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0191 The Pulse of Asia : vol.1
The Pulse of Asia : vol.1 / Page 191 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000233
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE
Huntington, Ellsworth. “The Pulse of Asia a Journey in Central Asia Illustrating the Geographic Basis of History.” NII “Digital Silk Road” / Toyo Bunko. doi:10.20676/00000233.

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also; but they cannot kill any animals or cut any trees. They seemed desperately poor according to our western standards, but were far from being in want. Like most of the people of the Lop basin, they had plenty to eat, enough to wear, and a place to sleep, and their further wants were few. Later, we met other people who work in the same almost slavish way for the rich land-owners. Though a few expressed mild complaints, the majority of the Chantos seemed entirely satisfied with their lot.

The name " Chanto," or " Chan-teu," as Younghusband gives it, is a Chinese word, meaning " Turban-wearer. " It is applied by the Celestials to non-Chinese Mohammedans of the Lop basin, Turfan, and a few oases to the north and east. The Mohammedans, though they belong to a single race and number from one and a half to two million, have no name for themselves other than local designations, such as Kashgari, Khotani, Turfanlik, and so forth, derived from the names of their cities. Nor, so far as I can learn, do the people of Russia, or India, or any neighboring country, except China, have a specific name for them, and one finds no proper designation in books of travel. Their lack of a name, except among their Chinese rulers, shows how little individuality they have as a race, and how their isolation in separate, self-sufficient oases surrounded by vast deserts has prevented the growth of national feeling.

The Chantos, as it seems most fitting to call this nameless people, are generally supposed to be an Indo-European race, closely allied to the original stock from which sprang the races of western Asia and Europe. They have, to be sure, become more or less mixed with various invading