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0055 Views and Custom of North China : vol.1
北清大観 : vol.1
Views and Custom of North China : vol.1 / 55 ページ(カラー画像)


[Photo] (天津) 日本租界旭街 日租界目抜ノ地ニシテ外国租界ヨリ支那市街ニ通ズル大道路ナリ長約七百間幅十間アリ此ノ間洋館林立シ街路坦々砥ノ如ク車馬ノ往来絡繹織ルニ似タリ(Tien Tsin) ASAHI-Road in the Japanese Concession. This is a main road which passed to the Chinese City from other Foreign Concession, and the Japanese Municipal Council and Post Office are on this road.


doi: 10.20676/00000207
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



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(Tien Tsin)   ASAHI-Road in the Japanese Concession. This is a main road which passed to the Chinese City from other Foreign Concessions, and the Japanese Municipal Council and Post Office are on this road.