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0281 Archaeological Researches in Sinkiang : vol.1
新疆の考古学的調査 : vol.1
Archaeological Researches in Sinkiang : vol.1 / 281 ページ(白黒高解像度画像)


doi: 10.20676/00000195
引用形式選択: Chicago | APA | Harvard | IEEE



Loin-cloths, 69, 71, 73-76, 90 f., 98, 137, 139.   Millet, 73, 84, 87, 236.

Lo-lang (Lak-lang), 119, 126, 132, 164, 168.   „   porridge, 70, 73, 84, 91 f., 236.

Loo, C. T. collection, 120, 126, 133.   Ming-6i, I99-20I.

Lop desert, 13, 27 f., 31-35, 45 f., 49, 6o, 82, 88- Minusinsk, 8o f., 133, 137, 157, 164, 189, 203.

90, 117, 146 f., 151, 16o f., 165.   Miran, 41, 45, 56, ioo, 160, 204, 223-229.

Lop desert, stone age of, 13, 27 f., 31-36.   Mirrors, bronze, 81, 119, 149, 152 f., 165, 171, 176,

Lopliq, population of Lop-nor region, 48, 62, 88.   178-182, 212, 214.

Lop-nor, 7-II, 18, 31 f., 36, 42, 46-48, 50 f.,   iron with silk cover, Ho, 115.

54, 138, 142, 148, 160 f., 168, 174, 180.   Modern settlements along Qum-darya, 58-60.
Lou-lan, 42, 45-47, 49-52, 57, 59, 83, 120, 126 f. Mohenjo-daro, 221.

Lou-lan graves : autochthon, see Cemetery 5, Mongolian rock carvings, 185-187, 191.

Grave 36 and 37.   Mongolia, stone age of, 14, 36 f.

Chinese, see Mass-grave I and 2, Grave 35.   Mongols, 124, 145, 186, 191 f., 198, 204, 211.

Chinese and/or Indian, see Burial places 6-7.   Monoliths, 202 f .

Lou-lan kingdom, 44 f., 104, 145, 224.   Montell, G., II, 168, 211.

„   authochthon population of, 35, Mo-shan, 195.

44, 75, 77, 84, 86, 88, 128, 140, Motor car exp., 7, 9, 42, 51.

144.   Mummies, 56, 61, 69 f., 74, 103, 136, 143 f., 146.

„   capital of, 45, 224 f.   Mummification, 56, 70, 76, 87.

Lou-lan people, intercourse with Chinese, 43, 144 f. Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, 9 f., 81.

„   intercourse with Hsiung-nu, 144 f., Mustela erminea, 75.

166.   Mänchen-Helfen, O., 185.

„   non-Mongolian features of, 67,

104, 144.   Nan-shan, 87.

Lou-lan station (L. A.), 32, 42-47, 50, 53 f., 10I, Necklaces, 74, 77, 93, no. Ho, 147-155, 159-161, 163, 165 f., 168-170, Net, 1S5 f.

173-176, 179-181, 2I0, 232.   Net sinkers, 151-154, 169, 173, 175, 178, 218.

visitors to, 148.   Niaz bai, 101.

Lo-yang, 109, 124.   Nishi Hongwan-ji, 89.

L. Q., 67, 138, 144.   Niya, IOI, 157, 168.

L. R., 159.   Nob-chun, 225.

L. S., 67 f., 138, 140.   Noin-ula, see Noyan-ola.

L. T., 54, 68, 138.   Non-Chinese coins(?), 153, 214.

Luan-p'ing grave find, 77.   Nordén, A., 187.

Luders, H., 233 f.   Norin, E., 9, II, z8, 34, 54, 161 f., 166, 179, 194,

Mace-heads, 151 f., 169, 176, 220, 223.   197-199.

Noyan-ola, 54, 81, 120, 127, 132 f., 137, 145, 168.

Main camp of exp. 1934, 52, 120, 122.   Nu-chih, 219.

Ma Ku, 212.

Malachite, 213, 216.   Oar-shaped wooden monuments, 62, 65 f.

Manchuria, stone age of, 14, 36.   Oglakty, 133, 137.

Mantles, 69, 71-73, 76 f., 90-92, 94, 98, III, 115, Oldenburg, S., 199.

131, 136, 138 f.   Opal, 70, 77, 90, 94, 174, 213, 215, 219, 221.

Mao Tun, 38, 44.   Ordos bronzes, 8o f., 195.

Maral-bashi, 13.7,style, 18, 164.

Marble, 151 f., 169, 176 f., 215.   Otani, S., 89.

Marco Polo, 204, 208, 228 f.   Ox-hides as covers of coffins, 68, 72, 136.

Mass-graves, 54, 118-136, 140-142, 145 f.   Ox skulls, 64 f-

)3'   reported at Charchan, 205.

Mazar-tagh, 12I, 229.   Padaki, 204.

Mealing-stones, 28 f., too.   Painted pottery, 13, 15-26, 34, 36.

Menghin, O., 23, 36.   Painted vase obtained at Charchan, 17-19, 21 f.,

Merdek, 50, ioo, 159, 181.   208.

Merdek-shahr, 90.   Palisade, 62, 66, 68, 72, 140.

Mesas, used as burial places, 54 f., 61, 118, 131,   Palmyra, 40, 125.

136, 140, 142, 145 f., 155.   Pamir, 23, 38, 41, 188.

Miao-erh-ku, 14 f., 19, 22.   Pan Ch'ao, 45•

Milk, 141, 239.   Panicum miliaceum, 236.