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0487 Southern Tibet : vol.2
Southern Tibet : vol.2 / Page 487 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000263
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north and Tangdi-shalung from the south. Pema-lachung is a pass in the southern range leading to Tradum; its valley is called Yele-ngunchung.

We now follow the northern bank of the Tingchung-hlonga; Serbuk and Ngoalung are tributaries from the north. The valley is very sandy, partly forming dunes 4 to 6m. high. Kugru and Gablung are the next tributaries from south and north. The main valley is fairly • narrow, and has some grass and bushes. At Dambak-rong our Camp is at 4,657m. (15,275 feet). The following mountains and valleys are seen from the place: to the S. r 5°E. the near peak Pema-lachung-maro; S.30°W. the valley Gablung; S.3 5°W. Mount Shubuk; S.5 3°W. Mount Domboche; S.69°W. Mount Langma-tebo; N.W. the valley of Gonchok; N.38°W. Mount Nemochupgo, and behind it the valley of Gyago-tsang; N. i 5°W. Mount Langi-gabri; N.4°E. the upper Gablung; N.35°E. the valley of Kamsang; N.43°E. a Mount Ngombo-yüpta; N.5o°E. the valley of Nilung-ringma; N.75°E. Mount Nima-lunguse.

The joint brook flows S.W. and west and our road follows it out from the mountains of phyllitic schist and sandstone to the wide valley or steppe of Tsepo, leading to Tradum. Danken is a little hill left to the south; the tasan: follows the southern side of the valley. Gabuk is a right tributary, and Tuto-pukpa a mountain on the same side. The road continues westwards across very good pasture-grounds, between pools, and touching a black sandstone rock from the northern side, with a cairn full of flags and rani-stones; beyond it the valleys of Chingo-ongma and Chingo-kongma come from the north. The last part of the road proceeds between sand-dunes, more or less bound by vegetation; the road is sometimes like a riverbed I2m. broad and I or i'12m. deep in the sandy ground.

The height of Tradum is 4,591m. 05,058 feet). Tradum-gompa is built on a little rock of quartzitic schist and sandstone. The view reaches far over the Tsangpo valley to the south and the northern Himalaya range, the highest part of which is to the S.5°E. and called Jatin; other high groups are Gapo-tonak and Mubo-garang to the S.33°W. and S.44°W. ; Gaum is a mountain to the S.7 5°W. ; N.83°W. is a group Kitse-rinak near the Tsangpo; to the N.67°W. is the mighty gate indicating the valley of the Tsangpo; N.5o°W. is Mount Dünjo; N.4o°W. is the valley of Tsa-chutsangpo; on this side of its mouth is an isolated rock, Tsukdor, on the plain; N.35°W. is the valley of Javö; N. I o°W. Mount Pobrang.

The distance from Tradum S.S.W. to the Tsangpo is 10,3 km. crossing a plain with a fall of only 26m. The road passes several pools between sand-dunes bound by vegetation. Only along the brook which we had first seen at Särchung-la, and which is now called Davak-rong-chu, are there some small hills of schist; the brook is about 25m. wide and very shallow. The place where it is crossed is called Biu; here some dunes are even 8m. high and without vegetation; the steep lee-sides look E.N.E.; accumulation of sand is characteristic to the open plains of the upper Tsangpo valley. Sondongma and Na-karbup are broad tributaries from the east; east of the road are low hills, one of them with a ruined fort on its top.