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0364 Explorations in Turkestan : Expedition of 1904 : vol.1
トルキスタンの調査 1904年 : vol.1
Explorations in Turkestan : Expedition of 1904 : vol.1 / 364 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000178
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




April 26, 1904.-Continued. 337 Fragment whetstone.

  1. Fragment colored cut glass, said to be from fresh dump, modern (?).

  2. Clay idol (head and right arm missing).

Upper digging, shaft C.

  1. Clay wheel.

  2. Clay stamp.

  3. Fragments (2) of a broad decorated handle of badly burnt clay.

April 27, 1904.

All terrace B = +20 to +23 ft.

  1. Spinbobs (5), fragments (13 large, 7 small).

  2. Clay animal figures, fragments (11).

  3. Clay object like animal head and fragment, cf. 329.

  4. Clay marbles (8) and fragments (2).

  5. Stone beads (2).

  6. Fragments clay wheel.

  7. Perforated disk.

35o. Lump of clay with fine incisions.

  1. Beautifully worked obsidian arrow-head, found under skeleton y.

  2. Stone hammer found under clay box.

  3. Fragment ornamental disk, found under strata of skeletons.

  4. Fragments (2), bronze pin found under pithos d.

  5. Natica (removed for determination).

April 28, 1904. All terrace B.

  1. Fragment flying bird, clay.

  2. Spinbobs (5), fragments (12 large, 4 small).

  3. Clay animal figures in fragments (12).

  4. Clay marbles (4).

36o. Clay wheels (2), fragments.

  1. Fragments (2) of human figures, clay.

  2. Fragment marble vessel.

  3. Fragment decorated clay slab.

Upper digging, shaft C.

  1. Fragment clay wheel.

April 3o, 1904.

  1. Finely worked flint arrow-head, shaft C, probably from between o and - to ft.

May 4, 1904.

  1. Half decorated spinbob, -14 ft., in shaft C.


May 24, 1904.

I. Spherical agate bead, upper digging.

Ia. Fragment of a clay animal figurine, upper digging.

May 25, 1904.

  1. Copper coins, mostly of unrecognizable date, upper digging.

  2. Iron ring, upper digging.

  3. Bronze stamp, upper digging.

  4. Fragment of a bronze plate, upper digging.

  5. Fragments of glass, upper digging.

  6. Glass bead, upper digging.

  7. Bronze fragment (arrow-point ?), upper digging.

  8. Fragment of bronze, upper digging.

loa, b. Fragment of a large vase with inscriptions in Pehlevi, upper digging.

11. Same, upper digging.

May 25, 19o4.-Continued.

12-13. 2 bones with inscriptions in Pehlevi and one in Uigur, upper digging.

14-16. 3 clay knobs, probably lid handles, upper digging.

  1. Spindle-whorls, upper digging.

17a. Piece of a male terra-cotta figurine, upper digging.

May 26, 1904.

Upper digging 2 ft. 4 in. to 5 ft. below surface; lower digging 5 ft. 7 in. to 9 ft. 5 in. below surface.

  1. Copper coin, upper digging near the round hearth.

  2. Copper coin, lower digging, - 8 ft. 20.1 glass and 1 stone bead, upper digging.

  3. Round pierced potsherd, upper digging.

  4. Piece of an iron knife, upper digging.

  5. 4 copper coins, upper digging.

  6. Piece of bronze, upper digging.

  7. Pieces of glass, upper digging.

25a. Rounded and pierced potsherd, upper digging.

May 27, 1904.

Upper digging, 5 ft. to 8 ft. 9 in. below surface; lower digging, 9 ft. 5 in. to 12 ft. below surface.

  1. Bronze fragment, upper digging.

  2. Rounded pierced shards, lower digging, -12 ft. 28-30. Balls of burnt clay, lower digging,-12 ft.

31. 2 copper coins, lower digging, -12 ft.

32. Beads of green stone, upper digging.

33. Gold ornament, piece of an animal pendant, upper digging.

34. Piece of a ring of alabaster, upper digging.

35. Pieces of variegated glass, upper digging.

36. Smoothing stone, upper digging.

37. Piece of whetstone, upper digging.

  1. Whorls, upper digging.

  2. Animal figurine, lower digging.

May 28, 1904.

Upper digging, 8 ft. 9 in. to 11 ft. 6 in. below surface; lower digging, 12 ft. to 15.25 ft. below surface.

38. Clay ball, upper digging.

39. Fragment of an animal figurine, lower digging. 4o. Piece of vessel of well-polished black stone, lower digging.

41. 2 copper coins, upper digging.

42. Round animal figure of shell with two holes, upper digging.

43. Rectangular pipe of black polished stone in 3 pieces, upper digging.

44. Lower part of male figure of burnt clay, painted red, yellow, and black, upper digging.

  1. Slingstones (cf. South Kurgan, Anau), lower digging.

  2. Fragment of a stone vessel, upper digging.

May 3o, 1904.

Upper digging, 11.5 ft. to 15 ft. 5 in. deep; lower digging, 15.25 ft. to 16 ft. deep; outer digging I, o to 4 ft. deep.

45. Small turquoise beads, upper digging.

46. Slingstones, upper digging (cf. Anau).

47. Broken turquoise beads, upper digging.

48. Slingstones of burnt clay, lower digging.

49. Piece of copper coin, upper digging. 5o. Piece of copper, upper digging. 51. Glazed lamp, outer digging 1.