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0392 India and Tibet : vol.1
インドとチベット : vol.1
India and Tibet : vol.1 / 392 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000295
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




Besides these visits to monasteries and temples, we

also saw something of the Tibetans socially during our

stay in Lhasa, and Captain Walton, through his skill in

medicine, attracted many hundreds to his hospital, and

was able to get on terms of intimacy with unofficial

Tibetans of the highest position. Many would come and

dine with us, for the Tibetans, though they have the

ordinary class distinctions which are found in every people,

have not those rigid caste barriers which are such a

hindrance to social intercourse in India. Even the ladies

were very nearly induced by the persuasive Captain

O'Connor to come to tea, and the wives of the Councillors

had actually accepted an invitation, when at the last

moment shyness overtook them. Women are much to

the fore in Tibet, and have great influence with their

husbands, so we especially regretted not having seen


The Tibetans, though they have their reputation for

seclusiveness, are not by nature unsociable. We found

them quite the reverse, and Kawaguchi says that they

were originally a people highly hospitable to strangers."

This more natural sentiment was, he says, superseded by

one of fear and even of antipathy, as the result of an

insidious piece of advice which, probably prompted by

some policy of its own, the Government of China gave to

Tibet, and which was to the effect that if the Tibetans

allowed the free entrance of foreigners Buddhism would

be destroyed and replaced by Christianity. The people

had, too, the idea that we sought their gold-mines.

Whatever seclusive feeling they may have had, they

abandoned it when the Treaty was concluded. They

came to our gymkhanas, and wondered why only the

first should be given the prize when all the rest had

covered exactly the same distance. They watched with

wonder Vernon Magniac and other inveterate sportsmen

pulling fish out of the river by pieces of string attached

to long sticks. They watched theatrical performances,

and marvelled at our display of fireworks ; and they did a

magnificent business with us in the sale, not only of

supplies for the troops, but also of innumerable curios,