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Views and Custom of North China : vol.1
北清大観 : vol.1

キャプション 目次

0007 [Photo] (天津) (白河)独逸租界ノ沿岸 白河七十余ノ曲折ヲ迂回溯航シテ將ニ天津居留地ノ市街ニカヽラントスル所対岸ハ独逸租界ノ一部ナリ(Tien Tsin) The River Paiho. The entrance of the Tien Tsin Port, the oppsit Bund is a part of the German Concession.
0009 [Photo] (天津) 独逸ノ北清紀念碑 左手楯ヲ擁シ右手ニ剣ヲ杖キ遥ニ天ノ一方ヲ睥睨セル武夫ノ銅像ハ是レ独逸北清事変紀念碑ニシテ其後ユルハ同国駐屯軍ノ兵舎ナリ(Tien Tsin) The German Monument of the Boxer war in the German Concession. The Large Building in the Back is the German Barracks.
0011 [Photo] (天津) 独租界ウイルヘルム街 各国居留地ノ東南端ニ僻在ス其ノ地閑静ニシテ其ノ市街ハ瀟洒独逸領事館・司令官官舎・倶楽部等皆此所ニアリ(Tien Tsin) Wilhelm-Road in German Concession. The German Consulate General, Commander's Official Residence and German Club etc. are on this Road. The German Monument of the Boxer war stands at the end of this Road.
0013 [Photo] @t (天津) 独逸租界ノ河岸(Tien Tsin) The Bund in the German Concession.
0013 [Photo] @b (天津) 金湯橋 支那市街ト墺国租界トヲ連接スル鉄橋ニシテ民船ヲ通過セシムル為メ中央ヨリ自在開閉スルコトヲ得ル仕組ナリ(Tien Tsin) Chin Tang Bridge. This is built across the River Paiho between Australian Concession and Chinese City.
0015 [Photo] (天津) 白河(英独租界ノ沿岸) 対岸ハ英租界ニシテ此ノ辺及上流ナル仏租界沿岸一帯ノ地方ヲ総称 シテ紫竹林バンドト云フ冬季結氷期二三ケケ月間ヲ除ケバ浅吃水汽船ハ自由ニ横付スルヲ得ルガ故ニ旅客ノ上下貨物ノ積卸等頗ル頻繁ニシテ白河沿岸ノ繁栄ハ此所ヲ最トス(Tien Tsin) The Paiho River. The Opposite Bund is the German and British Concessions, many streamers can be moored hereabout.
0017 [Photo] (天津) 白河結氷 対岸ノ建物ハ露国北清事変紀念碑ナリ(Tien Tsin) The Paiho River in Winter. The building on the Bund is the Russian Monument of the Boxer War.
0019 [Photo] (天津) 霜ノ花 天津ノ地タル沍寒頗ル甚シク露霜物ニ觸ルレバ忽ニシテ凝着シ枯木一夜ノ間ニ万朶ノ花ヲ綴ル一種ノ佳観ナリ(Tien Tsin) Frosty Willow Trees in the Russian Park..
0021 [Photo] (天津)露国北清事変紀念碑 白河ヲ溯航シテ天津ヲ見舞フ旅客ノ先ヅ目ニ觸ルヽハ此ノ北清事変紀念碑ナリ金色ノ尖塔楊柳ノ翠色ト相映發セル又一ノ美観タルヲ失ハズ(Tien Tsin) The Russian Monument of the Boxer War in the Russian Concession.
0023 [Photo] (天津) アストルハウス(利順号) 天津第一ノ大旅館ニシテ英租界ノヴヰクトリア街ニ在リ其ノ三層楼ニ登レバヴヰクトリア公園ヲ脚下ニ俯瞰ス(Tien Tsin) Astor House Hotel. The Best Hotel in Tien Tsin and the Victoria park can be looked down from this Hotel.
0025 [Photo] (天津) ヴヰクトリア公園及ゴールドンホール 樹林鬱蒼葱幽邃ノ景致掬スベキモノハヴヰクトリア公園ニシテ後ニ巍然トシテ聳ユル高楼ハゴールドンホールナリ前者ハ其ノ規模小ナリト雖珍樹名草アリ音楽堂温室等ノ設備間然スル所ナク後者ハ公共集会ノ用に供セラレ堂内ノ劇場ノ如キ装飾善美ヲ尽セリ(Tien Tsin) Victoria Park and Golden Hall in the British Concession.
0027 [Photo] (天津) (英租界メドウス路) 日本総領事館ノ観望台ヨリ英租界ヲ俯瞰スレバ一条ノ街路西ニ向テ直通セルアリ之レメドウス路ニシテ開平礦務局有限公司英国郵便局米国湯便局領事館等ノ宏壮ナル建築物櫛比セリメドウス路ト十字形ヲナエルハ太沽路ニシテ之レニ沿ヘル樹木ノ蔚乎タル一構ヘハヴヰクトリア公園ナリ(Tien Tsin) Mesdows-Road in British Concession. The Chinese Engineering and Mining Co., British Post Office and American Consulate General are on this road.
0029 [Photo] @t 天津競馬場 独租界ノ郊外ニアリ毎年春秋ノ二季大競馬会ヲ開催ス(Tien Tsin) The Entertain-Hall in the Tien Tsin Race Course.
0029 [Photo] @b 天津競馬場The Race Course in Tien Tsin.
0031 [Photo] (天津) (レクレーショングランド) 英租界レクレーション路ニアリ其ノ建築壮麗ニシテ園内広濶総テノ体育競技ハ此ノ処ニ行ハル(Tien Tsin) The Recreation Ground in British Concession.
0033 [Photo] 白河結氷The River Paiho in. Winter.
0035 [Photo] 遊芸津会 天津倶楽部在津外人等ノ交歓偕楽ノ場所ニシテ英租界ヴヰクトリア街ニ在リ(Tien Tsin) Tien Tsin Club in Victoria Road, British Concession.
0037 [Photo] (天津) 白河 英国租界 汽船ノ輻輳頻繁ニシテ樹間ニ見ユル国旗太沽ライターコンパニーナリ(Tien Tsin) The River Paiho. Bund of British Concession. The Building on whitch the flag is floating is the Taku Lighter Co.
0039 [Photo] (天津) ヴヰクトリア公園ノ梵鐘 曾テ海光寺ノ霊地ニアリ黄色調ヲ帯ベル鐘声ハ朝暮梵唄ヲ和シテ遠ク十万億土ニ響キ渡ルト言伝フ拳匪ノ乱起ルヤ寺ハ兵焚ニ罹リテ烏有ニ帰シ鐘ハ転輾シテ遂ニ公園ノ一角ニ孤懸スルニ至リヌ(Tien Tsin) A Large Bell in Victoria-park, British Concession. This was a property of the Japanese Military Authority before, but was presented to the British Municipality.
0041 [Photo] (天津) 仏租界パリス街 仏租界骨子ノ市街ニシテ英租界ヴヰクトリア街ニ通ス烏利文武齊洋行大清郵政局等皆此ノ通リニアリ(Tien Tsin) Rue de Paris, French Concession. The Chinese Imp. Post Office are on this Road.
0043 [Photo] (天津) 白河仏租界河岸ト其ノ雑踏(Tien Tsin) The Bund of River Paiho in the French Concession.
0045 [Photo] @t (天津) 白河 (仏租界之沿岸) 向テ右ハ仏租界ノ紫竹林バンドニシテ左ハ露租界ノ沿岸ナリバンドニハ津清海関仏国領事館日本郵船会社出張所等アリ碼頭ニハ結氷期ヲ除ケバ常ニ輸出入貨物ノ堆積セルコト盛ナリ(Tien Tsin) Paiho-river between French and Russian concession. The right side is a part of French Concession and there is the Imperial Chinese Maritime Customs, the French Consulate General and the Branch office of the N.Y.K. Many steamers are moored here for dischaging and shipping exept winter.
0045 [Photo] @b (天津) 白河ノ結氷 月臘ニ入ラントスル比朔北ノ寒風一度燕趙ノ野ヲ拂ヘバ諸川悉ク結氷ス図ハ独逸租界附近ニ於ケル白河結氷ノ光景ナリ濁流忽チニシテ玻璃板道ト化シ船ハ代リ船頭ハ橇曳ト変シ一去一来飛ブカ如ク又冬日ノ一奇観ナリ(Tien Tsin) The ice bound of Paiho-river.
0047 [Photo] (天津) 日本総領事館 英租界ヴヰクトリア街ニアリ天津倶楽部ト相対立シ建築広大ナリ(Tien Tsin) The Japanese Consulate General.
0049 [Photo] @t (天津) 水師営砲台 北清戦役ノ際連合軍ヲ苦シメタルモノ今ヤ取リ毀サレテ官病院トナリ又当時ノ跡ヲ留メズ只三岔河口ノ水沓然トシテ流ルノヲ見ルノミ(Tien Tsin) The batteries of Sui Thi Yuin. They tormented the foreign armies during the Boxer war, but now they are all broken and the Chinese Governmental hospital is elected here.
0049 [Photo] @bl (天津) 日本居留地ノ白河河岸 之レ郵船会社ノ棧橋ニシテ国中ノ小艇ハ日本水雷艇ナリ(Tien Tsin) The Japanese Torpedo Boats at the bund in the Japanese Concession.
0049 [Photo] @br (天津) 日本北清戦役紀念碑 日本租界福島街ヨリ海光寺兵営ニ至ル途中ニ在リ拳匪事変ノ際北清ノ野ニ戦没セシ我勇士ノ英魂ヲ祀レル所ナリ(Tien Tsin) The Japanese Monument of the Boxers war in the Japanese Concession.
0051 [Photo] (天津) 大日本駐屯軍兵舎ノ前門ト軍司令部(Tien Tsin) The front Gate of Japanese Barracks and Military Headquarters.
0053 [Photo] (天津) 日本租界寿街 其ノ繁栄旭街ニ次グ常盤ホテル・憲兵駐屯所・北清時報社・東京建物会社等此ノ街路ニアリ(Tien Tsin) Kotobuki-Road, Japanese Concession. Tokyo Land Investment Co. and North China Times Office are on this Road.
0055 [Photo] (天津) 日本租界旭街 日租界目抜ノ地ニシテ外国租界ヨリ支那市街ニ通ズル大道路ナリ長約七百間幅十間アリ此ノ間洋館林立シ街路坦々砥ノ如ク車馬ノ往来絡繹織ルニ似タリ(Tien Tsin) ASAHI-Road in the Japanese Concession. This is a main road which passed to the Chinese City from other Foreign Concession, and the Japanese Municipal Council and Post Office are on this road.
0057 [Photo] @t (天津) 日本居留地河岸 (白河)白河ニ沿ヘル街路ヲ山口街ト云ヒ三井・武齋・郵船・大倉・商船等ノ大商店大会社アリ(Tien Tsin) The Bund of the River Paiho. Japanese Concession. Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Takeuchi&Co., Okura&Co., are on this Bund.
0057 [Photo] @b (天津) 度支部造幣津廠 李公祠ノ後方ニ在リ当局ニ於テハ直隷全省ニ使用スル通貨ハ勿論東三省ニ於ケル使用貨ヲモ鑄造ス(Tien Tsin) The Governmental Mint in Tientsin.
0059 [Photo] @t (天津) 大日本北清駐屯軍兵営ノ全景(Tien Tsin) Japanese Barracks.
0059 [Photo] @b (天津) 英国北清駐屯軍兵営ノ全景(Tien Tsin) British Barracks.
0061 [Photo] (天津) 李公祠園地 李公章廟ノ構内ニアリ中央ニ見ユルハ水亭ニシテ架スルニ九曲ノ橋ヲ以テセリ其ノ後方ニ 園ノ内外ヲ一目ニ下瞰スルヲ得可シ夏時ニ至レバ池荷新緑ヲ延ベ満池青銭ヲ舗スルガ如ク黄昏ノ景致殊ニ佳観ナリ(Tien Tsin) The garden in the Li-Hun-Chang's Temple.The whole garden can be looked down from the Balcony which atands in the lotus pond, its sight is very beautiful in Summer.
0063 [Photo] (天津) 李公祠 水閣ノ全景ナリ夏夕納涼ニ宜シ園内宏壮ナリ(Tien Tsin) The back side of the lotus pond in the Li-Hun=chang's Temple.
0065 [Photo] (天津) 娘々宮 天皇聖母ヲ奉祀セリ船舶ノ守護神トシテ又病気其他一切ノ出来事ニ関スル祈禱所トシテ迷信者ノ參詣引キモ切ラズ殊ニ月ノ十五日ニハ貴賤婦女子ノ參拝者堂ニ塡〓セリ宮ハ繁華ナル宮北宮南ノ境界ニアリ(Tien Tsin) Nyan-Nyan Temple. The Five Holy Mothers of Emperors are deified in this temple and worshipped by the Chinese for the safety of voyages ans the recovery from illness.
0067 [Photo] (天津) 金華橋 東馬路ヨリ大胡同ニ至ル途中ニ在リ河北ト天津旧城内トヲ連接スル要路ニ当ルヲ以テ車馬行人ノ往来ハ織ルガ如ク真ニ肩摩轂撃ノ観アリ橋畔ノ一高楼ハ道台衙門ノ一部ナリ(Tien Tsin) Chin Hoa Bridge. This is built across the River Paiho.
0069 [Photo] (天津) 大紅橋 天津市街ノ北端ヲ流ルヽ此葉河ニ架セリ此ノ河ハ北京ニ通スル唯一ノ水路ナレバ船便ニテ該地ニ輸送セラルヽ貨物ハ悉ク此ノ橋畔ニ於テ船積ス随テ民船常ニ輻輳シ帆檣林立セリ(Tien Tsin) The Bridge “Tah Hongchao” This is built across the River which runs through the northern part of Tien Tsin; as this river goes up to Peking, most of the goods for Peking are shipped from here.
0071 [Photo] (天津) 金綱橋 白河ノ本流ニ架セル鉄橋ニシテコレ亦民船通過ノ為メ開閉シ得ル構造ナリ橋ヲ渡リテ坦々タル大経路ヲ辿レバ十数町ニシテ新停車場ニ達スベシ直隷省施政ノ樞府タル総督衙門ハ此ノ橋畔ニアリ図中ノ小艇ハ清国砲艦ナリ(Tien Tsin) Chin-Kung Bridge and Chinese Gun Boats.
0073 [Photo] (天津) 勧工場 外門及ビ正門ノ全景ナリ此ノ間ニハ商店軒ヲ並ベ各種ノ美術工芸品等ヲ販売セリ(Tien Tsin) The entrance of the Tien Tsin Gallary.
0075 [Photo] (天津) 勧工場 門ヲ入レバ庭園アリ池ヲ穿チ荷ヲ植ヘ假山ヲ築キ大湖石ヲ配置スル等支那園芸ノ数寄ヲ凝セリ(Tien Tsin) The Main Gate View from the Balcony in the Lotus pond of the Tien Tsin Gallery.
0077 [Photo] (天津) 勧工場 中央ノ尖塔天ヲ摩セル洋館ハ陳列場ニシテ次ノ建物ハ学務所ナリ其他訳文館・抛球房・茶館等此ノ中ニ在リ場ノ中央ハ運動場ニシテ其周圍ニ花壇ヲ設ケ珍花奇草ヲ培養セリ又小動物園アリ李公祠ト共ニ遊観ノ地ナリ(Tien Tsin) Tien Tsin Park in Hopei. The Building at the Left hand side is a gallery, the next is the Educational Bureau; Billiard and Music halls are elected in this compound.
0079 [Photo] (天津)三岔河ノ渡船(Tien Tsin) Ferry Boat.
0081 [Photo] (天津) 白河氷採取 白河ノ結氷スルヤ土人ハ之ヲ適宜ノ大サニ截リ取リ貯蔵庫ニ蓄ヘ置キ盛夏炎熱焼クガ如キ時之ヲ出シテ市中ニ販売ス(Tien Tsin) Gathering of Ice in the River Paiho.
0083 [Photo] @t 木挽Sawyers.
0083 [Photo] @b 木挽ノ食事Sawyers dining.
0085 [Photo] @l 官吏ノ妻Officer's Wife.
0085 [Photo] @r 馬車ト芸妓A Chinese Singer riding carriage.
0087 [Photo] @t 雑貨店A Chinese General Store.
0087 [Photo] @bl 菓子行商人A Travelling Cake Seller by Lottery.
0087 [Photo] @br 靴直シA Shoe Repairer.
0089 [Photo] @t 墓地Cemetery.
0089 [Photo] @b 苦力泥土ヲ運搬スル図A coolie carrying mud by wheelborrow.
0091 [Photo] @t 露天水菓子屋Stalls.
0091 [Photo] @b 食事Women at their dining table.
0093 [Photo] @t 芸妓Singer.
0093 [Photo] @b 行商人Peddler.
0095 [Photo] @l 漁船ト家族Fisher family and fishing boat.
0095 [Photo] @r 漁夫A Fisher.
0097 [Photo] 清国ノ演劇Chinese Actors in Theatre.
0099 [Photo] @l 満州婦人Manchurian Woman.
0099 [Photo] @r 翫具店Toys Shop.
0101 [Photo] @tl 盛装ノ支那官吏An official in full dress.
0101 [Photo] @tr 理髪師An official on horse.
0101 [Photo] @b 支那官吏A Barber.
0103 [Photo] @t 草苅童Weeding boys.
0103 [Photo] @b 米運搬Carrying Rice.
0105 [Photo] @t 罪人A Criminal.
0105 [Photo] @b 一輪車A Chinese Wheelborrow.
0107 [Photo] @t 駱駝Camels and drivers.
0107 [Photo] @b 騾子轎子Sedan chair carried by mules.
0109 [Photo] 秋期農夫ノ作業 図ハ円石ヲ装置セル馬ヲ使用シテ高梁ノ穂ヨリ梁実ヲ取ル有様ナリA Farmer thrashing the corns with a stone-roller pulling by horse.
0111 [Photo] @t 清国皇帝大清門御通輦His Imperial Majesty's Procession passing Tah-Tsun-Gate, Peking.
0111 [Photo] @b 満州旗人ノ乗馬出門A Manchurian lady outing on donkey.
0113 [Photo] @t 易者及小間物屋Prospicience and Store.
0113 [Photo] @b 娘ノ喫煙Chinese Girls smoking tabacco.
0115 [Photo] @t 葬儀Noble's Funeral.
0115 [Photo] @b 満州旗人阿片ヲ喫スル状態A Manchurian lady smoking opium.
0117 [Photo] @t 山輿A Chinese travelling on a sedan chair.
0117 [Photo] @b 陶器ツギ及イカクヤPorcelain Retoucher.
0119 [Photo] @t 盲目婦人の奏楽Two Blind Women playing musical instruments.
0119 [Photo] @b (北京) 崇文門街 一名哈噠門ト称シ蒙古商人ノ来集スル所ニシテ前門大街ト共ニ北京城中商業ノ最モ盛ナル街路ナリ(Peking) Hata Men Street. This is a most bustling place where the Mongolian merchants assemble for trading.
0121 [Photo] @t 満州旗人ノ家庭Manchurian family.
0121 [Photo] @b 馬車Road Cart.
0123 [Photo] @t 雍和宮 本殿(Peking) The Main Shrine of the Lama Temple.
0123 [Photo] @b 喇嘛僧侶Monks of Lama.
0125 [Photo] @t (北京) グランドホテル 建築ノ宏壮ニシテ設備ノ完全ナル京津旅館中ノ白眉タリ(Peking) The Grand Hotel.
0125 [Photo] @b (北京) 北京前門停車場 京楡鉄路ノ起点ナリ(Peking) Chen-Men Station.
0127 [Photo] (北京) 仏国公使館(Peking) The French Legation.
0129 [Photo] (北京) 露国公使館(Peking) The Russian Legation.
0131 [Photo] @t 北京大日本公使館(Peking) Japanese Legation. No.1.
0131 [Photo] @b 北京大日本公使館(Peking) Japanese Legation. No.2.
0133 [Photo] (北京) 英国公使館(Peking) The British Legation.
0135 [Photo] (北京) 伊太利公使館(Peking) The Italian Legation.
0137 [Photo] (北京) 北京水門口上ヨリ各国公使館ヲ望ム(Peking) Legation Street.
0139 [Photo] (北京) 北京駐屯軍兵営 北清事変後北京公使館及在留民ノ保護ト北京天津間ノ連絡ヲ保ツ為メニ駐屯軍ヲ置キ専ラ警備ノ任ニ当ラシム図ハ兵舎ノ営門ナリ(Peking) The Main Gate of the Barracks of the Japanese Legation Guard.
0141 [Photo] (北京) 正陽門 皇居ノ正南ニアルヲ以テ又前門トモ云フ出ヅレバ直髪ノ如キ前門大街アリ巨商大賈軒ヲ並ベ車馬行人織ルガ如ク最モ熱閙を極ム(Peking) Chong Yang Men. The Main Front Gate of Peking.
0143 [Photo] (北京) 石頭碑楼 (ケツトルン碑)拳匪事変ノ決裂前独逸公使ケツトルン男列国公使立退ニ関シ直接商議ノ為メ総理衙門ニ至ル途中ニ於テ甘軍ノ兵ニ殺害セラレシヲ痛惜シ清国講和条約ノ一項トシテ其ノ遭難ノ場所ニ大理石ノ謝罪的紀念碑ヲ建設セリ石頭碑楼ハ則チ之レナリ(Peking) Memorial Gate of Baron Kettlung at Ton Tanpailo Street. The Chinese Government erected this as a token of apology to Germany as Baron Kettlung, Secretary of the German Legation, was killed by Chinese Boxers here when he was going to the Chinese Yamen to consult about the withdraw of the Foreign Ministers from Peking at before the China War.
0145 [Photo] (北京) 天壇(齋宮)皇帝致祭ノ前先ズ此ノ処ニ入リテ齋戒沐浴祭服ニ更メ然ル後礼輿ニ乗ジテ天壇ニ臨幸セラル宮ハ内外二重ノ高墻ヲ廻ラシ更ニ深壕ヲ以テ之ヲ圍繞ス用心最モ堅固ナリ(Peking) Tien Tan, Altar of heaven. When the Emperor goes to the altar to worship heaven, he comes first to take bath and change clothes.
0147 [Photo] (北京) 天壇(玉座) 天壇齋宮ノ中ニアリ楣間ノ匾額ハ乾隆帝震筆ナリ(Peking) The Holy Seat in the Altar of Heaven.
0149 [Photo] (北京) 天壇 祈年殿ハ三級壇上ニ建築セル一大殿堂ニシテ皇天上帝及歴代ノ皇帝ヲ配祀セリ毎歳正月皇帝蒼生ノ為ニ五穀ノ豊穣ヲ祈禱セラルヽ所ナリ其ノ壇ハ圜丘ヲ同シク大理石ヲ敷キ白石欄ヲ廻ラシ碧瓦朱楹洵ニ支那近代美術ノ極ヲ尽セリ(Peking) Tien Tan. The supplication palace built of marble and valuable stones. The Emperors of Successive Generation are deified in this shrine and every January the Emperor comes here to pray for rich harvest.
0151 [Photo] (北京) 天壇ノ圜丘 圜丘ノ石材悉ク大理石ニシテ其彫刻最モ精緻ナリ(Peking) The Second place of the Altar of Heaven (Tien Tan Temple).
0153 [Photo] (北京) 天壇 皇帝親ラ天ヲ祀ラルヽ処壇ノ圜形ナルハ天ヲ象レルナリ丘ハ上中下ノ三級ニ分レ上級ハ直径九丈高五尺五寸中級ハ直径十五丈高五尺二寸下級ハ直径二十一丈高五尺アリ皇帝ハ毎年十月冬至ノ日出七刻前ニ祀典ヲ執行ス(Peking) Tien Tan, the altar of heaven. The Emperor comes here to worship the heaven; the highest place is 90 feet in diameter and 5 feet 5 inches in height; the middle one is 150 feet in diameter and 5 feet 2 inches in height and the lowest one is 210 feet in diameter and 5 feet in height.
0155 [Photo] (北京) 鼓楼 鐘楼ヲ去ルコト百歩ノ所ニアリ元代ノ遺物ニシテ其後屡修繕ヲ加ヘ以テ今日ニ及ヘリ楼遺趾ノ高サ約九丈九尺眺矚ノ雄渾豪宕ナル遥ニ鐘楼ノ上ニアリ楼上ニ三個ノ鼓アリ毎夜定更ニ至レバ八百雰八声ヲ放テ兵勇ニハ夜警ヲ命人民ニ向テハ定刻ヲ報ズ(Peking) The Drum-Tower in Peking 100 feet from the Bell Tower. Its height is 99 feet. There are three drums which are used for announcing hours in the night.
0157 [Photo] (北京) 鐘楼 北京城ノ北部ニ僻在シ巍峩タル高楼帝城ヲ圧シテ聳立スルモノ二アリ一ハ鐘楼ナリ後者ハ其規模前者ニ及バズト雖トモ楼台ノ石階ハ八十級一度之ニ登臨セバ城ノ内外ヲ寸眸ニ収メ楼上ニ巨鐘アリ明代永楽年間ノ鑄造ニ係リ其響キ七里ノ遠キニ達ス(Peking) The Bell-Tower at the Northern part of Peking. It has 80 stone steps and the whole city of Peking can be looked down from the top of this tower.
0159 [Photo] (北京) 北京東単牌楼 皇城ノ東西ニ当リ南北直通セル二大街路アリ一ツヲ東単牌楼ト云ヒ一ツヲ西単牌楼ト称ズ図ハ東単牌楼ニシテ往来頗ル雑踏セリ(Peking) The street of Tong Tanpailo.
0161 [Photo] @t (北京) 正陽門ヨリ見タル宮城ノ全景 前方ニアルヲ大清・天安等ノ諸門トシ後方ニアルヲ神武門トス此ノ中ニ大和・乾清等数多ノ宮殿アリ(Peking) Whole view of the Imperial Palace.
0161 [Photo] @bl (北京) 安定門外(Peking) Street of An-Ting-Men.
0161 [Photo] @br (北京) 景山 北京皇城内ニ假山アリ景山ト云フ衆木森然頗ル趣致ニ富メリ元ノ世祖 都ヲ北京ニ奠ムルヤ籠城不虞ノ用ニ備フル為メ石炭ヲ山積シテ之ヲ築ク故ニ煤山ノ称アリ明末李自成ノ宮闕ヲ犯スヤ崇烈帝皇后ト共ニ山頂ニ縊死セシヲ以テ史上ニ名アリ(Peking) Chin Shang. the Emperor's garden in the palace. As these hill are built of coal, they are called Mei-Shan “Coal Hill. ”
0163 [Photo] @tl (北京) 玉座 宝座ハ結構華麗ヲ極メ金楹朱欄光輝炫爛人目ヲ奪フThe Holy Seat in the Imperial Palace.
0163 [Photo] @tr (北京) 大和殿 紫金城内ニアリ大清門ヨリ皇城ニ入ル最初ノ宮殿ナリ(Peking) Ta Ho Palace in the Compound of Tsuchin Palace.
0163 [Photo] @bl (北京) 乾清殿 紫金城内ニアル宮殿ニシテ黄瓦朱欄皥石磴ト映發シ壮厳ヲ極ム(Peking) Chen Tung Dien, the Palace in the Compound of Tsu-Chin Palace; the Building is very grandeur.
0163 [Photo] @br (北京) 永安寺 楼閣亭榭一覧ニ値ス可キモノアルモ憾ムラクハ皇城内ニアルガ故ニ進観ヲ許サレズ(Peking) Yung-An Temple. the Bridge is built of marble and other Buildings are all very splendid and grandeur.
0165 [Photo] (北京) 国子監 清国ノ大学ナリ園橋教澤ト題セル石門ヲ入レバ辟雍ニ達ス此ノ中ニ皇帝万々歳之木主アリ更ニ進メバ彛倫堂ト称スル一大講堂アリ国子監大学ト謂フ(Peking) Kwotsuchen. This is the Imperial Secretary's Office. But as this was used for the Chinese University before, this is gener
0167 [Photo] (北京) 孔子ノ廟(大成殿) 北京城内安定門モ東南崇教坊成賢街ニ神境アリ廟宇荘厳老柏森々人ヲシテ坐ロニ崇高ノ感ヲ深フセシム是至孔夫子ノ霊ヲ祀レル祠堂ニシテ本殿ヲ大成殿トナス庭内ニハ元明時代ノ石碑及賜進士顯名碑等ノ石碑柏樹ノ間ニ矗立セリ(Peking) The Temple of Confucius. This is in the south-eastern direction of An-Ting-Gate in Peking and there are many monuments and tombs of the Yuan and Ming dynasties.
0169 [Photo] (北京) 孔子廟 (大成殿ノ階段一枚板ノ大理石)孔子廟大成殿ノ石段ニハ中央一大扁平ナル大理石ヲ篏入セリ其ノ表ニ彫刻セル二対ノ蛟龍ハ頗ル精巧ナルモノニシテ石材ノ珍奇ナルト相待テ孔子廟ノ誇リトスルニ足ル(Peking) The Temple of Confucius. A large flat marble slab carved with dragons is put in the middle of the stone steps of Ta-Chan-Dien in the Compound of this Temple; the carving is very beautiful.
0171 [Photo] @t (北京) 動物園 図ハ同園正門ニシテ園内ニハ各国ノ奇獣ヲ蒐ム(Peking) The Main Gate of the Zoological Garden.
0171 [Photo] @b 北京前門大街Chenmen Street in Peking.
0173 [Photo] (北京) 雍和宮ノ青銅獅子 結搆偉大ニシテ彫刻頗ル緻密ナリ(Peking) Bronze images of Lions in the Lama Temple.
0175 [Photo] (北京) 雍和宮(大仏堂) 雍和宮ノ喇嘛庿ニシテ堂塔輪煥ノ美ヲ極ム雍正帝踐祚前茲ニ居住セシヲ以テ世ニ龍潜藩邸ト云フ一山ノ僧侶五百名北京朝廷ノ優遇ヲ受ケ化身転世ノ教義ヲ伝道シ以テ喇嘛教徒ノ教化ヲ管掌セリ(Peking) Yun Ho Temple (Lama Shine). All the buildings are very magnificent. 500 priests live in this temple and they are treated very considerately by the Imperial Court of Peking.
0177 [Photo] (北京) 大理石門 彫刻甚ダ美ナリ(Peking) Marble Gate in Peking. The carving is very beautiful.
0179 [Photo] @t 十三陵ノ石坊 十三陵ニ至ル最初ノ石門ナリ建造頗ル偉観ヲ極ムThe First Beautiful Stone Gate of the Ming Tombs.
0179 [Photo] @bl 大鐘寺ノ鐘 寺ハ万寿山ノ東北ニ在リ大梵鐘ヲ以テ其名高シA Great Bell of Ta Tun Temple. This is in the northeastern direction of Wan-Shu-Shan.
0179 [Photo] @br 雍和宮ノ大仏 彫刻巧緻ニシテ西蔵及蒙古式仏像ノ裝飾チ美術ノ一班ヲ知ラント欲セバ此喇嘛廟ヲ見舞ウベシ(Peking) The great Buddha in Lama Temple.
0181 [Photo] @tl 五塔寺 塔ノ四側ニ幾多ノ仏像彫刻シアリ其精巧ナルコト誠ニ驚クベシThe Five Pagodas in the Woo-Ta Temple.
0181 [Photo] @tr 碧雲寺 明朝魏忠賢ノ建立ニシテ北京ノ西直門ヲ距ルコト約六里ノ地ニアリPi-Yun Temple, 3 miles from Peking. This was erected during Ming dynasty.
0181 [Photo] @bl 黄寺塔 安定門外八旗練兵場ノ附近ニアル喇嘛庿内ニアリ(Peking) The Marble Pagoda in Howan Temple.
0181 [Photo] @br 皇帝宝座船Imperial Barge.
0183 [Photo] @tl 玉泉山 天下第一泉 金ノ章宗此所ニ行宮ヲ設ケシヨリ幾百年ヲ経タリ其ノ山ニ清泉アリ乾隆帝之ニ天下第一泉ノ名ヲ付セリYui Shen Shan. This is very famous for Spring.
0183 [Photo] @tr (北京)天寗寺塔 北京西便門外白雲観ノ南ニ在リ魏時代ノ遺物ニシテ塔側ノ泥像ハ半珊塌セルモ古色蒼然トシテ掬スヘシ(Peking) The Pagoda in Tin-Ning Temple. This was erected during Wei dynasty.
0183 [Photo] @bl 玉泉山 玉峰塔 山頂ニアリ金ノ離宮芙蓉殿ノ遺物ニシテ其構造頗ル古雅ナリYui Hon Tower. This beautiful tower is standing on the top of Mount Yui Shen.
0183 [Photo] @br 臥仏寺 西山ニアリ寺内ニ有名ナル臥仏像アルヲ以テ其名ヲ得タリThe Sleeping Buddha in the Wo-Fo Temple at See-Shan.
0185 [Photo] @t 万寿山 頤和園西太后楼遅ノ所タリシヲ以テ名アリWan Shu Shan.
0185 [Photo] @b 万寿山 頤和園ノ大理石橋 山麓ニ一大水池アリ昆明池ヲ云フ其ノ水清冽風光頗ル可ナリWan Shu Shan and the Marble Bridge.
0187 [Photo] @l 居庸関ノ内壁Inner view of Chui Yun Kwan.
0187 [Photo] @r 居庸関 (塔坐児) ハ八達嶺ノ長城ヨリ南二十六清里南口ヨリ北十五清里ノ地ニ山峽アリ両山壁立シ其間僅ニ一路ヲ通ズ居庸関ハ即チ此ノ險隘ヲ利用シテ築ケルモノニシテ城ノ中央ニ過街塔アリ南北ニ通ズル大路ノ上ニ架セリ高サ二丈厚サ五丈俗ニ之ヲ塔坐児ト呼ベリ塔ノ内部ニハ両側ニ仏経仏像及漢蒙西蔵文字等ヲ刻メリ就中仏像ノ如キハ巧彫妙刻真ニ迫リ生起躍動セリ関ノ創築ハ秦漢以前ノモノノ如キウ古来蒙古人ノ突撃ヲ防遏セシコト屡アリ難攻不落ノ名史上ニ高シChui Yun Kwan. 26 Chinese ri in northern direction from the Great Wall of Pa Ta Lin and suitably situated on a Small Road between two mountains. This is built of stones and 20 feet high & 50 feet thick, in the interior of this tower. There are many idols of Buddha, and Mongolian and Thibetan characters are carved on both Sides of the Wall.
0189 [Photo] 八達嶺ノ長城 八達嶺ハ古ノ軍都山ニシテ北京ヲ距ルコト百四十四清里著名ナル万里ノ長城ハ山ヲ越ヘ谷ヲ渡リ蜿々長蛇ノ如ク連亘シテ尽ル所ヲ知ズ之ヲ目睹ス者ハ皆秦ノ始皇帝ノ雄材大略ニシテ敢為英断ナルニ一驚ヲ喫セザルハナシA part of the the Great wall in Pa-Ta-Lin 145. Chinese ri from Peking. The Wall was built during the Period of the Emperor Ching His's reign to defend the enemies.
0191 [Photo] 蘆溝橋 北京西南十八清里ノ地ニアリ湯山ノ通路ニ当レリ此橋ヨリ保定ニ至ル八十清里Lu-Ko-Bridge, eighteen Chinese ri Southwest from Peking.
0193 [Photo] 湯山(温泉井) 清朝雍正帝ノ時小湯山ニ行宮ヲ設ケシヨリ道光帝ニ至ル迄鑾輿屡此ノ地ニ臨幸セタレタル所ニシテ北京ヲ去ルコト約四十五清里Hot Spring in Tang-Shan, 45 Chinese ri from Peking. This was an Imperial palace of Sojourn during the Reign of Tao Kowan Emperor.
0195 [Photo] @t 湯山 湯山ノ全景ナリ山岩石ノ層ヨリナリ温泉各所ニ湧出スThe whole view of Tang Shang. There are many hot spring wells.
0195 [Photo] @b 十三陵ノ石人 十三陵ハ明朝歴代ノ寝陵ニシテ昌平ヲ去ルコト六里ノ所ニアリ今ヤ総テ荒烟裡ニ没了シ又昔日ノ壮観ヲ見ルニ由ナシト雖尚現存スル各種ノ遺物ハ当時ノ栄華ヲ想見スルニ足ルモノアリ石人ハ欞星門前陵道ノ両側ニアリ其数総テ十二個四功臣四文臣四武臣ノ像ヲ石材ニ彫刻セルモノナリThe Stone Images at the 13 Min Tombs. They were erected during the Dynasty of Min. They are now all ruined and atanding in the grass desolately, but makes one recollect of the grandeur of the past.
0197 [Photo] 十三陵(石門)此ノ処ヨリ数哩ニシテ社殿ニ達スShi-Men, the stone gate on the way to 13 Ming Tombs.
0199 [Photo] 十三陵ノ石人 四武臣ノ一ニシテ其彫刻頗ル巧妙ナリ曾テ此ノ辺ハ数十万株ノ老松古柏枝ヲ交ヘ此等ノ石人ハ樹陰静ニ安置セタレタルモノナリシガ今ヤ杉柏ハ碎カレ風蝕雨刻ニ委シ満目ノ眺矚荒涼タリA Stone Image of the 13 Ming Tombs; the Carving is very skillfuly rendered.
0201 [Photo] 十三陵 石柱ハ大理石ニシテ彫刻最モ美術ニ富ミ高サ三丈余The Marble pillar in 13 Min Tombs.
0203 [Photo] @t 十三陵ノ石像The Stone Images of Men and Elephants on the way to the 13 Ming Tombs.
0203 [Photo] @b 十三陵ノ石駱駝Stone Images of Camels on the way to the 13 Ming Tombs.
0205 [Photo] 十三陵 長陵ハ明室三世永楽帝ノ陵寝ニシテ十三陵ノ中央ニアリ長陵中ノ最モ偉観ヲ極ムルハ稜思殿ニシテ建造ノ宏壮ナル我東本願寺ト伯仲ノ間ニアリChan Lin at the centre of the 13 Min Tombs. The most splendid and grandest structure of the Chan Lin is the Lin Su Dien.