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0568 Sand-Buried Ruins of Khotan : vol.1
砂に埋もれたコータンの遺跡 : vol.1
Sand-Buried Ruins of Khotan : vol.1 / 568 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000234
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



514   INDEX

Kök-yar, 98, 176 sq.

kone,   old," T.

kone-shahr, " old town," i.e., ruined site, T., 153, 418, 430

Kongur, range called, 104 Kongur-debe Gl., 105

Kosa, 247

Kosh Langar, 180

Krasnowodsk, 501

Kucha, xv, 404 ; one of " Four Garrisons," 418 ; route to, 432 Kuchkach-bulaki, 242

Kuen-luen, range, 202, 212, 225 sqq. ; Ram Singh's surveys in, 251 ; sighted from Keriya, 339 ; sighted from Endere R., 423 ; last view of, 484

Kuen-luer Peak No. 5, 209 sq., 211 sq., 217 sqq. ; see Muz-tagh Kukyar, in Sarikol, 78

kul (kol), " lake," T.

Kul-langar, old site, 192

Kulma Pass, 80

kumat, name for jade pits, 254 Kumat, hamlet, 207 Kum-i-Shahidan, shrine, 268 Kum-Dawan, 77 Kum-rabat-Padshahim, shrine, 194


kunrush (a coarse grass), T., 154,183,

275, 305 sq., 330 sq., 345, 370,

411, 423, 427 ; used in walls, 437 Kunat, Pass, 236, 242

Kunat-aghzi, 236

kunjara, " oilcake," T., 299 Kushana kings, rulers of Punjab,

343, 360 ; nomenclature of, 400 ;

inscriptions of, 404

Kushanasena, 400

Kustana, ancient name of Khotan, 402

Kuya, 487

LABOURERS, recruiting of, 272 sq. ;

wages of, 254

Lachin-Ata, pilgrimage place of,

436, 438, 440

lacquer, ancient, 311, 405

Ladak, trade to, 203

Ladakis, 130

Lahore, stay at, 3 ; Campagna of,

163 ; Moghul gardens of, 469 ;

monuments of, 500

langar, " travellers' shelter," T.

langarchi, ' ' attendant at resthouse," T., 341

Langhru, 241 sqq.

language, of Wakhain, 45 ; unknown 1., 297 sqq. ; languages spoken in camp, 52

leaf-gold, used in ancient statuary, 260 sq., 326 ; on excavated image, 463 sq. ; found at Tamöghil, 447

leather, ancient documents on, 385, 390 sq. ; in bindings of Sanskrit MSS., 391

legend, of Ho-lo-lo-kia, 430 ; of Khotan stream, 293 ; of Somiya site, 265 sq. ; represented in ancient painting, 319 ; legends about Taklamakan, 323

Levies, of Hunza, 39 sq. ; of Kanjut, 33 ; of Nagir, 32

Chinese road measure, 119 Lieh-sieh, see Li-sieh

lihitaka, " letter," Pr., 402

Li-sieh (Lieh-sieh, Li-tsa), ancient local name, 311 sqq.

Li-tsa, see Li-sieh

Littledale, Mr. and Mrs., 124 Liu-Cheng (" Six Cities "), 313 Liu-Darin, Amban of Yarkand, 162,

167 sqq., 174 sq.

Liu-Kin-tang, temple in memory of, 133 sqq.

Liu-Lai-chin, 137

local cult, in Khotan, 195 sq. ; at Somiya, 266

local legend, of holy rats, 308

local tradition, continuity of, 439 local worship, tenacity of, 267 loess, banks of, 334, 407 ; erosion

in, 188 sqq., 366, 422, 444 ;

fertility of, 346 ; ravines in, 256 Lop (or Sampula), 443

Lop-nor, route to, 339, 342

lotus, represented in frescoes, 292 sq. ; grown in Kashgar, 292 ; pedestal in form of, 288

MACARTNEY, Mr. G., 8 ; Kashgar residence of, 120 sqq. ; his influence in E. Turkestan, 127 ; called Mashao-yieh by Chinese, 135 ; 149 ; acquires MSS., 309, 311 sqq., 315; 433, 471, 473, 480, 491 ; his services to research, xxii

Macdonell, Prof. A. A., xiii