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0136 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3 / Page 136 (Color Image)

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122   INDEX

huo-pei ch'ien : « currency-shell coins », name given in recent works to the i-pi ch'ien, bronze imitations of cowries.

See COWRIES, p. 539.

huo-shih : « currency goods »; the tzü pei were collected fot this use in Hai-nan according to Mao Chin.

See COWRIES, p. 541.

Huo-tun nao-êrh : Mongol name of the Hsing-hsiu-hai given in YS, i.e. Hodun na'ur; the name has nothing in common with Atuan or 0-tuan.

See COTAN, p. 416.

Hurmus : occurs occasionally for Ahura-mazda; form taken in Persian by the name of Hermes Trismegistus.

See CURMOS, p. 580.

Hurmuz : (or Hurmuz) Hormuz or Ormus in the Persian Gulf. See CURMOS, p. 576.

*Hurtuqta : Hu-êrh-tu-ta seems to represent that.

See CURMOS, p. 581.

Huruqtai : Ktilgän's grandson. See NOMOGAN, p. 796.

Husijin : mother of Ayaci. See CUBLAI, p. 568.

Hu"sin : tribe of Husijin. See CUBLAI, p. 568.

liana : rendered in Chinese by Hsiung-nu.

See COTAN, p. 411.

hügaêi :   mediaeval form

of the modern Mongol word ükärc~i.

See CINGHIS, p. 290.

Hügäci : the Chinese transcription and that of Polo seem to point to that pronunciation.

See COGACIN, p. 394.

Hügäci : (Raid) this is « Cogacin », Qubiiai's fifth son according to YS, and sixth son according to Raid.

See COGACIN, p. 394.

Hügäci : he was appointed prince of Yün-nan in 1267; he was poisoned in 1271.

See COGACIN, p. 394.

Hügäci : may be the son of Dôrbäjin. See CUBLAI, p. 568.

Hügäci : 6th son of Qubilai.

See CUBLAI, p. 569.

Hügäci : father of Äsän-tämür. See ESENTEMUR, p. 649.

Hükäci : this would be more regular than the pronunciation Hügäci suggested by the Chinese transcription and that of Polo.

See COGACIN, p. 394.

hükäcin : (hügai) mediaeval form of the modern Mongol word ükäréi.

See CINGHIS, p. 290.

hükin : this form occuring in the Secret History confirms the fall of the -r in Hügäci.

See COGACIN, p. 394.

hükär : > ükär, « ox », the mediaeval derivation of which is hügöii, hiikäöin.

See CINGHIS, p. 290.

hükär : (> ükär) « ox », one of the Mongol words which, in the Mongol period, were still pronounced with an initial h(< *p-) although the Uigh. -Mong. writing did not register it.

See COGACIN, p. 394.

*Hiikärtü-jubur   « Hökörtü-ju-

bur », mentioned west of the


See CINGHIS, p. 340.

Hülägü : (Hsü-lieh-wu). Abaya's


See ABAGA, p. 3.

Hülägü : (Bayan was sent to

Persia with).


Hülägü : grandfather of Baidu.

See BAIDU, p. 69.

Hülägü : (war with Barka) it was

directly or indirectly the cause

of the journey of the elder

Polos to Bukhara.

Real date of the conflict (?)

See BERCA, p. 94.

Hülägü : (about Kökä).

See BOLGANA, p. 98.

Hülägü : (when the elder Polos

reached Bokhara, the city belon-

ged to).

(See « Barac », p. 75).

See BUCARA, p. 109.

Hülägü : (Ghazan was the great-

grandson of).

See CAÇAN, p. 120.

Hülägü : brother of Qubilai.

See CAIDU, p. 127.

Hülägü : at his death, nobody could

go out.

See CINGHIS, p. 329.

Hülägü : according to some passages

of Raid, he was not buried at

the same place as Chinghiz-


See CINGHIS, p. 354.

Hülägü : Tolui's fifth son, born

about 1216, arrived in Persia

in February 1256, captured

Bagdad on Febr. 5, 1258 and

died on Febr. 8, 1265. Polo's

« Ulau ».

See ULAU, p. 866.

*Hümägäi : the prince of Ning.

See CINGHIS, p. 350.

Hvam : usual name for Khotan in

late khotanese texts.

See COTAN, p. 411.

Hvanna : _ *Hvanna, *Hvanna;

Hsüan-tsang's Huan-na is a

faithful rendering of it.

See COTAN, p. 411.

Hvamna- : usual name for Khotan

in late Khotanese texts.

See COTAN, p. 411.

hvamnaa- : adjective, « Khotanese ».

See COTAN, p. 411.

Hvamnya : locative sing. of a Kho-

tanese name of Khotan.

See COTAN, p. 411.

Hvana- : usual name for Khotan

in late Khotanese texts.

See COTAN, p. 411.

hvanaa- : adjective, « Khotanese ».

See COTAN, p. 411.

*Hvanna, *Hvanna : = Hvanpna,

a Khotanese name of Khotan,

Hsüang-tsang's Huan-na.

See COTAN, p. 411.

Hvanya : locative sing. of a Khota-

nese name of Khotan.

See COTAN, p. 411.

Hvatana- : usual name for Khotan in

late Khotanese texts.

See COTAN, p. 411.

hvatanaa- : adjective, « Khotanese ».

See COTAN, p. 411.

Hvatäna- : usual name for Khotan

in late Khotanese texts.

See COTAN, p. 411.

Hvatana-, Hvatana-   original
form of the Khotanese name for Khotan.

See COTAN, p. 411.