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0168 Marco Polo : vol.1
マルコ=ポーロ : vol.1
Marco Polo : vol.1 / 168 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000271
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE






R keep them. And the men do not receive dowries from them but give to their wives' for P their dowry flocks and slaves and money, &.according to what may suit his position & z L his power. But you may know also that he holds the first wife for the greatest & best.

  •  And again I tell you that if he sees that any of his wives is old & is not good' and VB that she does not please him he can well put her away & can take to wife the sister of z FB V the wife divorced, and do with them as he likes, and takes another if he wishes. • Again they

L take cousins for wives, and they are also allowed to take the wife of their father, FB VB VA except their mother, • & also the wives of brothers[or of ]every other relation. • And they do not z z V hold as sins very many grave sins which we have as mortal sins, for they live in this VB FB FB way like animals with no law. And therefore let us leave speaking to you of them then & we will tell of the others towards tramontaine. Moreover I tell you that Master VB VA Nicolau and Master Mafeu and Master Marc stay about a year' in this city of Campfio for their business which is not worth mention. And therefore we will FB V depart from here and will go forward sixty days journeys towards tramontaine, & will speak of manly things.

.63 •   VB   ERE HE TELLS OF THE CITY OF EÇINA. When one leaves this aforesaid city

  •               of Campçio he rides twelve days journeys and at the end of these twelve days journeys he finds a city which is called Eçina, which is at the head of VB the desert of sand towards tramontaine, and is part of the province of Tangut. And LT V V R all the people of that province are idolaters. And they have camels and other flocks of VB V P many kinds in great plenty. [z,6b] And there are bred heron or lanner and sakar falcons

  •  enough and they are very good. And there is abundance of many fruits & of animals. And they live on the fruit of the land and on flocks, nor are they men of trade.' And in z this city one takes as he passes through on the way food for forty days marches, for you may know that when one leaves this city of Eçina he rides forty days marches by tramontaine through a desert where there are no houses nor inns,' nor do people FB stay there except in the summer; and this is for the great cold which is found there in VA V winter. In the valleys and on the mountains of the desert one finds indeed there many waters in which there are many fishes and pike, and wild beasts enough,' and there are

' V: ano da quele moier

2 R: non si porte bene con le altre   Z: non bene se gerat

3 VA: Jnque ani P: anno vno VL: sete anni fatando mercadantie

4 V here inserts obscurely: et vieno molti marchadanti lutani et fornisse questa de tute vituarie et sono ben quaranta zornade lutani ede vno gran dexerto and then proceeds as in the version.

b erberges FB : herbages pour bestes TA': ne erbe ne frutti senone lastate

6 neuei demorent iens for lestee es uales & en montagnes hi treuue len . . R: ne stanno le genti se non l'estate ne i monti, & in alcuni valli. lui si trouano Of the three possible punctuations, B. has chosen

