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0202 In Tibet and Chinese Turkestan : vol.1
In Tibet and Chinese Turkestan : vol.1 / Page 202 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

New!Citation Information

doi: 10.20676/00000230
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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more trouble, but I refused to listen to his confessions or accept his assurances. At length, however, Raju, acting on instructions, came forward and performed the part of intercessor. Though he begged hard, it apparently took some little time to incline me to mercy; but when I had been assured that all the Kiria men would return to their duty, I accepted their unreserved submission and released the prisoner. It was surprising how soon the disturbance

Raju, caravan bashi.   Changfûnchuk.


was at an end. There were eight or nine men who had plotted together, and there was no man but Abdul to whom I could look for help. I had no weapon ; my revolver was in my bedding ; my rifle was on my saddle at some distance. Had the men been resolute, I should have been at their mercy ; but within a very short time the baggage was loaded up, the caravan en route, and disobedience on the part of these men quelled for ever.