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0567 Sand-Buried Ruins of Khotan : vol.1
Sand-Buried Ruins of Khotan : vol.1 / Page 567 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000234
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INDEX   513


Khalche, 257, 262, 264

Khalkhal-i Chin u Machin, legend of, 268

khauc, cotton fabric called, 349 ; ancient fabric like, 374

Khan-arik, 149 sqq.

Kharoshthi, ancient script, documents in, xix sq., 245 sq. -, coin legends in, 261 ; first documents found in, 343 sq., 354 ; use on tablets, 358 ; on Kushana inscriptions, 360 ; brought to Khotan from India, 362 ; leather documents in, 385, 390 sqq. ; decipherment of Kh. documents, 398 sqq.; palaeographic evidence of, 404 sq.

Khan-ui, ancient site, 139, 143 sqq.

khat, writing," T., 296 sqq.

Khayindi, 79

Khitai, " Chinese," T., 332

Khotan, oasis and town, first arrival at, 194 sqq.; second stay at, 247

sqq. ; third stay at, 269 ; return

to, 442 ; departure from, 490 ; Amban of, see Pan-Darin ; Bazars

of, 483 ; carpets of., 443 ; crafts

of, 483 ; cultivators' dwellings in, 322 ; diseases at, 251 ; felts of,

340.; industries of, 167, 402 ; jade

of, 252 sqq. ; local worship of, 246, 267 ; longitude of, 243 ;

" Old and New Towns " of, 483,

486 ; petty trade in, 485 sq. ; rivers of, 197 ; rural, 487 ; Tanga

of, 170 ; W. boundary of, 194 ;

History of Khotan : Abu-Bakr's rule at, 268 ; ancient art of, xvi ;

ancient capital of, 203, 256 sqq.,

267 ; ancient designation of, 313 ; ancient industries of, xviii ;

ancient language at, xix ; ancient

names of, 402 ; archaeological interest of, xv.; Buddhist cult in,

195 sq. ; Buddhist genius loci,

487 ; Buddhist pilgrimage place of, 244 ; Buddhist shrines of,

264 ; Buddhist temples of, 260 ; Chinese call Khotan Yii-tien, 255 ; Chinese influence at, xvii ; classical art in, 396 ; classical seals

used at, xvii ; coins of Khotan with Kharoshthi legends, 344 ;

Four Garrisons," Khotan one of, 418 ; Grœco-Buddhist art in, 465; historical connection with Kash-


mir, 293 ; historical importance

of, xv ; Indian art in, 320 ; prince

of, in China, xvii ; ruined cities

of, xvi ; " Six Cities " of, 313 ;

tradition of its colonisation from

Taxila, 403

Khotan people, love lotteries,

255 ; pilgrimages of, 267 ; pros-

pecting for gold, 258 ; racial

amalgam of, 486

Khotana, ancient name of Khotan,


Khudabad, 50 sqq.

Khunjerab Pass, 67

Khunjerab R., 53

Khuruz, 153

Khush-bel, 58 sqq.

Khush-kishlak Valley, 113

Kie-pan-to, old name of Sarikol, 12

Kie-sha, old name of Kashgar, 132

Kighillik, remains at, 449

kila-mudra, Pr., 402

Kilik (Kalik) Pass, 56 sqq.

kiltas (baskets for baggage), 5

Kimnaras, 379

kira.kash, " carriers," P., 98, 104 ;

of Khotan, 203 ; of Turkestan, 492

kirgha. (felt-hut), 74, 78, 83

Kirghiz herdsmen, 67, 78, 83, 85

sqq., 108 ; as guides, 97 ; women

of, 87 : on Alai Mts., 496 sq.

kirghiz, felts called, 340

Kishanganga R., 15 sqq.

Kis-sel, stream, 207

kiyik (wild goat), T., 222

kizil, " red " T.

Kizil, oasis, 158 sq.

Kizil-jaim, 154

Kizil-Jilga, 114

Kizil-kum, 330

Kizil-su, R., 119 sq., 133 ; head-

waters of, 495 sq.

Knight, Mr., 32

Kochkar-Oghil, 427

Kohmari spur, ancient Mt. Gosringa,


koichi, " shepherd;" T., 350

(kok) " blue," " green," T.

Kiik-moinak, 111

Kok-robat, 159 sq.

Kok-sel Gl., 105

Kok-sel Gl. (in Gez Defile), 111

Kok-sel Peak, 110, 111

Kök-török, 59 sqq.

Kok-tumshuk Hill, -107 '