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0204 Southern Tibet : vol.2
Southern Tibet : vol.2 / Page 204 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000263
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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The fact that water had begun to stream, in 191o, from the Manasarovar to the Rakas-tal, proves that one link in the chain had been joined again, and that only one interruption existed, namely, between the Rakas-tal and the Tirtapuri Satlej.

In the late autumn of 1913 I received a new letter from Gulam Rasul, in which he informed me that he had sent a reliable man to have a look at the two lakes and the brook. This man returned to Leh about the middle of October and on the loth of October, 1913, Gulam Rasul wrote a letter to me, containing the follow-

ing information:

  1.  In 1911 there was a lot of rain in Chang-thang, by cause of which the water of Mawang-Thhso ran into the Langag-Thhso through the way of Gang-gi Grogpo.

  2.  There was no rain in Chang-thang in 1912. By that reason the two lakes not joined together as in 191 I. And there was no good grass produced in the surroundings.

  3.  In 1913 there was only a little rain in the beginning of summer, and there was a good deal of rain in the end of summer, but Mawang has not got any chance in this year to go and meet with Langag, and Gang-gi Grogpo was dried and empty.

  4.  The western lake, Langag-Thhso, does never flow into the Tretapuri-Satlaj.

According to this latest information the links in the chain are again isolated from each other. Even the considerable rains in the late summer of 1913 were not sufficient to give rise to an effluence from the Manasarovar.

I have not been able to trace the hydrographical pulsations of 1914 and 1915, as the war has interrupted my correspondence with Gulam Rasul.