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0235 In Tibet and Chinese Turkestan : vol.1
In Tibet and Chinese Turkestan : vol.1 / Page 235 (Grayscale High Resolution Image)

New!Citation Information

doi: 10.20676/00000230
Citation Format: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE

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If their proceedings were called in question by the Chow-Kuan, they would tell him that they regarded me as his guest, not theirs, and that it was for this reason they had helped me. This view of the matter was in accordance with theory, for in Sin-Chiang I was in fact described as the guest of the Chinese officials, but they no doubt wished me anywhere but within their jurisdiction.

The conduct of Dalbir Rai for the last three months had been very exasperating. He was quite competent to assist me in my observations, but in recording he deliberately made false entries. I had already detected his mis-statements, and had warned him against a repetition of such behaviour, but during this visit to Polu he again wilfully recorded wrongly. I was able to check his work not only by my own notes but also by means of a chronograph, and when I had satisfied myself of his guilt I told him that such conduct was unpardonable. For days he had limped about as if suffering from severe lameness, but now, on retiring from my presence, he at once recovered full use of his limbs. Running to the room which he had shared with Abdul Karim and Dass, he was followed by Raju, who quickly returned to describe the situation of affairs. Dalbir Rai had seated himself in a corner, where, with a drawn hookery by his

side and a loaded carbine in his hands, he had command
of the door as well as of an aperture in the roof, and

threatened death to any one who approached. Abdul

Karim and Changfûnchuk repeated the same tale and urged me not to go near him. Peeping through the doorway I saw Dalbir Rai with his carbine pointed at me, and

heard his murderous threats. I went and loaded my carbine, an operation which was prolonged by the jamming of the cartridges, but when I returned Abdul, having by promises of intercession persuaded Dalbir to lay aside his