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0609 Overland to India : vol.2
インドへの陸路 : vol.2
Overland to India : vol.2 / 609 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000217
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



INDEX   357

Tus-khanlar, i. 34

Tutins, or canoes, on the Hamun, ii. 263, 268, 271

Uch-kilisse, i. 71

Ullu-l:hanlu, i. 91, 62

Valleys, longitudinal, characteristic of Persia, i. 136, 140

Varsehan, i. 43

Vaughan, Lieutenant H. B., i. 259 n., 381 ; ii. 151 ; journeys across the Kevir, ii.

161 ; estimate of its extent, ii. 163, 166 ;

description of sandhills of Halvan, ii.
164 ; effects of mirage noted by, ii. 165 ;

account of the Darya -i-nemek, ii. 165 ; general observations on the Kevir, ii. 166-167 ; marine shells discovered in the Kevir by, ii. 217

Vavuk-dag, pass, i. 42

Veil, use of the, among Persian women, i. 409 ; strict observance of custom at Tebbes, ii. 43

Veramin, collapse of carriage at, i. 172 ; camp pitched at, i. 173 ; mosques of, i.

173-174 ; decay of town, i. 174 ; dependence of district on snowfall, i. 174 ; preparations for our desert journey at, i. 175, 176 ; departure from, i. 178

Vermin, prevalence of, in rest-houses, i. 32, 44

Vineyards, i. 88

Walther, Herr, on lake shrinkage, ii. 224, 23o, 239

Water, wild animals' spoor of assistance in

locating, i. 228 ; natural reservoirs of, i.

307 ; near the Kevir, i. 327, 335 ; period

camels can do without, i. 343 Water-bags, i. 165, 195, 198 Water-channels, subterranean, i. 181 Watershed, an important, i. 56

Weather, forecast of, i. 185 ; rapid changes

of, i. 206 ; effect of the Kevir upon the, ii. 10

Wedel, Herr von, Teheran, i. 154, 156 Wells, Captain H. L., ii. 180

Wells, on margin of the Kevir, i. 327, 335 on desert routes, i. 397

White, Lieutenant, meeting with, near Robat, ii. 311

Willows, diminutive, i. 48

Wind : desert, i. 329, 357 ; west, i. 333 east, i. 401 ; spring, ii. 122 ; absence of effect on surface of the Kevir, ii. 231 ; influence on movement of sand-dunes, ii. 243 ; prevailing direction of, in Eastern Persia, ii. 244 ; effect on extent of the Hamun, ii. 262, 264 ; the 120 - days' wind of Seistan, ii. 292 ; effect on clay formations, ii. 302

Wind-catchers, i. 321 ; ii. 23

Windmills, peculiarly constructed, ii. 135 Wolves, reward for killing, ii. 19 ; depredations of, ii. 134

Yadgar, bungalow of, lively scene at, ii. 334

Yagdarish, i. 52

Yalais, wheat-fields of, ii. 296

Yam, station-house and village of, i. 121

Yangal, or clump of trees, i. 290

Yangi-imam, i. 154

Yechabad, i. 190

Yengi-jai, i. 146

Yezd, route between Chupunun and, i. 302 ;

caravan traffic between Meshed and, ii.

23 ; driftsand near, ii. 238; Marco Polo

on, ii. 242

Yilasor, i. 70

Yule, Sir Henry, work on Marco Polo by,

ii. 67, 75

Zebus, ii. 3o

Zoroaster, teachings of, exemplified in the natural conditions of Eastern Persia, i. 262


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