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0386 羅布淖爾考古記 : vol.1
Archaeological Report of Lop Nor : vol.1
羅布淖爾考古記 : vol.1 / Page 386 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000300
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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the Same. ′「huS CI】ineSe efforts in HSi—yˋl W()u1d aPPear t0 have had nO ef蔔eC【 乏It al]7 1eaving n0
T)r罈Ce the】〝e〞 The autl′lDr made SOme refutation Of that theory in t丑】e monDgTaPh 0n the P0ttery
Wa1一eS 0夭〝 Ka0>C}lang〝 I】] thiS vOlu!ne mOre Stress is laid 0n the subi帥t, baSing the C0ncluSi0nS
b0ing Pased (】n my 0Wn fie】d Dbsel〝vati0IIs and disC0veI,ie' Reade殭 0f the c0mPlete teXt can
′graSP cleal一】)「 th6 PhennInena of a miXed cu1ture derived bDth fr0m the W eSt an(丑 the east_

Part II deaIS v` ith m)* fieId exPl0rations, ˋvhich W~ ere Carrie(1 out ill the e罈r1y SPIing 0f 19荳)0
an〔劃 the autur【In 0f 19荳)4ˉ′ TI】0ugh 【here Was a laPSe 0f fOul厂 yenrS, the areas C0vered are gener-
a1ly t}le same and the nn仁【ll‵e Df co】IeCti0nS iS a1S0 witho[lt much difference' Theref0re a
syntheLic Study is made 0n all the DbieCtS and ClasSifiCa【i()ns a【ˉe mainly aCCO】一Cl圭-I】g t0 grOuPs
instead Of (二Ol1eCLi!】g 【l乏‵LeS and l0calitieS夕 th0L】gh the l乞】tter aTe TecOrded i【l Seˋ「e1ˉal tab1eS f01厂 CroSS—
refere艾lce_ ˉI‵here alˉe Lh】‵ee C}】LˋI)te】ˉS二 鬢】apLel~ I Lleu】S 、WˊiLh the Sites 0f s【二One imPleX!】entS at
IndurkuSl1,勺, al】d vari0[lS lOCal王I'ieS a】ˋ0uIl[l Lob 臟()T. BeSidEs detniled deScl~五PtiOn 0f sLlch
l0CnliLieS' 睪】 SLud}′ ()f the正I~ 【IIutu乞I1 1‵eI王】ti0】1ShiP iS p【`eSented〈 ChaPter II deScI〝ibes the SiteS 0f
l)u1〝i乏】l I)laC曰s, vˋ7hiCI〕 al′e 乏】ll ](〕CaLe【] n(】【一th ()f C0nChe>da】了蠤.『7 ACc0r(ling t0 the f0l~mS 【)f bu】一ial
an(互 the 夤】SS0Ci乏】te({ aI`tif董IC穗, tWO kin(又S 〔)f buria1 cuSt0ms 矗re reC0gnized: 0ne buTial With clDtI]ingS,
巨】n〔】 the 0〔hex一, With bare bodieS al()ne' The 丑brmer iS 矗n indiCati0n of Chi工leSe influenCe, anI丑 the
la驚【er iS …】 reliC 0f lOC乞L1 CuSt0mS. ChaTlPter III treats the hiStOl~ical′si【ˊes, iI1CludiT】g vˋ了atCh一tDWvaTs,
dwe】ling sitGS, aI又d iI〕ig乏Iti()l1 ca艾!alS_ E」SPecia11y 芼mPortant are the WatD}】tDWers〝 Besides the
W oOdeIl S1abS ˋviLh l‵ec(J又一dS ‵‵~】‵iLLen 【〕Il them, v~ hiCh give tI】e dates and PO1itiCa1as We11as military
detaiIS 0f the adminiStratiOn, the 0ther findS aSS0Ci乏Ite(【 With them give a fai】‵ vieW 0f the a【ˉt and
induSLl,y 0f ealˉly ChiIla. ′l‵圭InnkS t【) the (]ry Climate 0f Central Asia′ 0bjeCtS made Of bl‵0nze,
i】^0n7 1nquer, ˋ兀〝【}Od aL1(l Si1k ma〔le 】蔔、v0 tl厂】(】l】S…】n({ )'eGI~S agO' 、ˊWˊ'eTe fUund 圭n a State Of gO0d PreSel^v日—
tiOn. 'l【}】e IiniI】g Of vvi11() yv branCheS al0ng tI】e al`t五ficia1 CanalS aTe in【licati0ns 0f c(〕!]StruCi,i(ˊ】l
and 【「eCl…lm乏Iti0n Wˉ0l~kS 0f Chi【leSe gal~lˋiS0nS_ B0th 【he互r !nagnitLlde 巨】1ˊ1〔l the StrOnu0uS eff()rtS c…In
be iIn己gil〕e【罠′ AS t() T】he LlˋW「elling SiteS' fOr eX籟TnP1e, 乞Is in lOc三】1互tieS I」_T_ eLC.7 the rel圭cS …】l‵e 0f
ever), day kin(lS' indicating ge岫rally a fl一ug乞(1 Standard 0f living.

Pa】士 III iS c0mPUsed 0f eXI】1anatiDnS 0f te】(t-figures and Plates_ ′I‵here are ten ChaPtel‵S
aCC()1^ding t0 the mate又〞ialS : suCh aS th0Se of St0ne' C1ay7 bl‵0】【lze, lacquer, w00d' g】`ass, 蛋】nne, teX—
tileS nnLl 】niS(亨e11a]】e0uS_ O【lt Df s0m6 l800 Pieces c0lIected duI'ing the tw【] eXPeditiOnS7 ab0ut
窒)90 荳]ave l〕een seIecLed f(】r rePr0ducti(】n. But en‵0rS muSt have crePt in' f0T On acC0unt 0f iS01a一
ti0n du】丑ng m0St 0f th9 tim彎 When 【he inte【ISive stud彙eS were made, refe艾el】CeS WeTe Out Of my
l′eaCh夕 an(l it ˋ,vaS a】SO diffiCu1t t0 C0nSu1t my teaChe】ˉS and fI丑endS_

Part Iv iS a Se】'iGS Of tranSCriPt互0n and interI)retati0n Of H乏In ˋV1‵itingS 0n ˋv0oden SlabS al】d
0畫] tW0 I′are C三lSeS On bambOO S1iPS_ It iS (Iivi〔劃eL{ int0 niT】e C蛋】赶P【erS, e乙】Ch 0n a ceI一tain subieCt,
SuC玨! 玄IS 0n 0fficial ranl〈s, l0cati0nS Of estab1ished 0ffiCi己l Stati0ns, the CaleI】dar, the garIˉiSons and
SOldierS' t】]e SalaTieS and 0ther Pay>r01lS, the imPlementS an(l tOO1S, O1d rGCOTdS, and 艾【【isCe】lane0uS_
'rheSe Stu(丑ies al`e baSe【l 0n S0me Seventy SlabS that I h罈d cn11eCted fr0m the Tuken area duTi丑g
【ny ˉtW0 t1‵iPs. 0n aCC0unt Uf the vaI〝五ous dates: Huang-lung, Z旻o′′Dz〉7(′婁,聚〝 】ˊ玨名(Z刀一芡ˊ蓼鬱江,曰曰 they covel厂
the 1^ei乞m ()f 壬{^suanti, Yuanti, ChengLi"ˊ′ (丑2一7 B.C.) ()f the I〝'0rmer H三】n d》,naSty_ By L}】at time
I」()u—I」…ln l】…]【】 a】l‵e芝】dy〝 mDved L() the S0uth_ But 了ˊVl]at beC…戛!ne Of the (ieS蛋士T〔ed f】】der SiteS Of L()u>

Lan eStal)IiShed il1 han dynaSty W ery littIe iS recOr〔互ed in the Anna1s of the Han and 1ater dynas>

56^ 英蓄輝爾丑]1什 57. 孑L雀河, 或稱浣澳河, 及寬柴河 a8' 河zF (瀵成帝年號_ 28一25 B.C.) 59_ 元延
(奏蒐成帝年號, 12一9 B_C′) 40_ 成帝 (52「7 B_C.)