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0796 Ruins of Desert Cathay : vol.2
中国砂漠地帯の遺跡 : vol.2
Ruins of Desert Cathay : vol.2 / 796 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000213
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



506   INDEX

of Lop-nor, i. 336, 341-342 ; anthropological measurements of, i. 502

Lop-nor desert, i. 332, 336-337, 342 ; excavations in, i. 349-353, 377-414, 439-

496 ; crossing of, i. 415-423, 503-546; marshes of Lop-nor, i. 356-361

Lorimer, Miss F., assistant at British Museum, i. xIx

Lotus flowers on ancient wooden carving,

  1. 405

Lou-lan, or Lop-nor, in Chinese Annals, i.

343-345, 400-401, 449, 512-516 ; station of ` old Lou-lan,' i. 515

Love-locks, on faces in Miran frescoes, i.

474, 481, 487

Lowarai Pass, from Dir to Chitral, i. 21-25

Lucerne, i. 128, 146, 149, 321 ; ii• 430 Lukchun, oasis in Turfan, with Karez

irrigation, ii. 355-357

Lumbini garden, of Buddha's nativity, in

painting from Caves of Thousand Buddhas, ii. 199

Macartney, Mr. G., British Consul-General at Kashgar, i. xvii, 97, 102, 106 ; his hospitality at Chini-bagh, ii. 1o7-io9; introduces Chiang-ssû-yeh, i. I15-I17 ; at funeral of Father Hendricks, i. 123-125 ; Uigur MSS. brought to, i. 134, 138 ; manuscript finds brought to, i. 236 ; his seals on letter - bags, i. 408 ; telegram

from, about silver, i. 434 ; archaeological finds sent to, i. 497 ; forwards mails

to Kan-chou, ii. 332 ; sends ` treasure-seeking ' guides from Khotan, ii. 412 ; not revisited at Kashgar, ii. 429 ; archaeological finds sent back by, ii. 431 ; appoints Chiang - ssû - yeh to be Chinese Munshi of British Consulate at

Kashgar, ii. 439

Ma Cheng, Chinese general (first century

A. D.), 1. 153

Maclagan, Mr. E. D., host at Lahore, i. 5 ;

  1. 489 ; help of, i. x111

Macpherson, Captain, Assistant Resident at Srinagar, ii. 488

Maddi, wife of Prince Vessantara, in

Miran fresco, i. 490, 491

Maës, Macedonian, sent commercial agents

to land of the Seres, i. 374, 493 ; ii• 38 Magazine, ruins of, near Old Wall, ii.


Mahaban, Mount, near Indus, former visit to, i. 12 ; ii. 338

Mahayana, system of Northern Buddhism, ii. 26, 201

Mahsud Shah, hereditary chief of Kumul, or Hami, ii. 342-343 ; his country seat

and orchards at Ara-tam, ii. 347-349 Maidenhair fern, ii. 286

_Mail-bags, arrival of, i. 151, 183, 299, 407409 ; ii. 231-232 ; despatch of, i. 89,

I Io, 235, 363, 433, 504-505 ; ii. 32, 68-

69, 99-100, 16o, 300, 344, 441 ; record of, at isolated postal station near Lop-

nor, i. 429

Maitreya, Bodhisattva, in paintings from

Caves of Thousand Buddhas, ii. 201, 205 Maize, growing crops, i. 238 ; ii. 355 ; for

donkeys, ii. 16

Malak-alagan, new colony near Domoko,

  1. 238, 251, 253, 254

Malakand Pass, with memories of former

fighting, i. 13

Malarial fever, attacks of, in Lop-nor desert, i. 332, 404, 412

Mandarins, co-operation of, i. xvi

Mandoline, in Miran fresco, i. 481

Mangush Beg, Kirghiz, ii. 424

Manichaean documents, from Caves of Thousand Buddhas, i. 187, 213.215 ; from Turfan, ii. 359

Mansur Khan, Hakim, Afghan governor

of Upper Wakhan, i. 66, 69, 8o, 82, 83 Manuscripts. See Brahmi, Chinese, Kha-

roshthi, Sanskrit, Tibetan, Sogdian, Turki Maps, i. xv ; ii. 491

Marco Polo, quoted or referred to, i. 66, 69, 133, 161, 318, 323, 337, 343, 449, 451, 503, 517-519, 534 ; ii. 27, 161,

303, 305

Mardan rose, at Abbottabad, i. io

Margs of Kashmir, recalled, i. 25, 183 ;

  1. 467

Marigolds, ii. 287

Marmots, ii. 308

Marsh of Salt,' or dry lake bed of Lop-

nor, i. 523

Martin, M., ill-fated traveller, ii. 48

Martini rifle, carried by Dir levies, i. 16 ;

of Afghan colonel, i. 73

Mastuj, in Upper Chitral, passage through,

  1. 41-51

Ma-tuan-lin, Chinese historiographer, i. 518

Mauser rifles from Peking, at Hami, ii. 343 Maya, Buddha's mother, in painting from Caves of Thousand Buddhas, ii. 199 Mayaklik, excavations at, ii. 417

Mayers' Chinese Reader's Manual, ii. 52 Mazars, or Muhammadan shrines, i. 103,

152, 158, 161-163, 222, 255, 298, 324.

See also Ziarats

Mazar-tagh, excavation of Tibetan fort on,

  1. 417-419

Mazar-toghrak, excavations at, i. 255-257,


Mecca, pilgrims from Turkestan to, i. 132,

145, 212, 214, 215 ; ii. 373, 415 Mecca-pointer' = compass, i. 373

Medical manuals, consulted for frost-bite, ii. 482

Medical note-book, ancient Chinese, ii. 125 Medical recipe, ancient Tibetan, i. 448