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Ser Marco Polo : vol.1 |
CHAP. XLV. p. 46. TIBET. 81
Il en venait également de l'île de Chypre. Sorti des manufac-
tures d'Espagne ou importé dans le royaume, á partir de 1442,
date d'une ordonnance royale publiée par le P. Saez, le bougran
le plus fin payait soixante-dix maravédis de droits, sans distinc-
tion de couleur " (FRANCISQUE-MICHEL, Recherches sur le
commerce, la fabrication et l'usage des étoffes de soie, d'or et
d'argent... . IL, 1854, pp. 33-4). Passage mentioned by Dr.
XLV., pp. 46 n.2 49 Seq.
Referring to Dr. E. Bretschneider, Prof. E. H. Parker gives
the following notes in the Asiatic Quart. Review, Jan., 1904,
p. 131 " In 1251 Ho-érh-t'ai was appointed to the command of
the Mongol and Chinese forces advancing on Tibet (T'u-fan).
[In my copy of the Yüan Shi there is no entry under the year
1254 such as that mentioned by Bretschneider ; it may, how-
ever, have been taken by Palladius from some other chapter.]
In 1268 Mang-ku-tai was ordered to invade the Si-fan (outer
Tibet) and Kien-tu [Marco's Caindu] with 6000 men. Bret-
schneider, however, omits Kien-tu, and also omits to state that in
1264 eighteen Si-fan clans were placed under the superintendence
of the an-fu-sz (governor) of An-si Chou, and that in 1265 a
reward was given to the troops of the decachiliarch Hwang-li-t'a-rh
for their services against the T'u fan, with another reward to the
troops under Prince Ye-suh-pu-hwa for their successes against
the Si-fan. Also that in 1267 the Si-fan chieftains were
encouraged to submit to Mongol power, in consequence of which
A-nu-pan-ti-ko was made Governor-General of Ho-wu and other
regions near it. Bretschneider's next item after the doubtful
one of 1274 is in 1275, as given by Cordier, but he omits to
state that in 1272 Mang-ku-tai's eighteen clans and other
T'u-fan troops were ordered in hot haste to attack Sin-an
Chou, belonging to the Kien-tu prefecture ; and that a post-
station called Ning-ho Yih was established on the T'u-fan and
Si-Ch'wan [= Sz Ch'wan] frontier. Ins 1275 a number of Princes,
including Chi-pi T'ie-mu-r, and Mang-u-la, Prince of An-si, were
sent to join the Prince of Si-p'ing [Kúblái's son] Ao-lu-ch'ih in
his expedition against the Tu-fau. In 1276 all Si-fan bonzes
(lamas) were forbidden to carry arms, and the Tu-fan city of
Hata was turned into Ning-yüan Fu [as it now exists] ; garrisons
and civil authorities were placed in Kien-tu and Lo-lo-sz [the
Lolo country]. In 1277 a Customs station was established at
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