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0217 Across Asia : vol.1
アジア横断 : vol.1
Across Asia : vol.1 / 217 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


[Photo] カン村のタランチ人の子供たちTarantchi children in the village of Kan.


doi: 10.20676/00000221
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




same clothes as the Sarts with the exception of the women. They wear a coloured cloth on their heads, knotted at the back as in Uch Turfan with two points hanging loose down their backs. They do not wear any veil or covering over their faces, and although sometimes they are shy and hide from strangers, they are much less so than the Sart women. They heat their stoves with coal. When the snow is deepest, it is knee-deep. It lies for 3 or 4 months. Wheat, maize and barley are grown and yield a 5-6 fold crop on an average. About 4 people, 4 horses, 5 cows and to sheep can be reckoned per household. There are usually 2 or 3 burans yearly, mostly from the W. Kan is on the way to Sharantchi, SA and Tchaptchal dawan.

The road we travelled was excellent and ran across a grassy plain which was only cultivated in parts. A mile or two from Kan we crossed a canal about three fathoms wide, over which a poor bridge had been thrown. We passed the village of Djargui Djargash of about go houses and about an hour later a couple of single farms belonging to the village of Khoghuntche. The caravan which went straight on, while I had to retrace my steps of yesterday for a couple of hours, had arrived some time before and dinner was ready. — Khoghuntche is a village of about too houses. There are 4 t /2 inhabitants, 3 horses, 3 t /2 cows, t /4 camel and 20 sheep per household. Maize, wheat and barley yield a to fold crop, millet up to 12 fold. The tax is collected in the form of grain and is about t 1/2 times the seed sown. About three burans annually, mostly from the W.

The character of the road was the same as yesterday. In other words it was good and April r2th.

went over a grassy plain with a level surface. The only obstacles encountered were canals Qulju.

and water-channels and here and there a marshy patch with standing water. During

high-water these channels and canals get swollen, so that they force travellers to make

a wide circuit westward to a bridge between Kainak and the Sibo Manchurians' 2 sumun.

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Tar antchi children in the

village of Kan.   ,F   * '~