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0077 Marco Polo : vol.1
Marco Polo : vol.1 / Page 77 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000271
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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  1.       Here he tells of the city of Tigiu. (Cxlii;Cxlii)   -   -   - 315

  2.       Here he tells of the city of Yangiu. (Cxliii;Cxliii) -   -   - 3 15

  3.       Here he tells of the province of Namghin. (Cxliiii;Cxliiii) -   - 3 16

  4.       Here he speaks of the city of Saianfu. (Cxlv;Cxly) -   -   - 316

  5.       Here he tells of the city of Singiu. (Cxlvi;Cxlvi) -   -   - 320

  6.       Here he tells of the city of Caigiu . (Cxlvii;Cxlvii) -   -   - 322

  7.        Here he tells of the city of Cinghianfu. (Cxlviii;Cxlviii) -   - 322

  8.       Here he tells of the city of Ciangiu (Tanchin). (Cxlviiii;Cxlviiii) - 323

  9.       Here he tells of the city of Sugiu. (Cl;CI) -   -   -   - 324

  10.       Here he tells of the noble city of Quinsai. (Cli;Cli)   -   - 326

  11.        Here he tells of the great revenue which the great Kaan has from

Quinsai. (Clvi;Clvi) -   -   -   -   -   - 341

  1.       Here he tells of the great city of Tanpigiu. (Cliii;Cliii)   -   - 343

  2.       Here he tells of the realm of Fugiu. (Cliiii;Cliiii) -   -   - 345

15 6 .   Here he tells of the city of Fugiu. (Clv;Clv)   -   -   - 347

  1.  [3a] Here he tells of the city of Çaiton. (Clvi;Clvi)   -   -   - 35o

  2.       HERE begins the book of Indie. And he will tell all the wonders which are there and the manners of the people.' (C1vii;Clvii) 3 54

  3.       Here he tells of the island of Çipingu. (Clviii;Clviii)   -   - 3 57

Ibo.   How the people of the great Kaan escaped from the storm of the sea
and afterwards took the city of their enemies] .(Clviiii;Clviiii) 3 60

16 I .   HERE he tells of the fashions of the idols .2 (Clx; Clx)   -   - 364

  1.       Here he tells of the country of Ciamba. (Clxi;Clxi)   -   - 366

  2.       Here he tells of the great island of Java. (Clxii; Clxii)   -   - 3 68

  3.       Here he tells of the island of Sondur and of that of Condur. (Clxiii;

Clxiii)   -   -   -   -   -   -   - 369

  1.       Here he tells of the island of Pentan. (Clxiiii;Clxiiii)   -   - 370

  2.       Here he tells of the island of Java the less. (Clxv;Clxiiii) -   - 37o

  3.       Here he tells of the realm of Sumatra. (Clxvi;Clxvi)   -   - 373

  4.       Here he tells of the realm of Dagroian. (Clxvii;Clxvii)   -   - 374

  5.       Here he tells of the realm of Lambri. (Clxviii;Clxviii)   -   - 376

  6.       Here he tells of the realm of Fansur. (Clxviiii;Clxviiii)   -   - 376

  7.       Here he tells of the island of Necuveran. (Clxx;Clxx)   -   - 377

  8.       Here he tells of the island of Angaman. (C1xxi;Clxxi)   -   - 378

  9.       Here he tells of the island of Seilan. (Clxxii;Clxxii)   -   - 379

1 des fors perhaps for des idres or, as FG, for des fens. cf. pp. 3 54, 3 64.

2 or "the ways of the idolaters."