Database for Buddhist Cave Temples in China
German Name (Another name)
2.Anlage Höhle 19, Höhle mit der Mâyâ der zweiten Anlage
Kults Pages
Image Links (16)
0011Distribution of relics
0040Painting of a nun from a main building of the right of the destroyed central tract of the monastery Hassa Šährî.
0040Painting of a donator from the temple Bäzäklik, Murtuq, oasis Turfan.
0040Donator picture of the left of the door wall of the cave with the Mâyâ, 2 construction, cf. plate XLVIII XLIX; here repeats, in order more clearly to show the ornamental art and the hieroglyphics. Kultst. p. 162 ff.
0041Donator picture of the right door wall of the cave with the Mâyâ, 2 construction, cf. plate XLVIII XLIX.
0041The four main motives from the garb of the founder lady in Fig. 15; cf. Edging of Fig. 19.
0041Inscription to the right of the donator picture. Fig. 16.
0042Repetition of the edging of the garb of the lady on Fig. 15 at the base of the Buddha figure in the same cave (cave with the Mâyâ, 2. construction.)
0223Plan sketch and cross section before the niche in the main building of the cave 19 (Cave with the Mâyâ) of the second construction of Ming-Öi in Qyzyl, Kultst. 162-163. The picture Plate XLII XLIII was on the right corridor wall of the left corridor from the entrance.
0223Plan sketch and half cross section before the niche in the main building the cave 5 (Cave with the Mâyâ) of the third construction of Ming-Öi in Qyzyl, Kultst.171-180. Paintings of the Plate XLII XLIII are on the corridor wall C 2, right wall of left corridor.
0273Height 1.48 m, width 2.00 m.
0274Height 1.50 m, width 1.88 m.
02751/3 cf. I, 24.
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0168Body of two praying Lokapâlas from the side wall of b in the entrance hall. Original 56 cm height
0168Goddess beheind the dark-colored Vajrapâni from the door wall painting C. Original 30 cm height. Body matte-yellow, ocher-yellow shadow. Flower blue.
0168Buddha, snake and fire miracle to convert Brâmaṇa Kâśyapa to Uruvilvâ. Halfdestroyed picture from the door wall e'. Height of the original 72 cm.
0169Indra and Indrâṇi from the Parivâra Buddha from side wall f' 3. Original 30 cm height.
0169Brâhmaṇa-Group from painting 4 of aisle f'.
0170Head of a Devatâ from aisle f', painting 4. Original 19 cm height.
0170Head of a Devatâ from aisle f', painting 5. Original 12 cm height
0170Singing Devatâ from the Parivâra Buddhas. Aisle f' 6. Original. 12 cm height.
0170Head of a goddess from the base of the side wall f' 7. Interesting because by profile position of the hair-style is clear. Original 8 cm height.
0171Nâgarâja before Buddha, side wall fV. The right lady is white skin color, she is the main woman, the left younger brown skin color. Their gauze-cloths is painted by white lines. Original 74 cm height.
0171Picture from the heavy damaged vault, 63 height. Mountain rear of Buddha light blue.
0171Inside ornament strip under the cult figure of the niche, height in the original 15 1/2 cm. Base: black, leaf work and vine etc. lightgreen. The small balls and the circles in the midst of the stars light blue.
0171Picture from the zenith of the vault, not all preserved. Front half. Original 30 cm height.
0172Varṣakâra announces king Ajâtaśatru Buddhas death; two scenes: Varṣakâra arranges the king in the palace at the throne to go into the garden, where it made preparations to care the ill prince immediately, it should happen to him, if he is told the message of Buddhas death. These preparations: Jugs with Ghî and sandalwood etc. make a magic circle, two arrows, a sword are made are in the soil; in the background the head of a sacrificed goat lies. The second scene shows the king in the Ghî jug, frightens the arms spreading, while Varṣakâra unrolls the picture with Buddhas working before him. The Nirvâṇa is with shown: from the fact Ajâtaśatru recognizes that Buddha died. In the foreground the broken mountain Meru, sun and moon roll down, the screen on the Meru fall. Picture on the corridor wall. g. Width 1.62 m, height of 1.10 m.
0173Cf. 383. Enlarged representation of the picture, which Varṣakâra shows Ajâtaśatru: it contains the shortest representation of Buddhas working. Lower the birth in the Lumbini park, over it the attack Mâra on Budda: then follows down the lecture in the Gazelle park of Benares and over it Buddhas Nirvâṇa. The miniatureful style of the drawn scenes is older than the style of remaining painting of the cave.
0174Pillar hall, in which the monks sit, aisle γ. Original 12 cm height.
0174„Railing " over the roof Fig. 385. Column alternating light blue, high-red, light-grey. Original 6 1/2 cm height.
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