22. Designs on painted pottery from lowest strata, North Kurgan, Culture I, group c 132
23. Designs on painted pottery from middle strata, North Kurgan, Culture I, groups a α and a ß 132
24. Designs on painted pottery from middle strata, North Kurgan, Culture I, groups aß, b, and aγ 140
25. Designs on painted pottery from middle strata, North Kurgan, Culture I, group aγ and group b 140
26, Designs on painted pottery from middle strata, North Kurgan, Culture I, group b 140
27. Designs on painted pottery from middle strata, North Kurgan, Culture I, group b 140
28. Designs on painted pottery from middle strata, North Kurgan, Culture I, group a α and group b 144
29, Designs on painted pottery from middle strata, North Kurgan, Culture I, group b 144
30. Designs on painted pottery from middle strata, North Kurgan, Culture I, group b 144
31. Designs on painted pottery from North Kurgan, Culture I, group b, and Culture II 144
32, Designs on painted pottery from upper strata, North Kurgan, Culture II 148
33. Designs on painted pottery from upper strata, North Kurgan, Culture II 148
34. Designs on painted pottery from lower strata, South Kurgan, Culture III 148
35. Designs on painted pottery from South Kurgan, Culture III and between III and IV 148
36. Objects of copper from Cultures I and II, North Kurgan 152
37, Objects of copper from Culture III, South Kurgan 152
38. Objects of copper from Culture III, South Kurgan 152
39. Objects of metal from Cultures III and IV, South Kurgan 152
40. Beads and ornaments, Cultures I and II, North Kurgan 160
41. Beads and other articles from South Kurgan 160
42. Beads from South Kurgan; whorls and flints from North Kurgan 160
43. Objects of stone from North Kurgan and clay spindle-whorls from South Kurgan 160
44. Whorls, flints, and other stone implements from lower and middle strata, Culture III, South Kurgan 168
45. Objects in stone, clay, and bone, from middle and lower strata, Culture III, South Kurgan 168
46. Whorls, flints, mace-head, and bone implement, chiefly from upper strata or iron culture, South Kurgan. Terra-cotta figures of religious significance, Culture III, South Kurgan 168
85. Map showing distribution, ancient and modern, of Bos taurus macroceros Duerst 400
86. Map showing prehistoric and modern distribution of Ovis aries palustris Rütimeyer (turbary sheep) 400
87. Norma lateralis of skull of horse from pile-dwellings at Auvernier, Switzerland, compared with same view of skull of Egyptian prehistoric ass of Abadieh (IV dynasty) 410
88. Norma verticalis of skulls of Equus przewalskii and various prehistoric horses 410
89. Norma lateralis of skulls of Equus przewalskii and two prehistoric horses 410
90. Comparisons of metacarpi medii and metatarsi medii, Anau horse 420
91. Comparisons of extremity bones, Anau horse 420