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0300 Marco Polo : vol.1
マルコ=ポーロ : vol.1
Marco Polo : vol.1 / 300 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000271
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE








  •  for his armies, though before he had had none for the army. In such way goes this battle FB FB and this king was defeated by the wisdom and skill of the Tartars as you have heard and can R understand. • This days work was the cause of the great Kaan winning all the lands of the king of Bangala & Mien, and making them subject to his rule.

  • I24 •   OW ONE GOES DOWN A GREAT DESCENT. When one leaves this province

   R P   of çardandan' of which I have told you above, then one finds and begins

   VA   to go down by a very great descent. For you may know quite truly that

FB one goes riding quite two days marches and a half on the decline. And in all these FB R two days [57b] marches and a half descent there is no dwelling and nothing which does VA P to mention except only that I tell you that in one place there is a great and broad VA P plain open space where a great fair and market is held. For all the men from the great L R mountains of that country round about on every side come down to that open space FB R on so many stated days and find there their market, that is three days a week; and FB they used to change gold with silver, for they have much of it, and give one saggio of FB FB gold for five of silver, & therefore the merchants who bring gold and silver come here

  •  from other very distant parts and change their silver with the gold of these people 7A and much merchandise, and it is a very great fair; and I tell you that they make great R profit from it and great gain. And the inhabitants arc not allowed to carry the gold out of the country, but they wish the merchants to come there with silver to take it, bringing the goods which they make for their needs. And the people of that country who bring their FB gold to this market, you may know that none can go to their houses where they live R VA to do them harm except those of the country ; for they live in such very high & strong FB FB R and strange and wild places and out of the way for fear of people. •And therefore they hold FB these markets in the said plain. And none knows where they live, because they wish that FB with them no one goes there but them. And when one has gone riding down these

  •  two days journeys and a half, then one finds agreat province which is toward midday FB L and is on the borders of Indie, and this province is called Mien. And through it one R goes fifteen days marches by very out of the way uninhabited places and through TA many woods and great forests where there are elephants enough and unicorns enough TA FB and many lions and other strange wild beasts in great plenty of all sorts. There are no FB FB FB men nor dwellings, and so let us leave speaking to you of these strange wild forests, for TA there is nothing to tell worthy of mention, and we will tell you a story of a country as you will be able to hear it.

1 VA,P: carayam