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0612 Innermost Asia : vol.1
Innermost Asia : vol.1 / Page 612 (Color Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000187
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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g. v. One head and R. shoulder almost complete ; small parts of three others. The ` bird ' in this block is shown with a long neck. Impression not very good. Paper buff, soft and woolly at lower torn edge and at sides. Larger frs. 2;G" x 3".

K.K. II. 0244. a. xv. Fr. of block•printed paper leaf, with Hsi-hsia text, decorated along top with seated Buddha figures, same as K.K. u. 0238. b (Pl. LXV), but from less carefully cut block. Ear-like projections scarcely traceable, the downward line running sharply into side of face. Nearly-all text torn away. Paper buff and in good condition. 2" X 2}".

K.K. II. 0244. a. xxvi. Several rags of plain blue silk muslin, one of closer woven green and one of closer woven blue. Average 5" x 2".

K.K. II. 0244. a. xxvii. Two frs. of buff finely woven silk, covered with printed black six-pointed stars, a few flying birds and a large black stain. Ragged. Gr. fr. 6" x 2".

K.K. II. 0244. a. xxviii. Three frs. of plain silk, all discoloured buff. Ragged.. Gr. fr. c. 13" x 6".

K.K. II. 0244. a. xxix. Two frs. One of silk fabric, plain dull pink ; one of silk gauze dyed dull pink with light buff spots reserved. Spots are regularly arranged in horizontal and vertical lines and are of two sizes. The larger, approximately circular, has the edges very slightly scalloped to form an octofoil 1i" in diameter.

The smaller is a quatrefoil I" in diameter, and four of these are placed at even distances (about 1i" centre to centre) about each large spot. The groups of five spots are repeated at distance of about 2+" centre to centre of large spots. The small spots have each a yellow centre. The large spots have two circular, yellow, five-petalled rosettes vertically one above the other and about f' in diameter. R. and L. are two similar reversed foliate scrolls in black. Gr. fr. (gauze) 8" x

K.K. II. 0247. a. Fr. of drawing on paper. A man in seated pose enveloped in loose robes and with a scarf draped over head, L. shoulder and R. arm and shoulder. Face elderly, full, with long moustaches and lank beard and whiskers. R. elbow raised as though resting on something, forearm across body bringing hand in front of chest. L. forearm rests across L. knee, and L. hand holds stick of long-haired fly-whisk which rests in crook of arm. R. foot slightly lifted and tilted showing under-side of toes and part of sole. Rough sketch or tracing. Paper buff, torn away at two sides and tattered. 13" x 9". Pl. LVIII.

K.K. II. 0247. a, b ; 0275. a. xi. Three frs. of block. printed paper picture. Very confused and bad impression from coarse block. Largest fr., K.K. 0275. a. xi, has much of L. edge intact and shows group of five persons surrounded by rocks or a rugged tree, looking to R. towards a heavily draped ` altar ' standing on lotuses. Clouds appear in lower L. corner. Double border at lower edge, the outer showing an undulating white stem on black

ground and the inner black Vajras alternating with black dots on white ground. Upper part and R. side torn away.

0247. a shows on upper border, same as lower, the head of a Bodhisattva with nimbus near centre of fr. ; to R. head of an attendant. Above to R. the ends of five waving 'bands of light coming from farther to R. To extreme L. a leaf or tree in border (?). Background clouds (?).

0247. b shows double border at top and the Vajra and dot border carried down R. side. To L. part of halo with two attendants having long hair, large Mukutas and haloes on a cloud background. Paper buff, thin and badly torn. Gr. fr. 8I" x s}".

K.K. u. 0247. c. Fr. of drawing on paper. Very rough sketch of rocky gorge with pine trees. Paper buff, thin and ragged. 15" x 9".

K.K. II. 0247. d. Fr. of drawing on paper. All below breast missing. Part of male figure in loose robe open in long narrow loop at chest. Face ;< to L. is that of elderly man with narrow Mongol eyes and eyebrows sloping up towards centre. Small mouth, no beard or moustache. He grasps a branch of peony in his R. hand and seems to be holding it near nose as though to smell the scent. L. hand not visible.

From level of L. cheek-bone a curved line springs outward and upward as though to form a short nimbus, but after turning slightly inward above temple lifts up into a sort of Usnisa. A mass of leaves and flowers rests upon the protuberance, partly covering the line which reappears on its downward curve to R. The outline of L. side of face, after reaching the temple, turns across top of forehead in large scallops. Halo has a concave trefoil indentation.

The features of face are drawn in a very beautiful free line and the drawing of nose is extremely fine. Face, hand and flowers are drawn with a fine-pointed brush ; the drapery, with a coarser brush in free bold lines. Paper dark buff and very ragged and torn. There are four inscriptions in Hsi-hsia (?) characters : one in top L. corner of paper ; one to L. of peony held in the hand ; one written obliquely on drapery just below opening at chest ; fourth on drapery at L. p. shoulder. 15" x I4I".

K.K. II. 0247. e. Sheet of paper, with two detached drawings or tracings. One is a standing figure with muscular body and limbs of warrior, clothed only in ample loin-cloth tied with girdle round hips and hanging in rich folds to knees in front and rather longer where it drifts out behind. A rich jewel rests on chest tied by narrow cloth bands of which four long ends float in the air R. and L. Pose is a spiral twist from knees upward. Lower legs in profile to L. ; head r to R. L. p. arm upraised with hand clenched. R. p. arm drawn slightly back and held at R. p. side, so that shoulders, wrist and clenched hand only show. A pair of bangles on L. p. wrist.

Face torn away, but seems to have issued from gaping jaws of a lion whose head and mane form head-dress. Drawing very free and skilful and shows observation of anatomy.