[Photo] 19~@1 |
Pottery from Middle and Upper Strata, South Kurgan, Cultures III and IV. Fig 5 from Culture IV; all others Culture III. (Terrace B). Pithos c or b, Height 65.5cm., Upper Diameter 21 cm. Heavily incrusted outside with lime, possibly to repair holes. Clay fine, greenishyellow; wheel-made. |
[Photo] 19~@2 |
Pottery from Middle and Upper Strata, South Kurgan, Cultures III and IV. Fig 5 from Culture IV; all others Culture III.(Upper Digging). Pithos b, Height 74 cm., Upper Diameter 41.5cm. Clay fine, greenish-yellow, in places much reddened in burning. |
[Photo] 19~@3 |
Pottery from Middle and Upper Strata, South Kurgan, Cultures III and IV. Fig 5 from Culture IV; all others Culture III. (Middle Strata, Terrace B). Pithos d, Height 38.8cm., Upper Dimater 13.5 cm. Clay finely levigated, greenish-yellow; good wheel workmanship. |
[Photo] 19~@4 |
Pottery from Middle and Upper Strata, South Kurgan, Cultures III and IV. Fig 5 from Culture IV; all others Culture III. (Upper Digging). Pithos a, Height 63 cm., Upper Diameter 25cm. Clay fine, yellow; wheel-made. |
[Photo] 19~@5 |
Pottery from Middle and Upper Strata, South Kurgan, Cultures III and IV. Fig 5 from Culture IV; all others Culture III. (Upper Strata, Outer Digging). Height 93.5 cm., Upper Diameter 27.5cm. Differs in clay and workmanship from pithoi Culture III. Clay reddish; horizontal wheel-marks wanting on both outer and inner surfaces; vessel seeming to be hand-made. |
[Photo] 19~@6 |
Pottery from Middle and Upper Strata, South Kurgan, Cultures III and IV. Fig 5 from Culture IV; all others Culture III. (Terrace b). Pithos b or c, Height 62cm., Upper Diameter 23cm. Well-levigated clay; wheel-made. |
[Photo] 19~@7 |
Pottery from Middle and Upper Strata, South Kurgan, Cultures III and IV. Fig 5 from Culture IV; all others Culture III. (Upper Digging). Pithos c, Largest Service Vessel Found; Height 95cm., Upper Diameter 38.5cm. Clay fine, yellow; wheel-made. Occasinal oblique lines on body show attempt at ornamentation. |
[Photo] 19~@8 |
Pottery from Middle and Upper Strata, South Kurgan, Cultures III and IV. Fig 5 from Culture IV; all others Culture III. (Middle Strata, Terrace C). Height 46.5cm., Upper Diameter 40.5cm. Clay light-greenish. About half of original vase. |