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0500 Southern Tibet : vol.3
Southern Tibet : vol.3 / Page 500 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000263
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE
Hedin, Sven Anders. “Southern Tibet Discoveries in Former Times Compared with My Own Researches in 1906-1908.” NII “Digital Silk Road” / Toyo Bunko. doi:10.20676/00000263.

OCR Text





If my third line of crossing was a rather irregular or, at any rate, diagonal line, the fourth crossing is almost straight meridianal and is therefore of great importance for the knowledge of Central Transhimalaya. It begins from the village of Ushü, Camp 395, near the Tsangpo, and at a height of 4 563 m and proceeds north to Camp 41I at Teri-nam-tso and at an altitude of 4 684 m, the difference in height between starting and end points thus being only 120 m. The continental watershed on this line is Sangmo-bertik-la, 5 82o m high. The distance from Ushü to the pass is, in a straight line, 88 km, and along the road I o8,1 km, and the difference in height 1 257 m. To the north the distance from the pass to Camp 411 is, in a straight line, 90 km, and along the road 121,2 km, and the difference in height 1 136 m. Thus the fall to both sides is about the same, and, as usual, very slow.

The season of this journey is May, 1908.

Ushü or Ukshü is a village with a few stone houses in a little valley from the Chomo-uchong going down to the Tsangpo. The rocks are sand-stone. A little above and west of the village is a small pass, Ukshii-la, and beyond it the road goes up and down amongst hills and rocks, leaving to the south a valley bound to the Tsangpo and containing a small lake. The rock is phyllitic schist. Another winding valley comes from the rather steep little pass Gya-la, and allowing of a magnificent view all round the horizon. Here the rock is lateritic schist. To the S. 26° E. and S. 18° E. rise two very high snow- and ice-covered massives, obviously belonging to the northern Himalaya range north of Tsonka-dsong. Between the two is the pass Shange-la. Quite near to the S.S.E. beyond the ramifications of Gya-la is the great valley of the Tsangpo, which here is divided into several branches. To the S.W. is a saddle with the pass Sukba-la, and beyond it and the Tsangpo is Nevu-la, surrounded by snowy mountains. On this meridian the water-parting range of the Himalaya is very considerable and everywhere covered with snow and ice. To the W.S.W. and W. in our neighbourhood are the mountains which stand between the Tsangpo and the Sa-chu of Saka-dsong; N. 6o° W. is a