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0284 Marco Polo : vol.1
マルコ=ポーロ : vol.1
Marco Polo : vol.1 / 284 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000271
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE




  • 117.

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WINE & CLOVES & GOLD OF THE RIVER BRIUS .MARCO POLO in great abundance. They have no wine of the vine, but they make wine of wheat -z VB and of rice with many spices mixed together, and it is a very clear and fragrant and pleasant and good drink. And cloves enough grow in this province. For it is a small VB VB tree which makes them,' which has twigs and leaves like a laurel in manner, something VB longer and more narrow. The said leaves of cloves look something like leaves of a laurel tree, FB L which leaves we call folio. The flower it makes white and small as is seen in the clove, VB R and when it is ripe it is dusky black. They have ginger also growing there in abundance, z L L and cinnamon as well and many other good spices enough unknown to us, which never come into our country, and therefore need not be mentioned. Now we will leave you this city2 of which indeed we have told you what was necessary, and we will FB tell you of the same country of Gaindu henceforward. And when one sets out from z z this city of Gaindu and one rides quite ten? days journeys to the borders of the province, FB he finds always cities and villages and hamlets enough. The people are of those same R VA R manners and customs as those of Gaindu of which I have told you. They have places z of hunting of birds and of beasts enough. And when one is gone these said ten days journeys then one finds a great river which is called Brius, at which the province of Gaindu is ended. And in this river is found great quantity of gold dust. There z VA Z is also cinnamon enough on this river; • and this river, it goes into the Ocean sea. FB FB Now let us leave speaking to you of this river where there is nothing which does to tell, and we shall tell you of [53a] another province which is called Caragian, just FB FB as you shall be able to hear and understand after this.


   z   crossed this river aforesaid then one finds and enters into the province

   z z   of Caragian which is so large and broad that there are in it actually seven'

z FB separate kingdoms. And it is towards sunsetting, and they are idolaters and are subject z z to the dominion of the great Kaan. But his son who has Esentemur for name is made

1 qe il fait Z: que ipsos producis(sic) VB,R to the same effect; but other texts omit this phrase.The text of VB is: Ano questi garofali i qualli nascono su picholi arbori i quali ano fronde e foie a modo de Rubage alquanto pini longe e pini strete parono le dite foie de garofali quaxi chomo foie de laurano le qualle foie nui apellemo folio i qual favo el fiore biancho et pichollo chome garofallo et quando e maduro quelo e negro foscho This is not noticed by YULE or B., though R reproduces part of it. Folio (folio d'India, etc.) is a Syrian or Indian tree of which the leaves produced the ointment ialabathrum, the tree being variously called malabathrum, folium, or laurus cassia (Vocab. della Crusca s.v.).

2 FA,FB,LT: "province" TA: contrata Others, "city" or omit.

3 Z, R: "fifteen" Others "ten"

4 VB: víij VA: zinque

