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0369 In Tibet and Chinese Turkestan : vol.1
チベットと中国領トルキスタン : vol.1
In Tibet and Chinese Turkestan : vol.1 / 369 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000230
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




The whole governmental system is rotten to the core, and every official, from the Futai down to the meanest Oan Bashi lives by systematic fraud. The officials are altogether unpaid otherwise than by plunder, but, since their right to " squeeze " is recognised, the amount of their income is limited only by their own discretion and the resources of their districts. Public offices are nearly. always sold ; justice is sold ; the enjoyment of public


rights, such as water supply, can be secured only by bribes paid to the officials in charge, and there • is no immunity whatever from exorbitant - taxation, the proceeds of which go mostly to the private pockets of public officials. Sin-Chiang is a poor province, regarded as a sort of Chinese Siberia, and towards the cost of its administration other provinces of China contribute annually about 200,000 taels, yet the Chinese officials in