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0503 Marco Polo : vol.1
Marco Polo : vol.1 / Page 503 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000271
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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THE DESCRIPTION OF THE WORLD THE SPEECH OF CINGHIS together were enough to conquer the world. And when he had prepared his things with the greatest order and carefulness, calling to him his principal men he spoke to them in an eloquent speech, Dearest friends and dearest brothers, we stay as you see in these savage and desert places so great a congregation of most valiant men of virtue and high mind that in my judgement the world would scarcely be enough for such a people. Is it not then for all of us who have the rule of this people of so great excellence and virtue, courage and high spirit, who are subject to us, a very great shame to stay shut up thus in these places which are fit only to be inhabited by wild beasts, and not by so great a multitude of noble men ? As for me, I think of this our dwellingplace with so great shame that I dare not lift my eyes to look you most valiant knights in the face, whom I know to be of such virtue and excellence that for a long time past you have proved your most valiant arms in other lands and in more noble exercises than in these savage plains against wild animals. I know that the fault of delay till now is with me, and that from now onward for certain I shall be equal to you and of one mind to go out from these savage places. Let us then, dearest brothers, all together join our forces and go to find a dwelling worthy of your valour. Let us no more lose time, which is too much lost, but rather let us strive with the greatest care to recover it as much as we can . When the noble knights had heard the most eloquent exhortation of their most excellent king and captain, they cried all with one voice, Sir, let it be done. And see, we all receiving the lofty command are ready if need be to die for the increase and fame of thy rule. Command us then, our king and captain. Let us lose no more time, for thou shalt be obeyed by all. The noble Zinzin Chan commanded that all should stand ready for his need, for he determined to go out once for all from the desert & to go to get more worthy lands and dwellingplaces . And when all were ready they came out with the greatest courage and hope from the desert, and fortune prospered them, so that in a very short time, such was his power, and even more the fame of his justice, he took eight very famous and great provinces with so great moderation, not allowing in any place taken that harm or violence should be done to any, and so great was his justice that none dared to do anything which might be displeasing to the justice of his just lord. And so much was his justice and fame trusted that he called himself happy who could be in the service of that noble lord. And he only desired of the provinces and lands taken by him that he should take all the brave young men who were in them to be with him, and he wished them to be in his army. And in this way the power of his army and the fame of his excellence were increased so that he was no longer afraid of any.

And when Zinzin Chan had taken many provinces and his army was increased to