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0163 Explorations in Turkestan : Expedition of 1904 : vol.2
トルキスタンの調査 1904年 : vol.2
Explorations in Turkestan : Expedition of 1904 : vol.2 / 163 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


[Photo] PL. 73~1 Tschontschitz (ボヘミア) の泥炭で出土した中型のBos brachycerosの右下顎 テプリッツ博物館Right branch of lower jaw of Bos brachyceros of medium size from a turbary of Tschontschitz (Bohemia) Museum Teplitz.
[Photo] PL. 73~2 同じ骨 (復元) Bos namadicusSame bone (restored), Bos namadicus.
[Photo] PL. 73~3 大型雄牛の中足中指 Ib時代の種Metacarpus medius of large ox, breed of Ib period.
[Photo] PL. 73~4 IIの小型種または金属時代の中足中指Metatarsus medius of small breed of II or metallic period.
[Photo] PL. 73~5,6,7 Ia時代の大型種の趾骨 I、II、IIIPhalanx I, II, and III, of larger breed of Ia Period.
[Photo] PL. 73~8,9 II時代の小型種の趾骨 I、IIPhalanx I and II, smaller breed of II period.
[Photo] PL. 73~10,11 ラクダの趾骨Phalanges of camel.


doi: 10.20676/00000178
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




FIG. i. Right branch .of lower jaw of Bos brachyceros of   Fa. 4. Metatarsus medius of small breed of II or metallic

medium size from a turbary of Tschontschitz   period.

(Bohemia) Museum Teplitz.   5-7. Phalanx I, II, and III, of larger breed of In period.

  1. Same bone (restored), Bos nawnadicus.   8-9. Phalanx I and II, smaller breed of II period.

  2. Metacarpus inedius of large ox, breed of Ib period.   10-11. Phalanges of camel.
