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0115 Marco Polo : vol.1
マルコ=ポーロ : vol.1
Marco Polo : vol.1 / 115 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000271
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




THE DESCRIPTION OF THE WORLD, THE CHRISTIANS FEAR but if you do not make it move, then you will show that you are to be thought wicked, R reprobate, and have no faith at all. I shall make them kill you all as false Christians VB or if you wish to escape from death you will come back to our good law which Mahomet FB our prophet gives us and will have faith and be saved by the very act ;for he who has z L 1 not faith ought to be killed ;for I am determined that there may not be more than one law and v one faith in my land. And to do this I give you respite from now for ten days. And if by that time you shall not have done it I shall make you all be put to death, or you will turn Saracens. • And if you shall do this, that is to remove the mountain, FB V I shall believe in your faith, and likewise all my people. Then the calif speaks no more and immediately bids farewell to the Christians, that they should go and think upon v FB what was needful to accomplish this act.


SAID TO THEM. And when the Christians have heard that which the

calif had said to them, knowing his cruel nature, that he did this only to spoil VB

them of their goods, they went away sad, and they have very great anger and great fear of

death and knew not what to do. But none the less they had good hope in their Creator' LT

our Lord Master Jesus Christ that he will help them from this great peril. And when VA V

they were departed from the calif they all met together and they were in diligent counsel, z

all the wise Christians who were the leaders there ; for there were [12d1 bishops FB

and archbishops and priests enough of holy life come there.. And they can take nor see V FB FB

no other way nor counsel but to turn to him from whom all good things come and to pray v FB

to their Lord the most high God that for his pity and mercy he may guide and stretch z z

out his hand to them in this action, and that he deliver them from so cruel judgement TA

and death as the calif would have done to then' if they should not do that which

he asks of them. What shall I tell you of it ? You may know quite truly that the

Christians were prostrate on the earth with very great weeping all day and all night in VB

prayer, and gave attention to nothing else but to pray devoutly the Saviour[Godlof the R

heaven' and of the earth that for his pity and mercy, and for the increase of his Faith. LT

that he might be known as the eternal God, he may plan to save them from this so great VB LT

shame and from this so great peril in which they are, and that he would not regard their v

sins. The Christians were in this great supplication and in this prayer with most VB

bitter tears and fasting eight days and eight nights, men and women, small and great.

Now it happened that at the end of the eight days, • in that night,3 while they were in FB LT

this supplication that the holy angel of heaven came again in a vision as messenger FB FB V



  • 28


' Z: redemptorem R: Redentore

2 sauaor deo cel probably, as B. suggests, for sauaor deu dou cel VA: dio chreator del .Melo s TA': la nona Notte TA': lottaua notte