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0230 Innermost Asia : vol.1
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doi: 10.20676/00000187
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15o   FROM KHOTAN TO LOP   [Chap. IV






N. III. x. Ix. Wedge under-tablet. Obv. 511. Khar., clear. Rev. blank, but with cross roughly cut on it. 9" x (max.) 2 "X A". Pl. XVII.

N. in. x. 12. Wedge cover-tablet ; hole through pointed end. Obv. xi" from sq. end, seal cay. (I -g" x 1") ; strings and seal lost. One 1. Khar., clean, running from sq. end to cay. Rev. 2 11. Khar., much sand-encrusted. Wood hard and in good condition. 84" x (max.) I i" x i" to 2".

N. in. x. 13. Rectang. under-tablet. Obv. 7 11. Khar., good clear. Rev. blank. Wood hard and in good condition.

6h" 1 1 n   7"

6~ x 2~ x (max.) is .

N. III. x. 14. Rectang. cover-tablet ; small. Obv. seal cay. (1 r x xi"), seal and strings lost. On one side of seal cay. 4 11. Khar. running across tablet ; on other side, one 1. running across end, and 2 short 11. (or words) below. Rev. 8 11. Khar., good black. Wood hard and well preserved. Prob. belonging to N. III. x. to. 41" x 2" xA" to i". Pl. XVII.

N. ni. x. 15. Wedge cover-tablet, exceptionally large. Hole through pointed end. Obv. 2g" from sq. end, seal cay. (1i" x 11"); strings and seal lost. Traces of one I. Khar. running from sq. end towards seal cay., but whole tablet encrusted with hard sand, and chars. barely distinguishable. Rev. blank. I3 â" x 21" (max.) x i" to s".

N. ni. x. 16. Wedge cover-tablet ; pierced at pointed end. Obv. 14" from sq. end, seal cay. (1 u" x 1i"), seal lost ; frs. of string remaining. Khar. char. (?) near hole. Otherwise apparently uninscr., but much sand-encrusted. Rev. blank. 9" x 2" (max.) x 6" (max.).

N. III. x. 17. Wedge cover-tablet ; hole through pointed end. Obv. 14" from sq. end, seal cay. (I " x 11") ; strings and seal missing. One short 1. Khar., running from sq. end towards cay. Rev. 3 11. Khar., clear. Wood hard and in good condition. 91" x 2" (max.) x i" to â".

N. in. x. 18. Rectang. cover-tablet. . Obv. seal cay. (c. 14" sq.), seal lost ; fr. of string remaining, wood between string-grooves much broken away. Two 11. Khar., clear, across one end. Chip off one side (modern) ; otherwise hard and in good condition. Rev. blank. s4" x 3" x A "to h".

N. ni. x. ig. Label-like tablet ; small oblong, with hole in one corner. Obv. two columns containing groups of Khar. chars., or words, 7 in one column, 6 in the other, divided at bottom by short black line. Clear black writing ; some sand-encrustation. Rev. blank. 31" x 2" x PI. XVIII.

N. in. x. 2o. Takhti-shaped tablet, with lozenge-shaped handle pierced. Obv. 4 11. Khar., much effaced. Rev. blank. Wood hard and in good condition. 54" x I i" x z ".

N. Iu. x. 21. Wedge cover-tablet ; hole through pointed end. Obv. 21" from sq. end, seal cay. (Ii" x 1") ; strings and seal lost. One 1. Khar., partially effaced by sand, running from sq. end to seal cay. Rev. 2 11. Khar., clear, black. Io4" x 14" x 1" to fr. PI. XVIII.

N. In. X. 22. Wedge cover-tablet ; hole through pointed

end. Obv. 1i" from sq. end, seal cay. (1R" x c. 1}") ; strings and seal lost. One 1. Khar., very faint, running from sq. end to seal cay. Rev. one short 1. Khar., faint, and partially effaced by hard sand. 91" x 2r" x 4" to i".

N. III. x. 23. Label•like tablet, roughly rectang., with hole in one corner. Obv. 2 columns Khar., very faint, one containing 7 words (or short 11.), the other 4. Rev. blank. Wood hard and in good condition. 3h" x 21" x 1".

N. III. X. 01. Wooden mouse-trap, as N. III. x. 09, Pl. XVI, q. v. for full description ; but of spear-head shape. ` Gate ' lost, but pegs for same remain. See also N. III. x. o8. On under surface, 5" from narrow end, is incised Svastika, with extra limb projecting from inner side of outer angle

of each arm   . Farther along, a kite shape with

long tail ea.- Well preserved. Length r' 6", gr. width 31", thickness i". Pl. XVVII.

N. ni. x. 02. Fr. of rim of wooden bowl ; wood soft and perishing. Orig. diam. c. Io ", chord 88", h. 3", thickness i". PI. XVI.

N. III. x. 03-4. Pair of wooden legs-or supports,'broader at each end than at the centre ; chamfered at sides and cut into segmental section at one end as if to fit round roller or other circular piece. Hard and well preserved. Cf. N. III. xi. 01-2. Length 91", thickness at waist 21" X 31" ; at segment end 24" x4", sq. end 21" x 31". PI. XVI.

III. x. 05. Fr. of wood, circular capital shape,chamfered

below where it joins shaft. Weathered and split. Length 4i" width 34". Straight band above chamfer H." broad. Width of chamfer 1i"; angle of chamfer c..40°. PI. XVI.

III, x. 06. Fr. of leather ; thick, ` green ', of shape of

scapula. Hard, partly scaled. Length of sides 41", 54", 68".

III. x. 07. Fr. of wooden implement, perhaps grain-

scoop. Handle and portion of concave body only remaining ; body and handle at right angles to each other. Small hole drilled to L. of handle. Length of handle 41", diam. 11", portion of body 4" x 3", thickness it" to A". . III. x. 08. Wooden mouse-trap similar to N. III. x. 09, Pl. XVI, but without gate'. Pegs for gate still in position. Surface much worn. See also N. in. x. or. Length 11i", gr. width 31".

. III. x. 09. Wooden mouse-trap, as Anc. Khotan, ii. Pl. LXXIII, N. xix. 2, and Ser. iv. PI. XIX, N. mix. iii. oor. Flat wedge-shaped piece of wood, round at narrow end, where a hole is drilled for fastening to ground, and circular aperture 1-*" in diam. (for passage of mouse), 1i" from broad end. U-shaped groove, c. 1" wide and deep, runs down middle of upper face of trap from broad end to within I" of hole in narrow end.

On either side of this groove, where it appears on side of aperture adjoining long end of trap, is drilled a pair of holes, 1" apart centre to centre. Beside the aperture, half-way between the points of issue of groove, on one side, is another small hole ; and by it two others, irregularly placed.