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0052 Overland to India : vol.1
Overland to India : vol.1 / Page 52 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000217
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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a gentleman whose nationality was mysterious, by all the infernal powers to allow me to go. He yielded, and promised to try to procure special permission from the police, but he advised me to make haste, as it was only half-anhour before the steamer started. If the police refused I must submit to my fate. Then I hurried to the pier, casting a glance as I went by at my old prison, the Hotel

Frantsia, where all the windows were closed with shutters. How was I to get my heavy luggage on board the

Austrian when not a cat was at work in this wretched harbour ? The captain of the Alexei was a worthy man ; he had a boat lowered from the davits, and in a few minutes I saw my valuable baggage dangling between the sky and water and then stowed in the yawl, where I took my place on the top of a chest and was rowed on the high swell by strong arms to the gangway of the Saturno, just when the signal was given for starting. " Row for your lives ; you shall have a tip of r o roubles if you bring my boxes on board in time." The boat rose and sank amid the waves, and it was an acrobatic feat to hoist the heavy baggage on to the steps of the Saturno. Just then the captain appeared, a rough weather-beaten sea-dog, and bade me go to h-1. I asked politely what he meant.

" We take no passengers here ; go away," he roared,

and went off. Availing myself of his absence I let the sailors carry my baggage up to the deck, gave them the reward I had promised, and told them to put out from the Saturno's gangway as quickly as possible, and then I felt quite certain that I could be put overboard again only with a crane. I expected a hot encounter when the sea-bear, surly and haughty as a dictator, came stamping along the deck and yelled :

" Oh, you are here ; I can put you ashore again." " My papers are correct," I informed him.

" Let me see them." He looked at the passport and

other slips, and burst out with, Well, you are authorized to come with us, but you have no visa from the Turkish consul, and cannot go ashore at Trebizond, but that is your own affair."

" If I only get to Trebizond I can look out for myself.