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0155 西域考古図譜 : vol.2
00 I-1-E-18/V-2/0155#00 類似画像を検索
01 I-1-E-18/V-2/0155#01 類似画像を検索
02 I-1-E-18/V-2/0155#02 類似画像を検索
03 I-1-E-18/V-2/0155#03 類似画像を検索


[Photo] (1)~(1) 高昌国延昌廿七年写仏名経(?)跋断片(吐峪溝)Manuscript fragment of the postface to the Foming jing (?) ("Sūtra of the Buddha's name"), dated year 27 of the Yanchang 延昌 era of Gaochang kingdom (Toyuq)
[Photo] (1)~(2) 高昌国延昌三十三年高昌王麹伯雅写仁王経巻上跋断片(吐峪溝)Manuscript fragment of the postface to the first part of the Renwang jing ("Sūtra for Humane Kings") by the king of Gaochang Qu Baiya 麹伯雅, dated year 33 of the Yanchang 延昌 era of Gaochang kingdom (Toyuq)
[Photo] (1)~(3) 高昌国延昌三十七年陀羅尼(?)跋断片(吐峪溝)Manuscript fragment of the postface to a dhāraṇī (?), dated year 37 of the Yanchang 延昌 era of Gaochang kingdom (Toyuq)
[Photo] (1)~(4) 高昌国延昌四十年写大品般若経跋断片Manuscript fragment of the postface to the Dapin Bore jing (Mahāprajñāpāramitā sūtra), dated year 40 of the Yanchang 延昌 era of Gaochang kingdom (Toyuq)
[Photo] (1)~(5) 高昌国延昌廿七年勝鬘経義記巻中跋(吐峪溝)Postface to the middle juan of the Commentary on the Shengman jing (Śrīmālā sūtra), dated year 27 of the Yanchang 延昌 era of Gaochang kingdom (Toyuq)


doi: 10.20676/00000212
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE