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0349 Southern Tibet : vol.2
Southern Tibet : vol.2 / Page 349 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000263
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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he had crossed the Kobei-chu once before, without mentioning its name. It is a pity that his book appeared a year after I had, in Japan, explained the importance of the Kubi-tsangpo, for, under these conditions he may, nolens volens have been influenced by my description.

Kawaguchi was »delighted» to see again »the familiar Kyang-chu river», and so are we, as it proves beyond a doubt that he had so far really only crossed the Chema-yundung and Kubi-tsangpo and was still south of the joint river. He travelled over the ground where WEBBER and his party had seen only »small streams», and where they should have proceeded within sight of Tuksum, — without crossing the uppermost Tsangpo.

Then Kawaguchi travelled 8 miles along the bank of the Ngar Tsang-gi-chu

and in the evening he was informed that, in order to reach the high road or tasam, he »had to cross the Brahmaputra for a second time . I The first time had been when he went over the Kubi-tsangpo. The second crossing of the Brahmaputra seems to have been very comfortable, for he does not describe it. So he reached »the Na-u Tsangbo,2 a large river flowing from the northern steppes of Tibet and into the Brahmaputra.» Here the water reached his breast and he was almost swept away by the current. There is not a word of Transhimalaya; he only knows

the northern steppes». On the other side of the Na-u he was told to keep towards the N.E. in order to reach Toksum Tazam.

He mentions Mondan in the province of Lo. »The place Bomba is 15,000 feet above the sea-level; Lhasa is only 12,000", but where is the place Bomba situated

On October 29th, 190o, he found the Brahmaputra »already covered with ice and glittering in the dazzling sun», which seems very surprising. Before Tadun-Tazam (Tradum), he crossed a river 120 yards wide which was »still» covered with ice. Of Tradum he says: »It is in fact not a temple but a town (Tazam), one of the most populous and wealthy in northern Tibet.» Tradum a wealthy town in — northern Tibet!

He did not visit Niuk-Tazam but mentions a castle called Sakka Zong and passed south of a snow-clad mountain Chomo-Lhari.3

Farther on his way passes Kur-la, Gyato Tazam, Sesum Gompa, Sang Sang Tazam, Tasang Gompa, the village of Larung, Manuyui Tso, Nam Tso Goga and the valley of Senge Rung. He left the tasar over Puntso-ling and crossed the river to continue to Sakya. Finally we find him at Shigatse and Lhasa. He reckons three sacred places in Tibet : Kang Rinpoche, Tsa-ri and »the famous Gaurishankara or Chomo Lhari, often called Mount Everest).

I Op. cit. p. 208.

1 Obviously d'Anville's Naouc Tsanpou R, and Nain Sing's Chu Nago R.

3 Somewhere hereabouts he saw a strange beast which the Tibetans called Ndongyak» (wild yak). It was twice or thrice as big as an ordinary yak and stood about 7 feet high. However, it was smaller than an elephant. The horns measured 25 inches in circumference and were 5 feet in length. These measurements were, however, taken afterwards — on another yak's horns in Lhasa! One gets the impression that too much of his description has been filled in — afterwards.

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