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0355 India and Tibet : vol.1
インドとチベット : vol.1
India and Tibet : vol.1 / 355 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000295
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE







WE were now at the end of August ; my time was very

short, and I was in an awkward predicament. On the

30th I had telegraphed to Government that the Tibetans,

in spite of their protests of poverty, could really pay the

indemnity, but that I thought trade concessions in lieu of

a portion would be preferable. I also asked for liberty to

arrange for payment of the indemnity by instalments of

one lakh of rupees (06,666) a year for a long term of

years, if that arrangement were preferred by the Tibetans,

a proposal which I had also made a month before. On

the same day I was told by General Macdonald that

September 15 was the latest date to which he could

remain at Lhasa. The Secretary of State had telegraphed

to the Viceroy* that the date on which the return of

the force from Lhasa is to begin should be fixed by

the military authorities in communication with Young-

husband." In accordance with these instructions, General

Macdonald telegraphed to the Adjutant-General- that he

had consulted me with regard to fixing a date for our

departure, that I had said I could not fix any date, but

thought the beginning of October the earliest, and could

not guarantee that. The medical authorities considered

September 1 the latest safe date. The officers command-

ing units thought the 12th might be risked. General

Macdonald himself was prepared to stay till September

15, and would delay the departure a few days longer if

that would make the difference. There had already been

snow on the hills round Lhasa and Nagartse, there was

heavy snow on the Karo-la and at Ralung, with severe

* Blue-book, III., p. 51;   j' Ibid., p. 242.

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