhoja)
0021 [Photo] (3)~(3) 六朝写仏典断片(喀喇和卓)Buddhist manuscript fragment, Six Dynasties period (Karakhoja)
0023 [Photo] (4) 西涼建初七年写妙法蓮華経巻一(庫車)Manuscript of the Miaofa lianhua jing (Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra), 1st juan, dated year 7 of Jianchu 建初 era (412 CE) of the Western Liang dynasty (Kucha)
0025 [Photo] (5)  西涼建初七年写妙法蓮華経巻一〔(4)接続〕Manuscript of the Miaofa lianhua jing (Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra), 1st juan, dated year 7 of Jianchu 建初 era (412 CE) of the Western Liang dynasty [continuation of (4)]
0027 [Photo] (6)  六朝写妙法蓮華経巻二(庫車)Manuscript of the Miaofa lianhua jing (Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra), 2nd juan, Six Dynasties period (Kucha)
0029 [Photo] (7)  六朝写妙法蓮華経巻五(庫車)Manuscript of the Miaofa lianhua jing (Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra), 5th juan, Six Dynasties period (Kucha)
0031 [Photo] (8)  六朝写妙法蓮華経巻七普賢菩薩勧発品(赫色勒古洞)Manuscript of the Miaofa lianhua jing (Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra), 7th juan, Epilogue on bodhisattva Samantabhadra. Six Dynasties period (Qizil Caves)
0033 [Photo] (9)  六朝写正法華経巻五(喀喇和卓)Manuscript of the Zhengfa lianhua jing (Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra), 5th juan. Six Dynasties period (Karakhoja)
0035 [Photo] (10)~(1) 六朝写正法華経巻一(喀喇和卓)Manuscript of the Zhengfa lianhua jing (Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra), 1st juan. Six Dynasties period (Karakhoja)
0035 [Photo] (10)~(2) 六朝写正法華経巻五(喀喇和卓)Manuscript of the Zhengfa lianhua jing (Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra), 5th juan. Six Dynasties period (Karakhoja)
0035 [Photo] (10)~(3) 六朝写正法華経巻五、六Manuscript of the Zhengfa lianhua jing (Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra), 5th and 6th juan. Six Dynasties period (Karakhoja)
0035 [Photo] (10)~(4) 六朝写正法華経巻六(喀喇和卓)Manuscript of the Zhengfa lianhua jing (Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra), 6th juan. Six Dynasties period (Karakhoja)
0037 [Photo] (11)  六朝写道行般若経巻九(吐峪溝)Manuscript of the Daoxing Bore jing (Mahāprajñāpāramitā sūtra translated by Lokakṣema), 9th juan, Western Jin period (Toyuq)
0039 [Photo] (12)  六朝写摩訶般若波羅蜜学品(赫色勒古洞)Manuscript of the Mohe Bore boluomi jing (Mahāprajñāpāramitā sūtra, translated by Kumarajiva), section on the Learning (xue 学). Six Dynasties period (Qizil Caves)
0041 [Photo] (13)  六朝写般若経四攝品(庫車)Manuscript of the Bore jing (Prajñāpāramitā sūtra), section on the Four Methods (sishe 四攝) (Kucha).
0043 [Photo] (14)  六朝写摩訶般若波羅蜜経巻一(庫車)Manuscript of the Mohe Bore boluomi jing (Mahāprajñāpāramitā sūtra translated by Kumarajiva), 1st juan. Six Dynasties period (Kucha)
0045 [Photo] (15)~(1) 六朝写般若波羅蜜経二諦品(庫車)Manuscript of the Bore boluomi jing (Prajñāpāramitā sūtra), section on the Twofold Truth (erdi 二諦), Six Dynasties period (Kucha)
0045 [Photo] (15)~(2) 六朝写般若波羅蜜経二諦品(庫車)Manuscript of the Bore boluomi jing (Prajñāpāramitā sūtra), section on the Twofold Truth (erdi 二諦), Six Dynasties period (Kucha)
0047 [Photo] (16)  六朝写大品般若波羅蜜経巻二十八(庫車)Manuscript of the Dapin Bore boluomi jing (Mahāprajñāpāramitā sūtra), 28th juan, Six Dynasties period (Kucha)
0049 [Photo] (17) 六朝写金光明経巻二(庫車)Manuscript of the Jinguangming jing (Suvarṇaprabhāsôttama sūtra), 2nd juan, Six Dynasties period (Kucha)
0051 [Photo] (18)  六朝写優婆塞戒経巻七(吐峪溝)Manuscript of the Youposaijie jing (“The Sūtra on Upasaka”), 7th juan, Six Dynasties period (Toyuq)
0053 [Photo] (19)  六朝写仏説咒神経(吐峪溝)Manuscript of the Foshuo Zhoushen jing, Six Dynasties period (Toyuq)
0055 [Photo] (20)  六朝写摩訶般若波羅蜜優婆提舎中般若波羅蜜相品第廿八(庫車)Manuscript of the Mohe Bore boluomi jing youpatishe (Mahā Prajñāpāramitā sūtra upadeśa translated by Kumarajiva), section 28th on the aspect (xiang 相) of prajñāpāramitā. Six Dynasties period (Kucha)
0057 [Photo] (21)  六朝写摩訶般若波羅蜜優婆提舎中讃般若波羅蜜品第四十一(庫車)Manuscript of the Mohe Bore boluomi jing youpatishe (Mahā Prajñāpāramitā sūtra upadeśa translated by Kumarajiva), section 41st on the eulogy (zan 讃) of the prajñāpāramitā. Six Dynasties period (Kucha)
0059 [Photo] (22)  六朝写摩訶般若波羅蜜優婆提舎中讃般若波羅蜜品第四十一(21)接続Manuscript of the Mohe Bore boluomi jing youpatishe (Mahā Prajñāpāramitā sūtra upadeśa translated by Kumarajiva), section 41st on the eulogy (zan 讃) of the prajñāpāramitā, continuation of (21)
0061 [Photo] (23)  六朝写摩訶般若波羅蜜優婆提舎中讃般若波羅蜜品第四十一(庫車)Manuscript of the Mohe Bore boluomi jing youpatishe (Mahā Prajñāpāramitā sūtra upadeśa translated by Kumarajiva), section 41st on the eulogy (zan 讃) of the prajñāpāramitā. Six Dynasties period (Kucha)
0063 [Photo] (24)  六朝写摩訶般若波羅蜜優婆提舎中讃般若波羅蜜品第四十一〔(23)接続〕Manuscript of the Mohe Bore boluomi jing youpatishe (Mahā Prajñāpāramitā sūtra upadeśa translated by Kumarajiva), section 41st on the eulogy (zan 讃) of the prajñāpāramitā, continuation of (23)
0065 [Photo] (25)  六朝写大智度論巻七(庫車)Manuscript of the Da zhidu lun (Mahāprajñāpāramitā śāstra) 7th juan. Six Dynasties period (Kucha)
0067 [Photo] (26)  六朝写大智度論巻七〔(25)之全部〕Manuscript of the Da zhidu lun (Mahāprajñāpāramitā śāstra) 7th juan, Six Dynasties period [complete part of (25)]
0069 [Photo] (27)  六朝写大智度論巻七〔(26)接続〕Manuscript of the Da zhidu lun (Mahāprajñāpāramitā śāstra) 7th juan, Six Dynasties period [continuation of (26)]
0071 [Photo] (28)  六朝写大智度論巻三(赫色勒古洞)Manuscript of the Da zhidu lun (Mahāprajñāpāramitā śāstra) 3rd juan, Six Dynasties period (Qizil)
0073 [Photo] (29)  六朝写大智度論巻三十一(喀喇和卓)Manuscript of the Da zhidu lun (Mahāprajñāpāramitā śāstra) 31st juan, Six Dynasties period (Karakhoja)
0075 [Photo] (30)  六朝写羯磨断片(庫車)Manuscript fragment on the karma (jiemo 羯磨), Six Dynasties period (Kucha)
0077 [Photo] (31)  六朝写菩薩懺悔文断片(吐峪溝)〔経籍(3)(1)之裏面〕Manuscript fragment with text on bodhisattva confession (pusa chanhui 菩薩懺悔), Six Dynasties period (Toyuq) [back of sūtra box (3)(1)]
0079 [Photo] (32)  六朝写涅槃経(?) (吐峪溝)Manuscript of the Niepan jing (?) (Nirvāṇa sūtra), Six Dynasties period (Toyuq)
0081 [Photo] (33) 六朝写経名不詳勧助品(?)第二(庫車)Manuscript of a section on Exhortation (quanzu 勸助) (?), from an unknown sūtra,,2nd chapter. Six Dynasties period (Kucha)
0083 [Photo] (34)  六朝写経名不詳勧助品(?)第二〔(23)接続〕Manuscript of a section on Exhortation (quanzu 勸助) (?), from an unknown sūtra, 2nd chapter [continuation of (23)]
0085 [Photo] (35)  六朝写仏典断片(庫車)Buddhist manuscript fragment, Six Dynasties period (Kucha)
0087 [Photo] (36) 六朝写仏典断片(庫車)Buddhist manuscript fragment, Six Dynasties period (Kucha)
0089 [Photo] (37)  六朝写仏典断片(吐峪溝)Buddhist manuscript fragment, Six Dynasties period (Toyuq)
0091 [Photo] (38)~(1) 六朝写律文断片(庫木吐喇)Manuscript fragment of the vinaya code, Six Dynasties period (Qumtura)
0091 [Photo] (38)~(2) 六朝写仏典断片〔(38)(1)之裏面〕Buddhist manuscript fragment, Six Dynasties period [verso of 38(1)]
0093 [Photo] (39)  六朝写仏典断片(赫色勒古洞)Buddhist manuscript fragment, Six Dynasties period (Qizil Caves)
0095 [Photo] (40)  六朝写仏典断片(赫色勒古洞)Buddhist manuscript fragment, Six Dynasties period (Qizil Caves)
0097 [Photo] (41)  六朝写仏典断片(庫車)Buddhist manuscript fragment, Six Dynasties period (Kucha)
0099 [Photo] (42)  六朝写仏典断片(庫車)Buddhist manuscript fragment, Six Dynasties period (Kucha)
0101 [Photo] (43)  六朝写仏典断片(吐峪溝)Buddhist manuscript fragment, Six Dynasties period (Toyuq)
0103 [Photo] (44)  六朝写仏典断片(赫色勒)Buddhist manuscript fragment, Six Dynasties period (Qizil)
0105 [Photo] (45) 六朝写仏典断片(吐峪溝)Buddhist manuscript fragment, Six Dynasties period (Toyuq)
0107 [Photo] (46)  隋唐間写薬師経(庫車)Manuscript of the Yaoshi jing (Bhaiṣajyaguru sūtra), Sui to Tang period (Kucha)
0109 [Photo] (47)  隋唐間写金剛経(庫車)Manuscript of the Jingang jing (“Diamond sūtra”), Sui to Tang period (Kucha)
0111 [Photo] (48)  隋唐間写太上業報因縁経(吐峪溝)Manuscript of the Taishang yebao yinyuan jing (“Scripture on Retribution, Cause, and Circumstances”), Sui to Tang period (Toyuq)
0113 [Photo] (49) 隋唐間写仏説五王経(庫車)Manuscript of the Foshuo wuwang jing, Sui to Tang period (Kucha)
0115 [Photo] (50)~(1) 隋唐間写註維摩詰経巻九Manuscript of the Zhu Weimojie jing ("Commentary of the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa sūtra"), 9th juan, Sui to Tang period
0115 [Photo] (50)~(2) 隋唐間写百喩経巻二(吐峪溝)Manuscript of the Baiyujing ("Sūtra of the 100 Parables"), 2nd juan, Sui to Tang period (Toyuq)
0117 [Photo] (51) 隋唐間写法華経議記巻一(庫車)Manuscript of the preface to the 1st juan of the Fahua jing ("Lotus sūtra"), Sui to Tang period (Kucha)
0119 [Photo] (52)  隋唐間写戒律抄本〔(51)之裏面〕Manuscript with excerpts of the vinaya [verso of (51)], Sui to Tang period
0121 [Photo] (53)  隋唐間写羯磨文断片(吐峪溝)Manuscript fragment of the [Pusa jie] jiemo wen ("Manual of the [ritual] acts of bodhisattva discipline"), Sui to Tang period (Toyuq)
0123 [Photo] (54)  隋唐間写戒文抄本(吐峪溝)Manuscript with excerpts from texts of the precepts (jiewen 戒文), Sui to Tang period (Toyuq)
0125 [Photo] (55)~(1) 隋唐間写仏典断片(吐峪溝)Buddhist manuscript fragment, Sui to Tang period (Toyuq)
0125 [Photo] (55)~(2) 隋唐間写仏典断片(庫車)Buddhist manuscript fragment, Sui to Tang period (Kucha)
0127 [Photo] (56)  唐写阿弥陀経 善導大師識語(吐峪溝)Manuscript of the Amituo jing (Amitābha sūtra, with a note on the text by Master Shandao 善導, Tang period (Toyuq)
0129 [Photo] (57)  唐写妙法蓮華経巻一(庫車)Manuscript of the 1st juan of the Miaofa lianhua jing (Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra), 1st juan,Tang period (Kucha)
0131 [Photo] (58)  唐写妙法蓮華経巻五(庫車)Manuscript of the Miaofa lianhua jing (Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra), 5th juan, Tang period (Kucha)
0133 [Photo] (59)  唐写妙法蓮華経巻四(庫車)Manuscript of the Miaofa lianhua jing (Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra), 4th juan, Tang period (Kucha)
0135 [Photo] (60)  唐写妙法蓮華経巻六(吐峪溝)〔西域語文書(5)之表面〕Manuscript of the Miaofa lianhua jing (Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra), 6th juan,Tang period (Toyuq) [recto of document (5) in Central Asian script]
0137 [Photo] (61) 唐写妙法蓮華経序(庫車)Manuscript of the preface of the Miaofa lianhua jing (Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra), Tang period (Kucha)
0139 [Photo] (62)  唐写大般涅槃経巻三十(庫車)Manuscript of the Daban niepan jing (Mahāparinirvāṇa sūtra), 30th juan, Tang period (Kucha)
0141 [Photo] (63)  唐写涅槃経(吐峪溝)Manuscript of the Niepan jing (Nirvāṇa sūtra), Tang period (Toyuq)
0143 [Photo] (64)  唐写大般涅槃経(吐峪溝)Manuscript of the Daban niepan jing (Mahāparinirvāṇa sūtra), Tang period (Toyuq)
0145 [Photo] (65)  唐写金光明経(吐峪溝)Manuscript of the Jinguangming jing (Suvarṇaprabhāsōttama sūtra), Tang period (Toyuq)
0147 [Photo] (66)  唐写註維摩経(庫車)Manuscript of the Zhu Weimo jing ("Commentary of the Vimalakīrti sūtra"), Tang period (Kucha)
0149 [Photo] (67)  唐写往生礼讃(吐峪溝)Manuscript fragment of the Wangsheng lizan, Tang period (Toyuq)
0151 [Photo] (68)~(1) 唐写法数断片(庫車)Manuscript fragment on the dharmaparyāya, Tang period (Kucha)
0151 [Photo] (68)~(2) 唐写註維摩詰経巻三(喀喇和卓)Manuscript of the Zhu Weimojie jing ("Commentary of the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa sūtra"), 3rd juan, Tang period (Karakhoja)
0155 [Photo] (1)~(1) 高昌国延昌廿七年写仏名経(?)跋断片(吐峪溝)Manuscript fragment of the postface to the Foming jing (?) ("Sūtra of the Buddha's name"), dated year 27 of the Yanchang 延昌 era of Gaochang kingdom (Toyuq)
0155 [Photo] (1)~(2) 高昌国延昌三十三年高昌王麹伯雅写仁王経巻上跋断片(吐峪溝)Manuscript fragment of the postface to the first part of the Renwang jing ("Sūtra for Humane Kings") by the king of Gaochang Qu Baiya 麹伯雅, dated year 33 of the Yanchang 延昌 era of Gaochang kingdom (Toyuq)
0155 [Photo] (1)~(3) 高昌国延昌三十七年陀羅尼(?)跋断片(吐峪溝)Manuscript fragment of the postface to a dhāraṇī (?), dated year 37 of the Yanchang 延昌 era of Gaochang kingdom (Toyuq)
0155 [Photo] (1)~(4) 高昌国延昌四十年写大品般若経跋断片Manuscript fragment of the postface to the Dapin Bore jing (Mahāprajñāpāramitā sūtra), dated year 40 of the Yanchang 延昌 era of Gaochang kingdom (Toyuq)
0155 [Photo] (1)~(5) 高昌国延昌廿七年勝鬘経義記巻中跋(吐峪溝)Postface to the middle juan of the Commentary on the Shengman jing (Śrīmālā sūtra), dated year 27 of the Yanchang 延昌 era of Gaochang kingdom (Toyuq)
0157 [Photo] (2)  高昌国王府司馬麹廉妻闞氏供養仏名経跋Postface to the Foming jing ("Sūtra of the Buddha's names") offered by lady Kan 闞, wife of Qu Lian 麹廉, Adjutant of the Princely Establishment of Gaochang kingdom
0159 [Photo] (3)~(1) 建昌二年写維摩経義記巻四跋断片(吐峪溝)Manuscript fragment of the postface of the Commentary to the Weimo jing (Vimalakīrti sūtra), 4th juan, dated year 2 of Jianchang 建昌 era (Toyuq)
0159 [Photo] (3)~(2) 延寿二年経跋断片(吐峪溝)Manuscript fragment from a sūtra postface, dated year 2 of Yanshou 延寿 era (Toyuq)
0159 [Photo] (3)~(3) 延寿十四年写維摩経跋断片(吐峪溝)Manuscript fragment of the postface to the Weimo jing (Vimalakīrti sūtra), dated year 14 of Yanshou 延寿 era (Toyuq)
0159 [Photo] (3)~(4) 経跋断片(吐峪溝)Fragment from a sūtra postface (Toyuq)
0161 [Photo] (4)~(1) 唐龍朔三年写経跋断片(吐峪溝)Manuscript fragments from a sūtra postface, dated year 3 of Longshuo 龍朔 era of the Tang dynasty (Toyuq)
0161 [Photo] (4)~(2) 唐西州司馬麹某大智度論跋断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of the postface to the Da zhidu lun (Mahāprajñāpāramitā śāstra) by an Adjutant named Qu 麹 stationed at Xizhou, Tang period (Toyuq)
0163 [Photo] (5)~(1) 道経跋断片(吐峪溝)Fragments of the postface to the Daojing (Daodejing), (Toyuq)
0163 [Photo] (5)~(2) 経題断片(吐峪溝)Fragment with a sūtra title (Toyuq)
0163 [Photo] (5)~(3) 経題断片(吐峪溝)Fragment with a sūtra title (Toyuq)
0165 [Photo] (6)  大般涅槃経跋(喀喇和卓)Postface to the Daban niepan jing (Mahāparinirvāna sūtra) (Karakhoja)
0167 [Photo] (7)~(1) 貝葉式古写律文断片(喀喇和卓)Fragments from an ancient palm-leaf type manuscript of the vinaya code (Karakhoja)
0167 [Photo] (7)~(1) 貝葉式古写偈頌断片(喀喇和卓)Fragments from an ancient palm-leaf type manuscript of the gāthās (jiesong 偈頌)(Karakhoja)
0169 [Photo] (8)  帛書経文題断片(吐峪溝)Fragments of text with sūtra titles written on white silk cloth (Toyuq)
0175 [Photo] (1)~(1) 晋泰始五年木製招子(表裏両面)(アトミシブラク)Wooden slips dated year 5 of Taishi 泰始 era of the Jin 晋 Dynasty (recto and verso) (Atmesh-bulak?)
0175 [Photo] (1)~ (2)(3)(4) 晋木製招子(アトミシブラク)Wooden slips, Jin period (Atmesh-bulak?)
0177 [Photo] (2) 東晋咸和年間前涼の西域長史李柏より焉耆王に送りし書牘の草稿(コンチダリヤ)Draft of an official letter sent from Li Bo 李柏, the Administrator of the Western Countries of the Former Liang dynasty, to the King of Yanqi (Karashar), Xianhe 咸和 era of Eastern Jin dynasty, (Konche darya)
0179 [Photo] (3)  東晋咸和年間前涼の西域長史李柏より焉耆王に送りし書牘の草稿(コンチダリヤ)Draft of an official letter sent from Li Bo 李柏, the Administrator of the Western Countries of the Liang, to the King of Yanqi (Karashar), Xianhe 咸和 era of Eastern Jin dynasty (Konche darya)
0181 [Photo] (4)  李柏の書牘と共に出でたる文書の断片(コンチダリヤ)Fragments of a document found together with the official letter of Li Bo 李柏 (Konche darya)
0183 [Photo] (5)  李柏の書牘と共に出でたる文書の断片 (A)には「臣柏言焉耆王龍」(B)には「逆賊趙」(C)には「李柏」等の文字見ゆ(コンチダリヤ)Fragments of a document found together with the official letter of Li Bo 李柏. On (A) one can read the characters Qian Bo yan Yanqi wang long 臣柏言焉耆王龍 ("...the minister Bo relates to the king of Yanqi Long..."), on (B) nizei Zhao 逆賊趙, and on (C ) the characters Li Bo 李柏 (Konche darya)
0185 [Photo] (6)  李柏の書牘と共に出でたる文書の断片 (A)には「月九日楼蘭起云々」の文字あり(コンチダリヤ)Fragments of a document found together with the official letter of Li Bo 李柏. On (A) one can read the characters yue jiuri Loulan qi yunyun 月九日楼蘭起云々("set out from Loulan on the 9th day of ... month and so on...") (Konche darya)
0187 [Photo] (7)  李柏の書牘と共に出でたる文書の断片(コンチダリヤ)Fragments of documents found together with the official letter of Li Bo 李柏 (Konche darya)
0189 [Photo] (8)  李柏の書牘と共に出でたる文書の断片(コンチダリヤ)Fragments of documents found together with the official letter of Li Bo 李柏 (Konche darya)
0191 [Photo] (9)~(1) 唐天宝五載牒状(庫車)Official document registered in the year 5 of Tianbao 天宝 era of the Tang dynasty (Kucha)
0191 [Photo] (9)~(2) 唐牒状(庫車)Official document, Tang period (Kucha)
0191 [Photo] (9)~(3) 唐文書断片(吐峪溝)Fragments of a document, Tang period (Toyuq)
0193 [Photo] (10) ~(1) 唐大暦九年牒状(庫車)Official document dated year 9 of Dali 大暦 era of the Tang dynasty (Kucha)
0193 [Photo] (10) ~(2) 唐文書断片(喀喇和卓)Fragment of a document, Tang period (Karakhoja)
0193 [Photo] (10)~ (3) 唐文書断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a document, Tang period (Toyuq)
0195 [Photo] (11)  唐大暦十六年借銭文書(庫木吐喇)Money loan document dated year 16 of Dali 大暦 era of the Tang dynasty (Qumtura)
0197 [Photo] (12)~(1) 唐大暦十六年借銭文書(庫木吐喇)Money loan document dated year 16 of Dali 大暦 era of the Tang dynasty (Qumtura)
0197 [Photo] (12)~(2) 唐借銭文書断片(庫木吐喇)Fragments of a money loan document, Tang period (Qumtura)
0199 [Photo] (13)~(1) 唐借銭文書(庫木吐喇)Fragment of a money loan document, Tang period (Quntura)
0199 [Photo] (13)~(2) 文書断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a document (Toyuq)
0201 [Photo] (14)  唐建中五年孔目司文書(吐峪溝)Fragment of a document from the Clerk Office dated year 5 of Jianzhong 建中 era of the Tang dynasty (Toyuq)
0203 [Photo] (15)~(1) 唐都督府文書(喀喇和卓)Document from the Area Command (都督府), Tang period (Karakhoja)
0203 [Photo] (15)~(2) 唐文書断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a document, Tang period (Toyuq)
0203 [Photo] (15)~(3) 文書断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a document (Toyuq)
0205 [Photo] (16)~(1) 検校掏拓使状(庫車)Official letter from the Imperial commissioner of the taotuo inspection office (検校掏拓) (Kucha)
0205 [Photo] (16)~(2) 唐開元貳拾捌載文書断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a document registered year 28 of Kaiyuan 開元 era of the Tang dynasty (Toyuq)
0205 [Photo] (16)~(3) 唐戸籍断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a family register, Tang period (Toyuq)
0205 [Photo] (16)~(4) 唐地券断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a land title deed, Tang period (Toyuq)
0207 [Photo] (17)~(1) 唐掏拓所文書(庫車)Document from the taotuo office (掏拓所) of Tang period (Kucha)
0207 [Photo] (17)~(2) 唐文書断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a document, Tang period (Toyuq)
0207 [Photo] (17)~(3) 唐戸籍断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a family register, Tang period (Toyuq)
0209 [Photo] (18)~(1) 唐田券断片(吐峪溝)Fragments of field title deeds, Tang period (Toyuq)
0209 [Photo] (18)~(2) 唐文書断片(庫車)Fragment of a document, Tang period (Kucha)
0209 [Photo] (18)~(3) 唐文書断片(喀喇和卓)Fragment of a document, Tang period (Karakhoja)
0209 [Photo] (18)~(4) 唐戸籍断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a family register, Tang period (Toyuq)
0209 [Photo] (18)~(5) 唐文書断片(庫車)Fragment of a document, Tang period (Kucha)
0209 [Photo] (18)~(6) 唐文書断片(喀喇和卓)Fragment of a document, Tang period (Karakhoja)
0211 [Photo] (19)~(1) 唐文書断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a document, Tang period (Toyuq)
0211 [Photo] (19)~(2) 唐文書断片(喀喇和卓)Fragment of a document, Tang period (Karakhoja)
0213 [Photo] (20)~(1) 唐文書断片(雅爾湖)Fragment of a document, Tang period (Yarkhoto)
0213 [Photo] (20)~(2) 唐書簡断片(庫車)Fragment of a letter, Tang period (Kucha)
0215 [Photo] (21)~(1)(2)(3) 唐書簡断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a letter, Tang period (Toyuq)
0217 [Photo] (22)~(1) 唐書簡稿(庫車)Draft of a letter, Tang period (Kucha)
0217 [Photo] (22)~(2) 唐書簡稿(吐峪溝)Draft of a letter, Tang period (Toyuq)
0217 [Photo] (22)~(3) 唐書簡稿〔(22)(2)之裏面〕Draft of a letter [verso of (22)(2)], Tang period
0219 [Photo] (23)~(1) 唐人筆蹟(吐峪溝)Hand writing from Tang period (Toyuq)
0219 [Photo] (23)~(2)(3) 唐人筆蹟(喀喇和卓)Hand writings from Tang period (Karakhoja)
0219 [Photo] (23)~(4) 唐人筆蹟(吐峪溝)Hand writing from Tang period (Toyuq)
0221 [Photo] (24) 唐断碑拓本(済木薩爾北方約四十清里北庭都護府趾)Fragments of stelae and relative rubbings, Tang period (from a site in Beiting Area Command, circa 40 km north of Jimsar)
0223 [Photo] (25)  唐断碑拓本(済木薩爾北方約四十清里北庭都護府趾)Rubbings from stelae fragments, Tang period (from a site in Beiting Area Command, circa 40 km north of Jimsar)
0225 [Photo] (26)  高昌国人墓表六種(喀喇和卓古墳)Six types of epitaphs from inhabitants of the Gaochang Kingdom (Ancient cemetery at Karakhoja)
0231 [Photo] (1)~(1) 唐鈔論語孔子伝(子路憲問)断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a Tang period copy of Lunyü ("Analects of Confucius") (Zilu 子路 and Xianwen 憲問 chapters), (Toyuq)
0231 [Photo] (1)~(2) 同上之裏面Verso of the previous item
0233 [Photo] (2)~(1) 唐鈔尚書孔伝(太甲)断片(和闐)Fragment of a Tang period copy of the Shangshu Kongshi zhuan (“The Book of Documents transmitted by Confucius"), (Taijia 太甲 chapter) (Khotan)
0233 [Photo] (2)~(2) 唐鈔春秋左氏伝(杜注成十七年)(庫木吐喇)A Tang period copy of the Chunqiu Zuo zhuan ("The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals") (Chapter on the 17th year of Cheng) (Qumtura)
0233 [Photo] (2)~(3) 同上之裏面Verso of the previous item
0233 [Photo] (2)~(4) 唐鈔開元占経略出断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a Tang period copy of the outline of the Kaiyuan zhanjing ("Treatise on Astrology of the Kaiyuan Era") (Toyuq)
0235 [Photo] (3)~(1) 六朝鈔本旧注孫子(謀攻形篇)断片(吐峪溝)〔仏典(31)之裏面〕Fragment of a Six Dynasties period copy of an old annotated book of Sunzi ("The Art of War"), (Mougong xing 謀攻行 chapter), (Toyuq) [verso of the Buddhist sūtra (31)]
0235 [Photo] (3)~(2) 唐鈔春秋左氏伝(杜注成二十年)断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a Tang period copy of the Chunqiu Zuo zhuan ("The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals") (Chapter on the 20th year of Cheng) (Toyuq)
0237 [Photo] (4)~(1) 爾雅旧注断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of the Erya with old commentary (Toyuq)
0237 [Photo] (4)~(2) 唐鈔鍼経断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a Tang period copy of the Zhenjing (“Needling Canon”) (Toyuq)
0237 [Photo] (4)~(3) (3)唐鈔神農本草断片(吐峪溝)(3) Fragment of a Tang period copy of the Shennong bencao jing ("The Divine Farmer's Materia Medica") (Toyuq)
0239 [Photo] (5)~(1) 史記仲尼弟子列伝(庫木吐喇)Biographies of Confucius' (Zhongni 仲尼) disciples from the Shiji ("Historical Records") (Qumtura)
0239 [Photo] (5)~(2) 漢書張良伝〔(5)(1)之裏面〕Biography of Zhang Liang 張良 from the Hanshu ("The Book of Han") [verso of (5)(1)]
0239 [Photo] (5)~(3) 唐律擅興律断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of the Tanglüe ("Tang Code"), section on the shanxing 擅兴 Rules, (Toyuq)
0239 [Photo] (5)~(4) 唐律賊盗律断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of the Tanglüe ("Tang Code"), section on the zeidao 賊盗 Rules, (Toyuq)
0241 [Photo] (6)~(1) 隋唐人詩断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a poem from the Sui to Tang period (Toyuq)
0241 [Photo] (6)~(2) 唐人書元始符(吐峪溝)Handwritten original seal from the Tang period (Toyuq)
0241 [Photo] (6)~(3) 唐鈔千字文断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a Tang period copy of the Qianziwen ("Thousand Characters Classic"), (Toyuq)
0243 [Photo] (7)  唐鈔道書断片(吐峪溝)Fragments of a Tang period copy of the Daoshu (Toyuq)
0245 [Photo] (8)~(1) 唐人占書断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a diviner's book, Tang period (Toyuq)
0245 [Photo] (8)~(2) 唐鈔唐韻断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a Tang period copy of Tang rhymes (Toyuq)
0245 [Photo] (8)~(3) 同上之裏面Verso of the previous item
0245 [Photo] (8)~(4) 唐鈔初学記断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a Tang period copy of the Chuxueji ("Writings for elementary instruction") (Toyuq)
0245 [Photo] (8)~(5) 唐鈔詩周頌酌篇(毛伝鄭箋)断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a Tang period copy of the Zhousong ("Odes of Zhou") from the Shijing ("The Classic of Poetry"), zhuo 酌 section (Mao 毛 tradition commented by Zheng 鄭) (Toyuq)
0245 [Photo] (8)~(6) 唐鈔論語孔子本鄭玄注(子路)断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a Tang period copy of the commentary of Zheng Xuan 鄭玄 to the original Lunyü ("Analects of Confucius"), (section on Zilu 子路), (Toyuq)
0245 [Photo] (8)~(7) 唐鈔神仙伝断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a Tang period copy of the Shenxian zhuan ("Biographies of Divine Immortals") (Toyuq)
0245 [Photo] (8)~(8) 唐鈔詩小雅采芭篇正文断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a Tang period copy of the official text of the Xiaoya ("Lesser Court Hymns") from the Shijing ("Classic of Poetry"), caiba 采芭 section (Toyuq)
0245 [Photo] (8)~(9)(10) 唐鈔古書断片(吐峪溝)Fragments of Tang period copy of an ancient book (Toyuq)
0247 [Photo] (9)  唐鈔古書断片(吐峪溝)Fragments of Tang period copy of ancient books (Toyuq)
0249 [Photo] (10)  唐鈔古書断片(吐峪溝)Fragments of Tang period copy of ancient books (Toyuq)
0255 [Photo] (1)  回鶻文仏典(天地八陽神咒経)(雅爾湖)Buddhist sūtra in Uighur script (Tiandi bayang shenzhou jing, "Sūtra of Incantations of the Eight Yang") (Yarkhoto)
0257 [Photo] (2)  回鶻文仏典断断片(天地八陽神咒経)(喀喇和卓)Fragment from a Buddhist sūtra in Uighur script (Tiandi bayang shenzhou jing, "Sūtra of Incantations of the Eight Yang") (Karakhoja)
0259 [Photo] (3)  回鶻文仏典断片(吐峪溝) (2)同上之裏面Fragment of Buddhist sūtra in Uighur script (Toyuq). (2) verso of the previous item
0261 [Photo] (4)  回鶻文仏典断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of Buddhist sūtra in Uighur script (Toyuq)
0263 [Photo] (5)  回鶻文仏典断片(吐峪溝) 〔仏典(60)之裏面〕Fragment of Buddhist sūtra in Uighur script (Toyuq) [verso of Buddhist scripture (60)]
0265 [Photo] (6)~(1) 回鶻語摩尼教経典(?)漢文の経文を半截して其裏面に書きたるものなり(庫車)Manichean scripture (?) in Uighur language, written on the back of a Chinese sūtra text cut in half (Kucha)
0265 [Photo] (6)~(2) 漢文仏典(1)の表面にして一紙を半截せるものなりChinese Buddhist sūtra: folio cut in half being the recto of (1)
0265 [Photo] (6)~(3) 回鶻文仏典(吐峪溝)Buddhist sūtra in Uighur script (Toyuq)
0267 [Photo] (7)  回鶻文書籍断片(吐魯番)Fragment of book in Uighur script (Turfan)
0269 [Photo] (8)  回鶻文文書(喀喇和卓)Document in Uighur script (Karakhoja)
0271 [Photo] (9)  回鶻文文書断片(雅爾湖)Fragment of document in Uighur script (Yarkhoto)
0273 [Photo] (10)~(1) 回鶻文文書断片(喀喇和卓)Fragment of document in Uighur script (Karakhoja)
0273 [Photo] (10)~(2) (2)突厥文文書断片(吐峪溝)(2) Fragment of document in Turkic script (Toyuq)
0273 [Photo] (10)~(3) (3)同上(庫木吐喇)(3) same as previous item (Qumtura)
0275 [Photo] (11)  蒙古文仏典断片(吐魯番)Fragment of Buddhist sūtra in Mongolian script (Turfan)
0277 [Photo] (12)  覩貨羅語文書寺院出納記録(庫車)Document in Tocharian language, from a Buddhist monastery accounting record (Kucha)
0279 [Photo] (13)~(1) 覩貨羅語出納簿文書断片(庫車)Fragment of document in Tocharian language, from an accounting book
0279 [Photo] (13)~(2) (2)梵語覩貨羅対照天文に関する文書(宿曜経断片?)(庫車)(2) Document concerning astronomy with parallel texts in Sanskrit and Tocharian (fragment from the Suyao jing "Sūtra on Constellations and Luminaries"?) (Kucha)
0281 [Photo] (14)  西夏文仏典(吐峪溝)Buddhist sūtra in Tangut script (Toyuq)
0283 [Photo] (15)  西夏文仏典(吐峪溝)Buddhist sūtra in Tangut script (Toyuq)
0285 [Photo] (16)  西夏文仏典(吐峪溝)Buddhist sūtra in Tangut script (Toyuq)
0287 [Photo] (17)~(1) 佉盧虱底文木簡(計算文書)(和闐)Wooden slip in Kharoṣṭī script (calculation document) (Khotan)
0287 [Photo] (17)~(2) 同上之裏面(計算文書)verso of the previous item (calculation document) (Khotan)
0287 [Photo] (17)~(3) 佉盧虱底文木簡(土地購買文書)(和闐)Wooden slip in Kharoṣṭī script (document on land purchase) (Khotan)
0287 [Photo] (17)~(4) 同上之裏面((17)(3)土地売買文書之接続)verso of the previous item (continuation of (17)(3) document on land purchase) (Khotan)
0287 [Photo] (17)~(5) 佉盧虱底文木簡(計算文書)(和闐)Wooden slip in Kharoṣṭī script (calculation document) (Khotan)
0287 [Photo] (17)~(6) 同上之裏面(計算文書)verso of the previous item (calculation document) (Khotan)
0287 [Photo] (17)~(7) 文字不明木簡(和闐)Wooden document with unclear script (Khotan)
0287 [Photo] (17)~(8) 佉盧虱底文木簡(契約文書の断片)〔(17)(7)之裏面〕Wooden slip in Kharoṣṭī script (fragment of a contract document) [versoof (17)(7)] (Khotan)
0289 [Photo] (18)~(1) 佉盧虱底文木簡(ヂッグハ王(Jitugha又はJitumgha)の治世の下ツゲヤ(Tsugéya)なるもの・女サル・ヴイサ(Salu-visa)に関することを記せる文書)(和闐)Wooden slip in Kharoṣṭī script (document concerning a woman called Salu-visa recorded by Tsugéya during the reign of king Jitugha or Jitumgha) (Khotan)
0289 [Photo] (18)~(2) 同上木簡(ヂッグハ王(Jitugha又はJitumgha)の在位二十三年の時作りし土地売買に関する文書)(和闐)Wooden slip similar to the previous item (document concerning land sale occurred during the 23rd year of Jitugha or Jitumgha reign)
0289 [Photo] (18)~(3) 文字不明木簡(和闐)Wooden slip with unclear script (Khotan)
0289 [Photo] (18)~(4) 佉盧虱底文木簡(商業上の取引文書)(和闐)Wooden slip in Kharoṣṭī script (document on a commercial exchange) (Khotan)
0291 [Photo] (19)~(1) 覩貨羅語木簡(庫車)Wooden slip in Tocharian language (Kucha)
0291 [Photo] (19)~(1) 梵文仏典断篇(経巻の始め部分なり)(庫木吐喇)Fragment of a text from a Buddhist sūtra in Sanskrit (part from the beginning of the scroll) (Qumtura)
0293 [Photo] (20)~(1) 梵文仏典断片(和闐)Fragment of Buddhist sūtra in Sanskrit (Khotan)
0293 [Photo] (20)~(2) 同上〔(20)(1)之裏面〕Same as previous item [(verso of (20)(1)]
0293 [Photo] (20)~(3) 梵文仏典断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of Buddhist sūtra in Sanskrit (Toyuq))
0293 [Photo] (20)~(4) 同上〔(20)(3)之裏面〕Same as previous item [(verso of (20)(3)]
0293 [Photo] (20)~(5) 梵文仏典断片(和闐)Fragment of Buddhist sūtra in Sanskrit (Khotan)
0293 [Photo] (20)~(6) 同上〔(20)(5)之裏面〕Same as previous item [(verso of (20)(5)]
0295 [Photo] (21) 梵文仏典断片(庫車)Fragment of Buddhist sūtra in Sanskrit (Kucha)
0297 [Photo] (22)~(1) 梵文仏典断片(和闐)Fragment of Buddhist sūtra in Sanskrit (Khotan)
0297 [Photo] (22)~(2) 不明語文断片〔(22)(1)之裏面〕Fragment of a text in an unclear language [verso of (22)(1)]
0297 [Photo] (22)~(3) 不明語文断片(和闐)Fragment of a text in an unclear language (Khotan)
0297 [Photo] (22)~(4) 同上之裏面verso of the previous item
0297 [Photo] (22)~(5) 不明語文断片(和闐)Fragment of a text in an unclear language (Khotan)
0297 [Photo] (22)~(6) 同上之裏面(和闐)verso of the previous item (Khotan)
0297 [Photo] (22)~(7) 不明語文断片(和闐)Fragment of a text in an unclear language (Khotan)
0297 [Photo] (22)~(8) 不明語文断片(和闐)Fragment of a text in an unclear language (Khotan)
0297 [Photo] (22)~(9) 同上之裏面verso of the previous item
0299 [Photo] (23)~(1)(2) 梵語回鶻文字対照文書断片(吐峪溝)Fragment of a document in Sanskrit with juxtaposed letters in Uigur script (Toyuq)
0299 [Photo] (23)~(3) 草体西蔵文書(吐峪溝)Tibetan document in cursive script (Toyuq)
0299 [Photo] (23)~(4) 真体西蔵文字(ミラン)Tibetan inscription in formal script (Miran)
0305 [Photo] (24)~(1) 唐刻大般若経(吐峪溝)Woodblock print of the Da Bore jing (Mahāprajñāpāramitā sūtra), Tang period (Toyuq)
0305 [Photo] (24)~(2) 同上(喀喇和卓及吐峪溝)Same as previous item (Karakhoja and Toyuq)
0307 [Photo] (25)~(1) 唐刻大般若経(吐峪溝)Woodblock print of the Da bore jing (Mahāprajñāpāramitā sūtra), Tang period (Toyuq)
0307 [Photo] (25)~(2) (2)唐刻回鶻文仏典断片(喀喇和卓)(2) Fragment of woodblock print of Buddhist sūtra in Uigur script, Tang period (Karakhoja)
0309 [Photo] (26)  唐刻回鶻文仏典断片(喀喇和卓)Fragment of woodblock print copy of Buddhist scripture in Uigur script, Tang period (Karakhoja)
0311 [Photo] (27)~(1)(2) 唐刻仏画断片(吐峪溝)Fragments of woodblock print Buddhist illustration, Tang period (Toyuq)
0311 [Photo] (27)~(3) 同上(喀喇和卓)Same as previous item (Karakhoja)
0313 [Photo] (28)~(1)(2) 唐刻仏画断片(吐峪溝)Fragments of woodblock print Buddhist illustration, Tang period (Toyuq)
0315 [Photo] (29)~ (1)(2)(3) 唐刻仏画断片(吐峪溝)Fragments of woodblock print Buddhist illustration, Tang period (Toyuq)