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0198 Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3
Notes on Marco Polo : vol.3 / Page 198 (Color Image)

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184   INDEX

« Mogelasio » : it is Mogadiso. See MOGEDAXO, p. 780.

Mogh : (moy) » palm », in the Hormuz dialect.

See CURMOS, p. 579.

Mogistan » : « Müyostàn », « Müyistàn ».

See CURMOS, p. 579.

  • Mogolistan » : in Fra Mauro, for the Persian coast opposite the island of Hormuz.

See CURMOS, p. 579.

i Mogolistan » : an alteration of Moyàstàn into this is hard to admit.

See CURMOS, p. 580.

« Mogostam » : occurs in Texeira's translation of the Chronicle of the Kings of Hormuz and in his extracts from Mirbbnd.

See CURMOS, p. 579.

  • Mogostam » : could represent a shortened form of *Mayalistàn or Moyôlistàn.

See CURMOS, p. 580.

moy : (Mogh) « palm », in the Hormuz dialect.

See CURMOS, p. 579.

Moy àstàn : Ibn Ballülah's form. See CURMOS, p. 579.

  • Moy-àstan » : there is no explanation for the use of this form; an alteration into « Mogolistan » is hard to admit.

See CURMOS, p. 580.

  • Moyistàn » : or « Müyostàn » (Ibn Battatah).

See CURMOS, p. 579.

*Moyistàn : there is no explanation for the use of this form. See CURMOS, p. 580.


Moyol » : the name was retained by the eastern half of the Moyol, when the name « Cayatai » was restricted to the western half.

See CIAGATAI, p. 254.

Moyolistàn : usually in Persian for « Mogolistan », « Land of the Mongols ».

See CURMOS, p. 580.

Moyalistàn : (or *Möyôlistàn) « Magostam » or « Mogostam » could represent a shortened form of it.

See CURMOS, p. 580.

Moyüi : Persian form of the name of the Mongols.

See CURMOS, p. 580.

Mohammedans : under the Mongol dynasty, there were regular officers attending to their affairs. See FUGIU, p. 728.

mob. : (Moch) « palm », in the neighbouring dialects of Hormuz. See CURMOS, p. 579.

« Mobor-Sosa » : writing of « Z:ayàn Siosa » in Altan tobei. The true

equivalent is « White Hsiaossü », « White Small Servant ». See FACFUR, p. 661.

Mok"sa : name of a Mordvan tribe. See ALAINS, p. 19.

*moku-men : Ch. mu-mien ought to have given this form in Japanese.

See COTTON, p. 461.

momen : the history of this Japanese name of cotton is hard to trace.

See COTTON, p. 461.

Mona-ban : this mountain mentioned on the northern bank of the Huang-ho must be the Munaban.

See CINGHIS, p. 344.

Mona hojo : (« Mona promontory »), this must be the « swollen place of the Minn ».

See CINGHIS, p. 344.

Mona-kôgäbür : the rendering « region of the Mona » seems inadequate.

See CINGHIS, p. 344.

Mona gosh : = Mona hojo, « Mona promontory ».

See CINGHIS, p. 344.

Mona gosi'un : > Mona gosô = Mona hojo, « Mona promontory ».


He would be a Naiman, whose
biography is given in YS, 131,

2 a-3 a, if his name was Nangiadai. Or this name represents Manghutai whose biography is given in YS, 131.

See p. 781-78.3.

Mongka (Submission of (ayàn-balyasun under).

See ACHBALUCH, p. 9. Mongka : who conquered Miehch'ieh-ssü (*Mäkäs).

See ALAINS, p. 19.

Mongka : cf. about the city of Mieh-ch'ieh-ssü.

See ALAINS, p. 19.


See ALAODIN, p. 25.

Mongka : according to Yule, he died of an arrow wound in Ho-chou. Polo should have mistaken him for Chinghiz. There are objections to this reasoning.

See CAAGIU, p. 114.

Mongka : (election and enthronement of).

See CAIDU, p. 126.

Mongka : spoken of as « master of the earth and the sea » by Stephen Orbelian.

See CINGHIS, p. 301.

Mongka : twenty thousand men would have been killed when he was brought from Ssü-ch'uan to Mongolia.

See CINGHIS, p. 329.

  • Mongka-}fan » : by Rasidu-'d-Din (but : « Qubilai-qaan »).

See CINGHIS, p. 302.

Mongka-tämür : T'u Chi wrongly supposed that he was the father of

See CIBAI and CABAN, p. 263. *Monyoltai : (?, *Monyutai?) Mêngku-tai (YS).

See ÇAITON, p. 589.

? Monyoltai (or *Monyutai) : the new Mongol name of Shih T'ien-lin.

See CAIDU, p. 126.

*Monyutai : (?, *Monyoltai?) Mêngku-tai (YS).

See ÇAITON, p. 589.

Monsharrarius : is Mount Ararat in Armenia.

See BARIS, p. 80.

  • Mons Barrarius » : the line of separation between the two Franciscan and Dominican archbishopric.

See BARIS, p. 80.

  • Mont Barcar » : in Cordier. See BARIS, p. 80.

  • Mont Vers » : it is the spelling

in F of the « Green Hill ».

See GREEN HILL, p. 739. Montecorvino.

See ALAINS, p. 23.

  • Monte d'Ely » : or Mount Dely. See ELCIDAI, p. 642.

  • Monte d'Ely » : « Mount Dely », a promontory jutting into the sea some 16 miles north of Cananore.

See ELI, p. 642.

•   monte Gordico » : in Ramusio A.

See BARIS, p. 79.

•   Monteharrario s : in Golubovich.

See BARIS, p. 80.