our Holy Father the Pope.... For a long time we received instruction in the Catholic faith, with wholesome guidance and abundant consolation, from your Legate Friar John, a man of weighty, capable, and holy character. But since his death, eight years ago, we have been without a director, and without spiritual consolation. We heard, indeed, that thou hadst sent another legate, but he hath never yet appeared. Wherefore we beseech your Holiness to send us a legate, wise, capable, and virtuous, to care for our souls. And let him come quickly, for we are here a flock without a head, without instruction, without consolation. ... And it has happened on three or four different_ occasions that envoys have come on thy part to the aforesaid Emperor our Master, and have been most graciously received by him, and have
the following suggestions may at least show the sort of explanations that are practicable. I have a suspicion that the first six words form two names only instead of three. Assuming this we have for the first, Futim Joens (i.e. Yoens) Chyansam. To reduce Yoens or Yovens to a rational form it must be remembered that these names were probably transferred from Persian, or some analogous character. Transfer Yovens back into Persian it becomes Ly.iy*, which when read properly into Roman letters
is Yûnus or Jonas, no doubt the name of the personage in question; whilst Futim may represent the Chinese title Futai, and Chyansam that of Chingsang, the designation of the great ministers of state which often occurs in the Mongol history, and has already occurred in the extracts from Rashid. (D'Ohsson, ii, 636; Journ. Asiat., ser. ii, tom. vi, pp. 352-3; supra, p. 263.)
The next name will be Tungii Gemboga Vensii. Tungii looks like the Dankji of Shah Rukh's Embassy, in the narrative of which we find it applied to the Chinese governors of the frontier provinces, perhaps as a corruption of the Chinese Tsiangshi, a general. Gemboga or Chambuca is the proper name, a name quite Tartar in character, for scores of Boghas will be found in the histories of the Mongols and of Timur (from Turki Bugha, an army leader). We find Jamuca, which is perhaps the same name, as one of the rivals of Chinghiz (D' Ohsson, i, 70). And Vensii is almost certainly Wangshi, a commandant of ten thousand.
The Yukoy, which appears to be the title of Joannes, the next of the Alans, is perhaps Yeukie, which according to Visdelou (Suppt. to Herbelot) is a rank equivalent to colonel, or as Pauthier calls it, "chef de bataillon (Chine Mod., 221). Lastly we have in the title of Rubens Pinzanus, the FanchMMn or Panchân of the Persian historians of the Mongol dynasty (D' Ohsson, vi, 530, 637, etc. ; Ext. from Rashid, supra, p. 263) representing the Chinese title of an under minister of state. Rubens is probably a translation of the original name, Kizil or the like, meaning Red.