[Photo] 14~@1 |
Pottery from Middle Strata, South Kurgan, Culture III. FIG 1. Fragment of Ware of Light-colored Clay with Incised Wavy Line, Terrace II. |
[Photo] 14~@2 |
Pottery from Middle Strata, South Kurgan, Culture III. 2. Fragment of Ware with Zone-decoration in a Groups of Parallel Wavy Lines and Horizonal Grooves; from +29 feet in Upper Digging |
[Photo] 14~@3 AND 4 |
Pottery from Middle Strata, South Kurgan, Culture III. 3 and 4. Fragments of Ware with zone-decoration in Groups of Parallel Short Strise and Vandyke, Pattern; from Mixed Layers of Terrace A at +22 feet. and from Upper Digging at +25.5 feet. |