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0574 Sand-Buried Ruins of Khotan : vol.1
砂に埋もれたコータンの遺跡 : vol.1
Sand-Buried Ruins of Khotan : vol.1 / 574 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000234
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



520   INDEX

stationery, ancient terms for, 402 statue, of colossal Buddha, 284 ; of

Yaksha, 291 sq. ; see Buddhas,


Stein, Dr. M. A , forms first plan of journey, vii sq. ; obtains sanction of plan, ix ; previous archœological labours of, x sq., 2 surveys of, in E. Turkestan, x sq. ; Orientalist Congress's resolution concerning, xiii ; official duties of, xxiii ; his previous Indian tours, 2 ; starts from Calcutta, 3 ; prepares in Kashmir, 4 sqq. ; edits Kashmir Chronicle, 6 ; leaves Srinagar, 9 ; arrives in Gilgit, 27 ; reaches Hunza, 30 ; crosses Kilik P., 57 ; visits Oxus source, 62 ; arrives in Tash-kurghan, 69 ; camps at Kara-kul, 83; climbs on MurtaghAta, 93 ; travels to Kashgar, 106 ; prepares caravan at Kashgar, 122; visits Chinese officials, 127 ; examines old sites, 139 ; leaves for Yarkand, 149 ; halts at Yarkand, 161 ; sets out for Khotan, 180 ; first arrival in Khotan, 196 ; starts for Kuen-luen Mts., 206 ; explores Yurung-kash gorge, 220 ; crosses Kara-kash ranges, 232 ; triangulates Khotan, 240 ; returns to Khotan, 247 ; visits Yotkan site, 256 ; starts for desert, 270 ; experiences great cold, 276 ; excavates at Dandan-Uiliq, 280 ; marches to Keriya, 325 ; sets out for ancient site beyond Niya, 339 ; discovers Kharoshthi records on wood, 355 ; excavates ancient rubbish-heap, 385 ; explores Endere ruins, 413 ; visits Kara-dong, 427; identifies Pi-mo site, 438; last visit to Keriya, 444 ; explores Aksipil, 448; excavates Rawak Stupa, 449 ; exposes forgeries, 471 ; leaves Khotan, 482 ; returns to Kashgar, 490 ; starts for Russian Turkestan, 494 ; arrives in London, 501; returns to Punjab, 502

" Stone Tower " (Tash-kurghan), 71

storms, of desert region, 317

stovana, 402

stratification, in silt-deposits, 447 straw, ancient, discovery of, 305, 406

string-hole, in ancient MSS., 297, 300, 310, 392 ; in ancient tablets, 364

stucco, gilt, 326; relievos in, 281 sq. ; colossal statues in, 451 sqq. ; see relievos

Stupas, called " memorial towers," 387 ; chamber in, 146 ; proportions of, 422 ; Stupa at Thol, 34 ; at Tash-kurghan, 73 ; near Kash-gar, 132 ; near Khan-ui, 145 sqq. ; on Afghan border, 146 ; near Mokuila, 187 sq. ; near Pialma, 192 ; at Chalma-kazan, 252 ; of Sa-mo-joh, 264 sqq. ; of Rawak, 326 ; of Niya Site, 352, 372, 386 sqq. ; of Endere, 413, 421 sq. ; of Hanguya, 444 ; of Rawak, 449 sqq. ; at Kara-döbe, 487

Su-bashi, 81, 88

Suko-sai Valley, 236

Su-le, old name of Kashgar, 404 Sulaiman Khagan, coins of, 190 Sultanim, 154

Sumair glacier, 41

Sung dynasty, coin of, 440 Sung-yun, 72

Sun-Ssu-yieh, Munshi, 126, 313 superintendents of monastery, 315, sqq.

sureties, in ancient bonds, 315 Surghak, goldfields of, 340 sq. Survey of India Department, help

of, x, 8

Suzüje Darya, 411

Svastika, emblem, 42

Swat, ruins of, 376

Swedish missionary, portrait of, 473 sword, in ancient painting, 318

TABLETS, writing on wooden, see inscribed tablets

Tabloids, 9, 250

Ta-fan, Chinese name of Tibetans, 418

Tagharma, plain, 77 sqq. Tagharma-su, R., 76, 80 Taghdumbash Pamir, 56 sqq. Taghdum bash R., 67, 76

taghliks hillmen," T., 210 sqq., etc. ; deceived by Islam Akhun, 473 Ta jen, Chinese title, 167

takhta (writing tablet), P., 310 sq. ; ancient documents on, 362, 364, 402