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0443 In Tibet and Chinese Turkestan : vol.1
In Tibet and Chinese Turkestan : vol.1 / Page 443 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

New!Citation Information

doi: 10.20676/00000230
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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Altitude. Feet.



No.   Name.

86   Statice aurea, Linn....

87   Cynanchum acutum, Linn.

88   Gentiana aquatica, Linn. ...

89   Pleurogyne carinthiaca, Griseb.

90   Pleurogyne diffusa, Maxim.

91   Swertia petiolata, Royle, var.

92   Microula tibetica, Maxim.

93   Convolvulus arvensis, Linn.

94   Lycium turcomanicum, Fisch.

Mey.   ...   ...   ...

95   Dodartia orientalis, Linn. ...

96   Pedicularis alashanica, Maxim.

97   Pedicularis abrotanifolia, MB.   ...

98   Pedicularis CEderi, Vahl   ...   ...

99   Pedicularis sp. ? (specimen too t

,young to determine)   ...   s

100 Phelypæa calotropoides, Walp. ...

101 Lagotis deçumbens, Rupr. ...

102 Dracocephalum heterophyllum,

Bth. ...   ...   ...   ...

103 Plantago tibetica Hook. f. &

Thoms.   ...   ...   ...

104 Plantago ovata, Forsk.


No.   Name.

105 Chenopodium album, Linn.

106 Eurotia ceratoides, C. A. Mey.

107 Corispermum hyssopifolium,

Linn.   ...   ...   ...


near Polu   ...

near Sorgak ... near Gircha,

Hunza Valley 8900 near Camp 94 - 16000

Aksu ...   ...   15700

Aksu ...   . ...   15700
Hunza Valley ... 13000

Aksu ... ... 15700

Camp 100   ... 15600

Camp 102   ... 16400

Polu ... ... 8300

near Polu   ..•   8300.
Yulgan Bulok ... • 7600 Tolan Khoja ... 8100 Outskirts of

Khotan ... 4500

Sandy plateau

W. of Polu ... 10300 Aksu ... ... 15700

near Camp 94 ... 16000

Plateau near

Polu ...   ... 10300   -

near Mudji   ... 4400

Aksu ...   ... 15700

Sarok Tuz Valley 13000

Polu ... ... 8300 Polu ... ... 8300

' Locality.

Kara Sai-

Polu ...   • 8300

Northern Tibet,-

Shor Kul .:. 15000

Atabad Hunza   ,

Valley   ... . 7600
Polu ... ... 8300




By A. B. RENDLE, M.A., D.Sc.

Altitude. Feet.

... 9500_

(Very common in sand in bed of Hunza Valley.)