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0662 Across Asia : vol.1
アジア横断 : vol.1
Across Asia : vol.1 / 662 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


[Photo] 龍門石窟寺院の内部Inside the temples in the grottes at Lung meng.


doi: 10.20676/00000221
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




Inside the temples in the grottoes at Lung meng.

a glimpse of the river now and then, winding along the valley not very far from the road. Far to the north of it mountains were visible. — 22 li from our starting point we crossed another river, 35 feet wide, with only a little water. Its E bank was steep. The mountains had now drawn much closer together. Between them a single mountain stood in the valley, crowned with a tower, by which we set our course. Soon after, we passed through the capital of the district, Sinanhsien, a small place with a population of about 800 tja. Just beyond it we crossed the Yi ho, a small river. After falling slightly for a time the road led us over a slight, long rise. Soon after, about t 2 li from the town, there was another small river. The mountains in the S were now quite close to the road, the northern ones being not more than 2/3 of a mile off. For a time they ran at about the same distance from each other, but then they again began to retreat.

The road now continued over level ground. We crossed one more river, 30-35 feet wide, to li before reaching a village that bears its name, Siniho. After covering too li we came to Honan-fu. Both chains of mountains could be seen faintly at a very appreciable distance. The following villages lie at the distances stated from Tie meng cheng: 5 li Yulipu with 7 houses, to li Hsi chuang 8o houses, 15 It Keichang too houses, 18 li Tie san 200 houses, 3o li Sinan-hsien 800 houses, 38 li Palisan 7 houses, 12 li Ching Jiang shuk'r 5 houses, Yung chang 15 houses, zo li Ehr-shih-li-pu to houses, 3o li Sui tien tie too houses, 40 li Wang siang ho, 45 Kushui cheng t,000 houses, Chihli ho iz houses.
