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0527 Southern Tibet : vol.9
Southern Tibet : vol.9 / Page 527 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

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doi: 10.20676/00000263
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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Dacitic lavas - Eruptive formations


Dunes : in Eastern Turkistan IV: 276, VI3: 17, VII: 551f., VIII:

, 419,   .

Dune336-vegetation429 at Tsangpo I I :326. Dung for fuel IV: 95, 164, 169, 235. Dust, -fog, -storm IV: 49, . 158,

267f., 270, IX: 5, 9, s. also


Dwellings in grottoes II: 99, 320,

  1.  37.

Eagles III: 285, IV: 76, 82, 86, 149,

  1.  37.

Earth, floating IV : 19, s. also Mud-flow.

  •  -movements, differential VII: 501-510.

  •  -pyramids II: 151, 153, 294.

Earthquake : morphological effects II: 36, 206; Sarikol IX: 43ff., 47, 70, 75, 77, 82 ; Upper Shayok rg., 1840, VII: 297.

Echinoderms V: 91, 142, IX: 167, 176ff.

Effusive rocks V: 188, 190, 194, 196, 205.

ekdan, i. e. snow, winter VII: 206. Elacagnaceae VI3: 54, IX: 102. Elephants' tusks, holy IV : 373, 379. Encrinites VII: 278.

End-moraines II: 171f., V: 86, VII: 234, 236, 441f., 444f., 470, IX : 19, 30, s. also Moraines.

Eocene period, strata V: 24, 160, 167, 178, 185-188, 190, 196f., 203ff., 209, VII: 287, 333, 502, 544 f.

Eoradiolites V: 145 ff.

Ephedraceae VI3: 98f.

Epidote V: II, 13, 15, 29f., 41, 47, 52, 65, 105, 113, 132, 135f., 138f., 151, 165f., VII: 444 IX : 134 143ff., 147f., 15of., 161, 166.

  •  -chlorite IX: 153

  •  -sericite IX : 156, 165.

Epi-orthoclase-gneiss V: 92 ff., 187.

Epithemia Gen. VI3: III, 143f.

Erosion : hydrographical , morphological effects II : 95, 99, III: 268, IV: 184f., 187, V: 186, VII:- 525 - 528 ; inHimalayaandTranshimalaya V: 159, 189, 196, 209f., VII: 502-505; Tibetan plt. VII: 501 f. ; Satlej II : 95, 137, VII: 546; Tage-tsangpo II: 150 ;

(Ku   Tsangpo   , III:
248, V:bi-) 196, VII: II: 533, 545326

  •   s. also Glacial e., Terraces, Wind e.

  •  vals. of Indus VII : 464 ; of Tsangpo VII: 503.

Erosive power of rivs. VII: 504, 529.

Erratic blocks TI: 259, 265, VI3:

13 f., IX: 50, 59, 61.

Eruptive formations of Central Asia II: 87, V: 6f., 42, 61, 65, 68, 91, 148-170, 203, VII : 502 f., s. also Igneous rocks.

Dacitic lavas V: 189f.

Dalai-Lama I: 229, 243, 247f., 258, III: 41, 69, 71, 157, VII:54, III, IX4: 16, 18- 23.

- - Gen. VI3: 114f.

damak, i. e. furze II: 42.

dam-giri, i. e. mountain-sickness


VII: 18.

Danien-sandstone V: 202. Delphinium sp. VI3: 79ff., 99. Deltas II: 152f., 155, 253, 260, 309,

III: 283, 295, IV: 56, VI3: 13,

L '\   VIII: 140, IX: 27, 48, 6o f.
Denticula Gen. VI3: III, 144. Denudation: effects II: 177, VII: 506, 588 ; in Himalaya and Tibet IV : 89, VII:, 502, 561, 587 f. ; limit, Penck's upper, IV: 262,

VII: 459, 506.

Depressions in Tibet III : 251, IV: 57, 73f., 123, 178, V: 211, VII: 499ff., 503, 53of., 535 -548, 564.

Depth: of lakes, generally II: 163,

  1. 292; Amchok-tso III: 295; Kara-koshun VI3: 17; La. Lighten IV: 47f.; Manasarovar II: 79, 154, 156f., 163ff., VII: 519; Ngangtse-tso III : 292, 345, IV: 169-173, 175, 423; Orin-norVII: 512; Panggong-tso II: 163, VII: 509, 521; Pul-tso IV : 55 f. ; Rakas-tal II: 167f.; Shuru-tso III : 292; Terinain-tso IV : 395; Tso-morari II : 202 ; Yeshil-köl

  2. 51f., VII: 4o9f.

  •  of rivs., s. Hydrography, Size, Volume. Deserts : marked in Chinese maps

VIII: 94, 281.

  •  in Persia II: 175 ; Tibet and Eastern Turkistan II: 61, III: 13, 38, 146, 337, 339, IV: 195,

:►:   273 f., 276, VI3: 17, VII : 506,
551f. -, s. also Barren rgs.

Desiccation : postglacial in Central Asia II: 25, 36, 169, 173-176, 200, VII: 248f., 505ff., 523 ff.,

l 539; Tibet II: 169, III: 218,

IV: 16, VII: 293ff., 324, 458,

505f., 529f., 532, 587.

-, s. also Beach-lines, Climatic changes.

Desmidiaceae, Fam. VI3: 170, 186ff., 193.

Deva's I: 5, 9.

Devonian IX : 169.

Diabase II: 153, 166, 263 f., 321, III: 310, 351, 362, V: 30, 67, 80, IOI, 103, 12I, 136, 162, 167, 170, 181, 188f., 20o f., 204; -porphyrite III: 249, 269, 273, 328, V: 55, 112; s. also Hunne-d.

Dialects : Chinese VIII : 132, 315 f., 329f., 41off., IX4: 5ff.; Tibetan IX4: 7; East-Turkish VIII: 410.

Dialects, s. also Language.

Diatoms VI3: 107 -152, VII: 512. Dicerocardium VII: 344• Dicotyledones : Choripetalae VI3:

5 I - 89 ; Sympetalae VI3 : 2 8 - 5 I . Dictyocephalus V: 56. Dictyomitra V: 103.

Diluvial deposits at Guge La. II:

95.   -

Dimensions, s. Hydrography, Size,


Diopside IX : 146, 166.

Diorite V: 30, 75, 152, 160, 177, 183, 196, 201, 209f., VII:


  •  -porphyrite V : 48f., 75, 107, 123,

139, 190, 196.

Diploneis Gen. VI3: 110 f., 113, 125.

Dipyr rock, schistose VII : 431. Discoideae V: 8o, VI3: 116 f. Distances : estimated by Chinese

  1.  93; method of measurement II : 28, IV: 203; calculated by Pundits II: 102 ; list of, on Hedin's routes 1906 -1908 IV: 407 -420, VII: 107124.

-, s. also Miles.

Djabyh(o)uya, title of the Karluk kings I : 44.

Dogs I: 136, 138, IV :127, 242,VIII: 118, 140, IX: 47.

Dolomite VII: 432 f., 444, 475f. Dominicans, s. Missionaries.

Dongyak, i. e. wild yak II: 241. Donkeys II: 294, IX: 73f., 78. Draba fladnizensis VI3: 76, 100. Dracocephalum sp. VI3: 45f. Drainage area: of Ganges II: 75,

319-322; Indus II: 38, 75, 96,

100, 105, 112, 126 f., 211 ff., 244,

248, III: 48, 179, 337, IV: 6, 190,

364, 381,VII : 462, 476f., 484, 490,

508f.; of rivs. in Eastern Pamir

  1.  49, 52; Satlej I: 103, 105, 279, II: 38, 75, 94, 96, Io3 ff., 15off., 185, 2I I ff., 237, 242, 264, 266, IV:182,188 f., 304, 306-311, 318 ff., 375, 381; Tsangpo I: 105, 279, II: 103f., 126f., 149, 235, 237, 242, 244, 248, 264, 266, 284ff., 319-322, III: 151, IV: 364, VII: 533f.

-, s. also Lakes, Tributaries, Water-shed.

  •  basin, definition by Burrard II:


Druppulidae V: 78.

Dsongs II: 305, III: 259, IV: 321, s. also Barriers, Bourgs.

Ducks III: 282, 285, 292, 304, 322, 329, 365, IV: 56, 193, 198, IX:


Dunes : in Tibet II: 325, IV: 273 -

277, VI3: 19; rg. of Manasarovar, Upper Indus II: 150, 155, 168, IV : 5, 199 ; Upper Tsangpo II: 259, 288, 294f., 298ff., 305, 309, 317, 323-327, 330, III: 266ff., 272, IV : 274.