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0223 Southern Tibet : vol.3
Southern Tibet : vol.3 / Page 223 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000263
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE
Hedin, Sven Anders. “Southern Tibet Discoveries in Former Times Compared with My Own Researches in 1906-1908.” NII “Digital Silk Road” / Toyo Bunko. doi:10.20676/00000263.

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tagne.» On the other side they reached hot springs with boiling water. The water stood in reservoirs of granite. »On rencontre frèquemment, dans les montagnes du Thibet, des sources d'eaux thermales.»

From Tang-la to Lhasa he remarks that the soil goes downwards the whole way. Once they camped in a great plain with excellent grass.

For some days they followed a long series of valleys, where sometimes black tents were to be seen and then they reached »the great Tibetan village», which is situated on the river Na-Ptchu, »designée sur la carte de M. Andriveau-Goujon, par le nom mongol de Khara-Oussou». This he found to be the first Tibetan station of any importance on the way to Lhasa. Among the black Tibetan tents he found some Mongol tents. • He reckons about 15 days from here to Lhasa.

He now approaches Transhimalaya: »La route qui conduit de Na-Ptchu à Lha-Ssa est, en général, rocailleuse et très-fatigante. Quand on arrive à la chaîne des monts Koïran, elle est d'une difficulté extrême. Pourtant, à mesure qu'on avance, on sent son coeur s'épanouir, en voyant qu'on se trouve dans un pays de plus en plus habité ...» Fields are to be seen and instead of tents there are houses. The shepherds have disappeared. Fifteen days from Nak-chu they reach Pampou which is regarded as the vestibule to the holy city. It is a beautiful plain watered by a big river. After three months of deserts this place appeared to them the most charming in the world. When Huc reached the last mountain wall before Lhasa, he seems to have forgotten all the hardships and miseries of Tang-la for he says, »mais c'était, sans contredit, la plus ardue et la plus escarpée de toutes celles que nous eussions rencontrées dans notre voyage». It took him and his companion nine hours to reach the summit. On January 29th, 1846, they reached the holy city after a journey of 18 months from the »Black Waters» in Manchuria north-east of Dolon-nor.

For his analysis of Hue's journey Richthofen used the Chinese map published at Wu-chang-fu in 1863, further Prshevalskiy's preliminary report together with the remarks of Ney Elias in the Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society for 1874, p. 76 et seq., Prshevalskiy's map, and the itinerary from Urga to Lhasa, which was given to the Mongolian embassy by the Chinese Government.'

Richthofen writes Koïram, 2 but has nothing to say of the name or the range. A. H. Dufour has Mts Koiran. In d'Anville we find Coïran MM. It is very probable that Huc never heard any name for this range during his journey and that he has got his Koïran from Dufour, who himself got it from d'Anville. It is curious that Huc could cross the eastern Transhimalaya without hardly noticing it, or, at any rate, without having anything special to tell about this great system. Pampou, on the other hand, he makes the worst of all the mountains he had to cross. It is true




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I Comp. Petermann's Mitteilungen, 1874, p. 48. 2 China. I, p. 263.