National Institute of Informatics - Digital Silk Road Project
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Peking to Lhasa : vol.1 |
A cable, made partly of steel and bamboo rope
or of bamboo rope, has a bamboo tube, about
130 feet long, attached to the end. The cable is
uncoiled and wound up, either by machinery, as
in the bigger mines, or by relays of buffaloes, as
in the smaller mines. When the bamboo tube
reaches the bottom the pressure opens a valve
and fills the tube with brine and water and closes
the valve when the tube is full. It takes two or
three minutes to lower the tube by machinery
and three or four minutes to pull it up again.
When up, a man pulls it across over a bucket,
presses on the valve with a hook, and releases
the salt water which pours out into a big bucket.
From this it runs along bamboo tubing to the
boiling office, which may be 4 or 5 miles away.
In the office the salt is boiled in salt - pans
either by coal (which is quicker) or by gas found
on the spot (which is cheaper). The salt comes
out yellow, but it is then washed with water
containing some chemicals and it comes out a
beautiful white. If it is to be used in the crystal
state it is then packed in bags of about 350 lb.
and sent off by barge. If it is required in cakes
it has to be boiled several times, and is mixed
with ashes to give it a darker colour.
Kungching, a few miles farther on, is another
important centre for salt.
On July 4 at San-ch'ing-chen two English lady
missionaries bound for Mount Omei lunched at
Pereira's inn—the first time in all his travels that
he had ever met a strange party in an inn.
Two days later he reached Omei-hsien on the
foot-hills of Mount Omei, which was hidden in
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